The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 332 Look at him, he looks like a dog!

Chapter 332 Look at him, he looks like a dog!

"I hope you won't disappoint me!"

Late at night in the Jiang Mansion, Xu Xin sent Jiang Yuyan away with a hint of tenderness in his eyes, and a ball of colored light appeared in his palms, which he absorbed into his Dantian to nourish, but did not refine.

This is the true energy of the supreme master who left behind the "transplanting flowers and replacing trees" and "burying flowers with empty trees" in the Liuren Divine Dice in the past. He sealed this ball of true energy in the Liuren Divine Dice, which could be used as a guide for practicing martial arts, or it could also be turned into an evil poison that could kill people.

The cultivation of grafting flowers and trees is conditional. If you absorb the true energy and forcibly refine it without translating the heart formula, it will probably backfire on you.

Jiang Biehe in the original timeline was like this. As soon as he opened the Liuren Divine Dice, he couldn't wait to absorb the true energy and refine it. As a result, it turned back on himself. In order to save his life, he killed his daughter Jiang Yuyan, which eventually led to her complete blackening.

Xu Xin knew these things and could also read Persian. After mastering the formulas and absorbing the exercises, he only studied them without practicing them himself.

As for the colorful light energy in the Liuren Divine Dice, he divided it into three parts. One part was still kept in the restored Liuren Divine Dice and was put back into Jiang Biehe's study.

Another copy has just been passed on to Jiang Yuyan to guide her in the practice of "transferring flowers and trees".

Xu Xin kept the last part in his body and studied it slowly. At the same time, it was also his back-up for counterattack. If Jiang Yuyan turns out to be...don't blame him.

After Xu Xin had arranged things in Jiang Mansion, he followed Tie Xinlan's scent and found Tie Xinlan and Hua Wuque talking in front of a pavilion.

When he came over, he saw Hua Wuque, who was very skilled in martial arts and didn't know what had happened to him. He covered his chest and retreated in embarrassment. He stumbled back to the pavilion and held on to the stone table, barely not falling down.

"Go away!"

"I told you not to come over!"

Tie Xinlan wanted to step forward to help him, but he shouted back sharply.

Hua Wuque's current condition is obviously not right. It seems that she is in terrible pain. It seems that she has been poisoned by a strange poison?

"Xinlan, if you stay away from him a little bit, he might get better."

Xu Xin's voice came, and the two people in the pavilion looked up at the same time. Seeing Xu Xin appear, Tie Xinlan ran over quickly.

"Young Master Wang, what's wrong with him?"

When Hua Wuque heard Tie Xinlan calling Xu Xin, he suddenly felt the sharp pain in his heart getting deeper, but the torturous discomfort became lighter.

"Yihua Palace is devoted to love, and Hua Wuque is a very special disciple. He comes out to travel around the world. In order to prevent him from making mistakes, the master of Yihua Palace should have put a method similar to love poison on him."

"Once his mood fluctuates too much, it will cause the poisonous insects to bite him. The most likely mood change to cause the poisonous insects to react is to be emotional!"

"Hua Wuque probably has a crush on you, so this Gu insect keeps torturing him. It's best for everyone to stay away from him!"

Xu Xin said this, Tie Xinlan turned around and looked over, and said softly: "Wu Que, is that so?"

Hua Wuque glanced at her in embarrassment, his lips parted, but in the end he didn't say a word. The moment Xu Xin appeared, he felt that the distance between the two was so far away. Although they were so close, the two hearts seemed to be separated by a chasm.

"Prince, do you know if there is a solution to this kind of poisonous insect?"

Tie Xinlan could tell from Hua Wuque's reaction that what Xu Xin said should be right.

"I have an immature idea..."

Xu Xin whispered something into Tie Xinlan's ear, and Tie Xinlan's jade face turned crimson and became bright and attractive.

"Xinlan, things between us should have been settled long ago."

Xu Xin suddenly said this, then stretched out his hand to hug Hua Wuque in front of her, raised his smooth and delicate chin, and picked up her pink lips.

Under the moonlight, the two of them kissed passionately like no one else was around.


Tie Xinlan was a little... nervous at first, after all, it was her first time, but later she became more proactive under Xu Xin's skillful guidance. In front of Hua Wuque, she put a pair of jade hands around Xu Xin's neck, becoming more and more proactive. fierce.

"Huh... Xinlan, you really surprised me!" When Xu Xin let go of Tie Xinlan, his face was slightly red, not because of shame, but because he was holding his breath.

"Wang Lang, stop saying such things, it's so embarrassing! Young Master, I didn't know you had any feelings for me... You are a good person, but Xinlan's heart belongs to Wang Lang alone in this life, I'm sorry..."

Tie Xinlan's complexion was rosy and radiant under the moonlight. She turned to look at Hua Wuque with a happy face, and then gave Lao Hua a good person card.

"I...ahem...leave first."

Hua Wuque only felt extremely heartbroken, and the pain caused by the Love-Ending Pill at this moment was nothing. He tried to think of something to say, but then he thought of his own situation, and finally he coughed twice and quickly left the place.

At the same time, there was movement on a small tripod placed on the stone platform of Yihua Palace.

The Grand Master of Yihua Palace, Yao Yue, observed this place whenever she had free time. The moment the strange movement happened, her beautiful eyes were like lightning, staring at the square cauldron, where the Gu worms of the Duanai Jueqing Pill were constantly shaking.

Palace Master Lianxing was also in the palace. He took her reaction into consideration and called out, "Sister?"

Yao Yue was clearly angry, but there was no trace of anger in her tone. Instead, she said coldly: "There is a reaction between the Duan Love and Jueqing Pills. One of these pills, if it feels the host's emotions in the body, will eat it. Bite his meridians, and others of the same kind will feel it even if they are thousands of miles away."

Lian Xing asked knowingly: "Then, he is the perfect one..."

"He was moved."

"We have taught him to be aloof and arrogant. Who will make him fall in love?"

Lianxing's words were not only an excuse for Hua Wuque, but also a puzzling. What kind of strange woman is a noble son like Wu Que who lives up to his name, who is elegant and cool, who would make him risk his own life even though he is fully aware of the effectiveness of the Love-Ending Pill?

This is nothing more than a huge variable in their plans.

"Don't forget, he is still young after all."

Yaoyue's expression was solemn, probably because she was equally curious, but also angry, angry that he and his father Jiang Feng had betrayed him exactly the same.

"Then what should we do?"

What else can be done, of course...

"Send someone to bring him and the woman back to the palace."

Lian Xing felt bad and asked tentatively: "Sister, what do you mean?"

"Bring it back and take a look first! Star Slave!"

The woman in blue who was standing by her side immediately lowered her head and responded: "My slave is here!"

Yao Yue glanced behind her, and Hua Xingnu and the other two maids trembled in their hearts and lowered their heads further. Yao Yue's voice was cold and stern, "Take the two of them and bring Wu Que and that woman back to the palace for me."

"Xingslao obeys!"

Hua Xingnu led his people to leave, while Yao Yue Lianxing stared at the small tripod, each with their own thoughts.

Xu Xin here looked at Hua Wuque's leaving figure and suddenly remembered something.

"Look at him, he looks like a dog!"

This is not that he is mocking Hua Wuque, who failed to flirt with girls, from the perspective of a winner, but it truly represents Hua Wuque's current situation.

Young Master Pianpian seems to be perfect, but in the final analysis, he is just a plaything that Ren Yueyue and Lianxing can train and play with, and he is even worse than Jiang Biehe who is a dog.

At least Jiang Biehe knew many things and could make his own choices.

(End of this chapter)

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