The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 334 I have leverage on Yao Yue and Lian Xing to make them obey!

Chapter 334 I have leverage on Yao Yue and Lian Xing to make them obey!

In the inn late at night, Tie Xinlan was taking care of her father Tie Ruyun in the room. When she walked out of the room holding the washbasin in her hands, she suddenly smelled a faint fragrance.

"This is?"

Tie Xinlan looked up, and a pink Begonia petal floated across her sight, and then she saw more petals falling in the bright moonlit sky.

one slice.

Two slices.

Three slices.

The number of pink begonia petals is increasing, and soon the ground in the yard is covered with a layer of petals, and the fragrance of the flowers is getting stronger and stronger.

Several graceful figures came over the moon. A woman in blue with an elegant temperament, followed by a woman in orange and green. The three of them were all good at lightness. They landed in front of Tie Xinlan amid the flying petals. The scene was even beautiful. moving.

"People from Yihua Palace? Are they here with bad intentions?"

Tie Xinlan guessed their origins from such a unique appearance, and thought of Hua Wuque who ran away that day. Then she noticed that their appraising eyes seemed to have a hint of hostility, indicating that they came with bad intentions.

"You are Tie Xinlan!"

The woman in blue spoke, with no emotion in her voice.

Tie Xinlan nodded and said, "That's right, you are from Yihua Palace? Did you come to me because of Hua Wuque? He was in pain that day, are you okay after you go back?"

"If you want to know his situation, just come with us to Yihua Palace."

The woman in blue, Hua Xingnu, spoke again.

"Sorry, I have other things to do right now, so I can't go to Yihua Palace with you."

Tie Xinlan refused without thinking. She and Hua Wuque were just friends. Today, the people at Yihua Palace came to visit someone with bad intentions, so she would naturally be wary. In addition, her top priority now is to take care of her father, so it is naturally impossible for her to leave with the people from Yihua Palace.

"No one can refuse the order from Palace Master Yaoyue!"

Hua Xingnu said coldly.

"How can there be such a domineering thing in the world? I will not leave with you. Please come back!"

Tie Xinlan frowned, refused again, and then turned around to go back to the room.

Seeing that she was so ignorant, Hua Xingnu was secretly filled with energy. Her tone suddenly turned cold and she said, "Then I'll forgive Hua Xingnu for being rude."

As soon as she raised her sleeves, a burst of white powder hit Tie Xinlan's side.


A violent palm force flew out of the room, and directly knocked back the powder mixed with Zhenqi of Hua Xingnu and exploded. The three maids of Yihua Palace used their palms at the same time. They managed to protect themselves, but they were also knocked out. It took a few steps to stand firm.

"Yao Yue and Lian Xing want to arrest my daughter. Have you asked me about Tie Ruyun?"

A majestic figure walked out of the room, it was Tie Ruyun who had recovered half of his strength.

"Crazy Lion Tie Ruyun, haven't you already disappeared?"

Hua Xingnu said in surprise, even though Tie Ruyun, the leader of the martial arts alliance, has a lot of talent, and the top sects of all parties are too lazy to compete for the top position, but his cultivation and combat power are not weak, and he is considered a top-notch expert among innates. It would not be easy for Liu Xi to defeat Tie Ruyun without engaging in intrigues.

Although Yihua Palace is not afraid of Tie Ruyun, the only two palace masters who can defeat him are Yao Yue and Lian Xing. The martial arts skills of maids like Hua Xingnu are not bad for ordinary martial arts masters. But when Tie Ruyun appears, they may not be able to complete the task assigned by Yao Yue. “Uncle Iron, don’t do anything yet!”

Xu Xin's voice came, and he appeared at the courtyard gate, with Diao Buyu following him, and Heizi appeared on the wall, already surrounding Hua Xingnu and the other three.

Xu Xin continued: "The three of you want Xinlan to go see the Lord of Yaoyue Palace. This matter is not non-negotiable. Please take us to Yihua Palace together!"

"You are going to Yihua Palace? Men are not welcome in Yihua Palace!"

"Hua Wuque is also a man! Jiang Feng in the past was also a man!"

"How do you think I compare to Jiang Feng?"

Xu Xin approached Hua Xingnu, his manners were elegant and graceful, and he had a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, like a good young master walking out of a poem. The familiar smile, coupled with Xu Xin's deliberate mention of Jiang Feng, made Hua Xingnu couldn't help but think of it. That year, the man who caused Yihua Palace to sink.

"Don't say that name! Why are you going to Yihua Palace? The two palace masters will not let anyone trespass."

Hua Xingnu's reaction was very exciting.

"Just like Jiang Feng back then, we are now being hunted by Dongchang and want to take refuge in Yihua Palace!"

Xu Xin said, bowing slightly to Hua Xingnu, and said: "Girl, please help me!"

"Two palace masters..."

"Perhaps, Lord Yao Yue will not want to kill me after seeing me... Moreover, this way, I can help you complete your mission..."

Xu Xin finally convinced Hua Xingnu and others to take them to Yihua Palace for "refuge".

"My dear nephew, Yihua Palace is not a good place. Even if I regain ten of my strength and join forces with these two brothers, I still have no chance of breaking out of it!"

On the way, Tie Ruyun found Xu Xin with worry in his tone.

"Uncle, don't worry, I have the leverage to make Yao Yue and Lian Xing obey!"

Xu Xin said confidently, Tie Ruyun didn't say much when he saw this, he just silently exercised his skills and adjusted his breath, striving to regain his full power as soon as possible.

This trip to Yihua Palace was a bit unexpected. Xu Xin originally thought that after his magical transformation, the marriage between Hua Wuque and Tie Xinlan was broken, and Yao Yue would no longer want to capture Tie Xinlan. Unexpectedly, the people from Yihua Palace actually Still found it.

But that's fine, he has long wanted to go to Yihua Palace.

In today's martial arts world, the number one sect on the surface is Yihua Palace, which is known as the forbidden area for men. Yaoyue and Lianxing have been the number one in the world for decades. Even if you add some hidden masters from the eight sects, there should be no one who can beat them.

The martial arts of these two women are very high. You can compare them with Liu Xi. Even if Liu Xi absorbed the five yang and two yin skills, he could not defeat Hua Wuque who had mastered the Hunyuan Zhenqi. At that time, Hua Wuque was inferior to Lian. The stars are much weaker.

Before Xu Xin broke through Xiantian, he was not sure how to deal with these two women, so he still had some concerns when he first entered the world.

But now he has gained a certain degree of confidence in restraining them, coupled with his understanding of the two of them. Perhaps, you can move to the Flower Palace to play with fire.

Xu Xin always makes decisions before he does anything. Since he already has the means to protect himself, it doesn't matter if he goes to Yihua Palace. He happens to be very interested in Yao Yue and Lian Xing.

There are many beautiful women in the world, but not many women with good martial arts skills. A woman who is both beautiful and skilled in martial arts and is still a virgin is a rare and precious treasure.

Xu Xin had tasted the sweetness of this kind of woman in the previous world, so it was not impossible to force himself to sacrifice his male sex and eat a little soft food. After all, he had been well-fed and well-fed since he was a child, and his stomach was not very good.

And when Hua Wuque faced him... Xu Xin was thinking too much. After everyone rested for the night, they set off to Yihua Palace early the next morning.

(End of this chapter)

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