The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 346 Liu Xi: Wang Shouren? Never heard of it, it turned out to be a little kid 3

Chapter 346 Liu Xi: Wang Shouren? Never heard of it... turns out to be a... little bastard

"The Lord Governor is coming to this humble abode, but it's hard to welcome him from afar!"

"Forgive me! Forgive me!"

Outside Murong Villa, Murong Wudi once again took his two sons out to greet him, but this time he picked up a dead eunuch.

The new governor of Dongchang is Liu Xi.

"Master, there is no need to be so polite!"

A red-robed eunuch with mottled temples and a deep gaze casually returned the greeting to Murong Wudi. He was none other than Liu Xi, the governor of the East Factory and the source of the recent turmoil in the Ming Dynasty.

In order to practice his incomplete "Absorption Technique", Liu Xi secretly harmed many martial arts masters in the Central Plains. This time, for the so-called "Five Yang and Two Yin" and "Seven Stars in a Row" legends, even the martial arts masters recommended by the martial arts heroes Alliance leader Tie Ruyun was also arrested.

However, these things he did were all done with the emperor's permission, or in other words, he was clever and asked the emperor for orders to suppress the martial arts. After receiving the "emperor's order", he deliberately acted vaguely to achieve his own goals.

Of course, it was also because the emperor didn't care about what Liu Xi did. The emperor just wanted to suppress the martial arts community so that Xia would have fewer cases of breaking the law with force.

Liu Xi chose to cause chaos in the martial arts world by arresting Tie Ruyun and instigate disputes among various factions. When many martial arts figures fight to the death for the position of leader, this will naturally serve the purpose of weakening the martial arts world.

When this plan was originally implemented, Murong Wudi also received the "emperor's order" to participate in it and help Liu Xi's men besiege Tie Ruyun and other "Five Yang" masters.

So to sum it up, there is some friendship between the Murong family and Liu Xi.

But for some reason, when he saw Liu Xi coming to the door and saying hello with a smile, Murong Wudi inexplicably thought of Xu Xin's previous words, and felt a little worried in his heart.

"The governor came here on purpose!"

Liu Xi's next words made Murong Wudi even more suspicious. He always felt that Liu Xi had bad intentions, so he continued to be polite.

"Oh, please tell me why!"

"The rules of the palace are that concubines cannot return to Ning for more than one month! It is the first time for Concubine Shu to return to Ning for marriage. I am worried that the empress does not know this. If she breaks the palace rules unintentionally, it would be bad for the emperor to pursue it, so I came here to remind you. "

At this moment, Concubine Shu led the palace people and slowly walked towards the lobby.

The eunuch announced loudly: "Concubine Shu has arrived."

Everyone, including Liu Xi and Murong Wudi, went out to greet him and salute him. No matter how arrogant and domineering Liu Xi acts, on the surface, he must remain respectful when facing the royal family.

Concubine Shu walked into the lobby.

There was a hint of hidden covetousness in Liu Xi's eyes as he looked at her.

The "five yangs" are easy to come by, but the "two yins" are hard to find. If it weren't for the yin year and the yin month, and it was really hard to find a woman with strong martial arts skills, Liu Xi would not have set his sights on Concubine Shu. This is the emperor's favorite concubine. Once the truth of the matter is exposed, he will definitely die.

Concubine Shu entered the hall and sat at the head of the table. Everyone in the room stood up. Murong Wudi and Liu Xi sat on the left and right of Concubine Shu and bowed their heads.

Concubine Shu said calmly to Liu Xi: "Eunuch Liu, I have only been home for less than a day. Is your reminder a little too early?"

Liu Xi said respectfully: "Back to your Majesty, this old slave is just afraid that your Majesty will forget and break the rules."

"Furthermore, the emperor's insomnia often relapses, so it would be better for the empress to return to the palace as soon as possible."

"Is this the emperor's decree?"

Concubine Shu sat calmly and asked calmly.

Liu Xi smiled and replied: "Hui, no, it's my governor's feelings for the emperor."

