The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 343 Good brother, will you come to see Xianer tomorrow?

Chapter 343 Good brother, will you come to see Xianer tomorrow?

"Someone is coming! Someone is coming quickly! Something happened to Miss Fourth..."

Xiao Yu'er's pretentious voice sounded outside Murong's mansion, and the guards guarding the door rushed to greet them. A carriage came to a stop outside the mansion, and four people walked out of it. They looked like one man and three women, but they had previously The "woman" who spoke was really... very unique.

The Murong family has two sons and two daughters. Murong Xian is the youngest, so she is respected as the fourth young lady in the Murong family.

"What's going on, Miss Fourth? Go and report it to the head of the family!"

When the guards of the Murong family saw Murong Xian being helped down by Lianxing, someone quickly entered the house to report to the current head of the Murong family, Murong Wudi.

"Master, the fourth lady has been sent back."

When Murong Wudi heard the guard's report, his heart skipped a beat.

He dotes on this little daughter the most. When he heard the guard say this, he couldn't sit still and rushed to the gate of the house as quickly as possible.

"Xian'er, what's wrong with you?"

When Murong Wudi saw his daughter being supported by Lian Xing, he asked with concern.

"Dad, I'm fine, it's just that the cold poison has attacked. Thanks to the help of these two people..."

Murong Xian explained the situation to Murong Wudi.

"Thank you both, the Murong family will remember this kindness."

The Murong family clasped their fists at Xu Xin and Lianxing, and then reached out to take Murongxian from Lianxing.

"You two, it's late at night today, so please stay in this humble house for one night. I'm going to treat my little girl's cold poison first. I apologize for my poor hospitality..."

Murong Wudi said politely, and then arranged for the housekeeper to send Xu Xin and the others to the guest room to rest, while he himself took Murong Xian to treat the cold poison.

There is a volcanic stone that is always hot in the secret room of the Murong family. It is a secret place belonging to the Murong family and cannot be known to outsiders.

"Master Murong, please!"

Xu Xin cupped his fists in return, and Murong Wudi apologized again, jumped up with Murong Xian, and left quickly.

The housekeeper of the Murong family came over to lead the way and invited them to rest in the other courtyard where the distinguished guests lived. As for Miss Fourth's maid "Little Trumpet", of course she was allowed to go back and rest on her own.

The Murong family in Jiangnan is an extremely famous martial arts family in the world. The Murong family of this generation has some yin and yang. The head of the family, Murong Wudi, has two sons and two daughters. Neither son is very successful, but the two daughters are among the four beauties in the world.

A few years ago, Murong Shu, the eldest daughter of the Murong family, was drafted into the palace and was named Concubine Shu by the emperor. She was quite favored. As the Murong family became relatives of the emperor, their status naturally increased.

The Murong Villa of the Murong family is built on the mountain, covering an extremely large area and is very grand. Every tile, every house, every flower garden, every rockery... is built in a small and exquisite way with unique craftsmanship.

"Two distinguished guests, please rest here tonight. The food and wine will be brought to you later. If you have any other requests, you can always tell the maids!"

The Murong family's butler had made good arrangements. Not long after he left, servants brought wine, food and various exquisite supper.

Xu Xin and Lian Xing entered the room and sat down. They each ate something and talked.

"I heard that there are many precious treasures hidden in the secret room of the Murong family!"

"What treasure do you want? There are many treasures in the treasure house of Yihua Palace!"

"No, I just want to go on an adventure!" "Then... you should go early and come back early!"

Lian Xing finally agreed to stay and cover for Xu Xin, asking him to come back early after leaving. She seemed to have guessed that Xu had bad intentions, but... she didn't stop him.

When Xu Xin got up, he hugged Lianxing and tasted a sweet kiss. He didn't pull away until the beauty was panting and full of affection.

After he left the room, he walked around Murong Villa. When he came to a rockery, he quickly disappeared.

Xu Xin's skills in traps were pretty good, and he soon found the trap entrance to the Murong family's secret room. With a crisp click, the door to the secret room was opened.

Xu Xin walked along the passage and soon came to a place. He entered a secret room and felt that the surrounding temperature seemed to have dropped a lot.

Xu Xin looked around and saw that the secret room was surrounded by all kinds of medicinal herbs. In the center of the secret room, on the big red stone, a little beauty whom I felt pity for seemed to have fallen into a nightmare. , curled up and shivering.

Xu Xin walked closer and saw that the volcanic stone was the square one under Murong Xian's body. He was very interested in this volcanic stone.

"What a magical volcanic stone. It can emit heat as long as someone touches it, but the heat is normally restrained. What's the principle behind this?"

Xu Xin pressed his palm to the side of the volcanic stone that was not red. It didn't take long for him to feel a wave of heat. The volcanic stone was heating up rapidly, and the place he touched became extremely hot.

Originally, when Murong Xian was suffering from cold poison, even if he took positive drugs, his body would be so cold that he would tremble, and his whole body would be covered with a layer of frost, as if he had turned into an ice sculpture.

But now she is lying on the volcanic stone, and the cold air emanating from her body is constantly being melted away by the heat of the volcanic stone, and she can sleep peacefully.

"However, this method seems to only treat the symptoms but not the root cause!"

Xu Xin stretched out his hand to feel the temperature on Murong Xian's body. His palm touched the little fairy's snow-white skin. Although the surface of her body was warm, it was still a little cold to the touch.


It seemed that Xu Xin's palm made her feel some warmth. The little fairy's head shook slightly and she came closer. After a while, she seemed to wake up a little and opened her eyes in confusion.

"Shh! I'm here to save you. Let's play a game. You can't open your eyes..."

Xu blindfolded the little fairy, and then... Jie Jiejie wanted to do something evil, but he was an upright person. Just think about this kind of plot in your head. If you really mess around, you will be punished. Harmony.

"You, who are you..."

The little fairy didn't resist much, mainly because she was too weak now, and any person with strong martial arts skills could take advantage of the opportunity and succeed.

Of course, if we really want to do something to her, it depends on whether the little brother can bear the cold poison, but her whole body is ice cold.

"Stop talking, I'm saving you!"

Xu Xin said this, of course he was rescuing people, that is, the method of rescuing people was a little too much, helping Murong Xian stimulate his own heat to fight against the cold energy coming from his body. At the same time, he also carefully checked her body, thinking about ways to get rid of the cold poison.

After a while, Murong Xian calmed down. His bright black hair was scattered, his snow-white skin was looming, and he broke out in a rare hot sweat.

There is also a delicate fragrance in the air, like orchid and musk, mixed with a sweet smell. It smells very good and comes from the little fairy.

"Good brother, will you come to see Xian'er tomorrow..."

When Xu Xin was about to leave, the little fairy's beautiful hand touched the corner of his clothes, seeming to be reluctant to leave. Xu Xin gave her the long-lost warmth, making her feel like she was in a dream. She wanted more from such a beautiful dream and really didn't want to wake up!

(End of this chapter)

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