"Bold Liu Xi, as an eunuch, you are trying to figure out the holy will. Do you want to deceive the emperor?"

Xu Xin's voice came from outside the hall, loud and upright. He walked alone in front of Liu Xi and looked into the eyes of the powerful governor of Dongchang without fear.

"Who are you!"

"Wang Shouren! You should know this name!"

"Wang Shouren? I've never heard of it. It turns out that he is a small person with no official status. He is not worthy of being known by the governor!" Liu Xi looked at Xu Xin with eyes full of contempt and disdain, as if he was looking at a little loser, but in fact The moment Xu Xin appeared and heard the name Wang Shouren, his heart beat faster.

One of the important reasons why he left Beijing and went to Jiangnan this time was Xu Xin.

Xu Xin's operation in Jiangnan almost disintegrated and recovered a large part of his inner circle, forcing him to take action personally.

"I'm just not talented. I'm indeed white. I've never been an official, but I have the reputation of being a scholar. I'm going to Jiangnan with the emperor's order. I can be considered an imperial envoy. It's okay to file an imperial edict. Liu Xi, you are presumptively assuming the holy will. I will write a letter to the imperial court, you are a very talented person!"

Xu Xin did not look at Liu Xi, but looked north and bowed respectfully.

"You are sharp-tongued and eloquent, but that's all a scholar can do."

"A few days ago, the governor just arrested a censor named Fang. Before he entered the prison, he was as sharp-tongued as you, but now... humph... not only will he be unlucky, but his family will too. …”

When Liu Xi mentioned this matter, the expressions of Murong Shu and Murong Wudi beside him changed.

This censor named Fang had a close relationship with the Murong family. He was Murong Shu's teacher and an important network of the Murong family in the court. Now he was captured by Liu Xi and sent to the East Factory. This incident also made the Murong family feel something bad.

"The crime of being disrespectful and deceiving the emperor can lead to confiscation of your home and extermination of your clan. But I'm curious, Liu Xiangxiang, do you still have a family?"

"You are brave!"

When Liu Xi heard Xu Xin mention the word "Liu Xiangxiang", he became furious. Liu Xiangxiang is Ya's real name. He had this name before he entered the palace. Later he changed his name to Liu Xi, which meant a complete break with the past. Unexpectedly, someone has found out all the details.

"You are the only one who is bold. What you are planning now is not simply to deceive the emperor. It would be unfair to destroy all nine of your clans!"

Xu Xin glanced at Murong Shu unintentionally as he spoke. Liu Xi, who was face to face with him, was startled and subconsciously wanted to take action.


At this time Murong Shu spoke.

"Eunuch Hong, please give me the emperor's decree."

Murong Shu glanced at Liu Xi and called the accompanying eunuch to come in and announce the decree.

In Liu Xi's stunned eyes, a green-robed eunuch walked into the hall, and everyone hurriedly came.

"Your Majesty has decreed that Concubine Shu will return to Ning Province to pay homage to her ancestors and return to the palace after forty. I express my gratitude for this."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Murong Shu took the lead in thanking him.

Everyone shouted long live.

"Lord Governor, you don't have to worry now."

Murong Shu said this.

Liu Xi stood up angrily, with a look of unwillingness on his face.


At night, a figure walked outside the room where Liu Xi was resting. It was Murong Wudi.

Liu Xi was sitting in the room reading a book. The tea in the water cup on the table shook slightly. A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. He knocked out the book in his hand with a palm, broke the window and hit Murong Wudi.

Murong Wudi escaped the attack, but seeing that the situation was not right, he wanted to avoid the attack temporarily. Unexpectedly, Liu Xi had already taken advantage of the contact between the two people's qi to activate his power-absorbing technique, intending to suck Murong Wudi into the room.

The method of absorbing energy is basically a natural defeat for those whose skills are weaker than your own. Especially after the opponent successfully activates the absorbed energy, it is basically impossible to break free on your own.

(End of this chapter)

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