The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 348 Meng Lang’s story exposed

Chapter 348 Meng Lang’s story exposed

"Eunuch Liu, have you rested?"

Murong Shu's voice sounded outside the room. With the help of the broken window, she noticed that the room was in a mess. Liu Xi seemed to be... attacked?

She was a little unsure about the situation in the room, but she was also very curious about the situation in the room.

She had just tested Liu Xi's martial arts, and it was much better than both her and her father Murong Wudi. She was afraid that only her master, Nanhai Shenni, could rival him.

But such a peerless master who ranks among the innates is now being attacked by someone. It seems that the situation is not good. She is now eager to know the result.

"Eunuch Liu is on the ground. If Concubine Shu has anything else to do, please come back in half an hour."

Xu Xin's voice came out of the room, and Concubine Shu outside was shocked and didn't know how to respond.

According to what the man inside said, Liu Xi had been put to the ground by him. What was the origin of this man? Why did he take action against Liu Xi?

Concubine Shu had too many doubts in her heart, but she did not dare to act rashly. She asked tentatively: "My master, Nanhai Shenni, who is your senior?"

"You only need to know that I have no ill intentions towards the Murong family, but this guy on the ground is here to cause trouble for your Murong family."

As Xu Xin spoke, the "devil seed" had been deeply rooted in Liu Xi's body, and he was no longer interested in continuing to deal with Murong Shu. Although Empress Shu is said to be very moist, now is not the time to have in-depth contact with her.

"Senior, I don't know if I can tell you...Senior? Senior..."

Murong Shu continued to try to find out more things, but suddenly she had a strange feeling. The people in the room seemed to have disappeared. She asked tentatively twice more and found that there was indeed no sound, so she stepped forward carefully and looked through the damaged Through the window, I could only see a dead eunuch lying on the ground.


"Sister, I miss you so much!"

"Sister misses Xian'er too!"

In the warm room, Murong Shu found the little fairy who was about to take a rest and have a good chat with her sister whom she had not seen for a long time.

Murong Xian was very attached to her sister, holding her beautiful hand and leaning against her, with a smile as bright as a flower. Looking at her innocent and lovely sister, Murong Shu couldn't help but feel happy and showed a doting smile.

That night, the two sisters, who had a deep relationship, took a bath together as before.

In the bath, the two sisters sat side by side, chatting while taking a bath.

"Xian'er, what's this on you?"

The little fairy reunited with her sister after a long absence. She temporarily forgot about some abnormalities on her body, but the sharp-eyed Concubine Shu discovered some clues. Her slender jade finger pointed at a red mark and rubbed it for a moment.

"Uh... Well, sister, you also know that I often suffer from cold poison attacks. I probably got injured when I fell to the ground during my last attack!"

The little fairy's face turned red, and she hesitated and made a false excuse. As she spoke, she stood up from the bath, went behind Concubine Shu, and massaged her shoulders.

"Ah...hiss...Xian'er, when did you learn this technique?"

After a while, Concubine Shu felt that her shoulders were much more comfortable. She narrowed her eyes with satisfaction and asked tentatively again.

"Oh, it's Menglang... No, yes, yes, I learned it when I was dreaming!"

The little fairy was so outspoken that she almost exposed her happy love affair in the secret room every night.

"Oh? Really? Xian'er, you seem very nervous?"

Concubine Shu vaguely guessed something, but she didn't say it clearly. Instead, she teased her sister tentatively.

"Where is it?"

The little fairy blushed with embarrassment and hurriedly explained: "I'm just a little nervous because it's my first time to give my sister a massage and I'm worried that I won't do well!"

"Haha..." Concubine Shu smiled.

"Ha ha……"

The little fairy smiled awkwardly and began to change the subject, boasting about her sister's figure and skin, how white, tender and smooth she was, and how well-maintained she was.

"Okay, you! I haven't seen you for a while, and you've become a lot more courageous. You actually dare to tease my sister? Watch the trick!"

Concubine Shu was successfully attacked by the little fairy. The strange feeling made her heart tremble. She couldn't help but give the little fairy a blank look and started to fight back.

"Hehe... No! It's so itchy!..."

The water splashed, there was laughter, and the two sisters, who were as beautiful as flowers, started playing like before. However, Concubine Shu unexpectedly discovered that the younger sister seemed to have become a little perverted.

After bathing, Concubine Shu and the little fairy went back to their room to rest together, but they lay on the bed and had an intimate conversation.

"Xian'er, do you have a sweetheart?"


Murong Xian was shocked when he heard this.

"Xian'er, do you know? Your youthful appearance has already betrayed you. Dad, Azheng Azhong and the others were careless and didn't notice it, so naturally they couldn't tell. But sister and you are both women, and It’s someone who’s been here…”

A meaningful smile appeared on Concubine Shu's face.


The little fairy blushed with embarrassment and hurriedly separated her hands, unable to speak.

Murong Shu asked tentatively: "Is that Mr. Wang Shouren? He is indeed a young talent, and he has gained fame at a young age!"

The little fairy whispered: "No, no, people don't know his identity... I only know that Meng Lang is very good at martial arts. Sister, do you know that my cold disease was almost cured by Meng Lang? …”

Murong Shu's heart moved, she hugged her sister in her arms, and said warmly: "Little sister, tell me, I will help you with the details!"

The little fairy was not deeply involved in the world, was too well protected by her family, and had no defense against Murong Shu. She was soon tricked out of the Meng Lang incident in the secret room.

"Sister, what if... what if dad doesn't let me be with him?"

The little fairy was a little worried when she finished speaking, and buried her little head into Empress Shu Fei's broad mind, which seemed to be very motherly.

"It's okay, Xian'er. My sister supports you, but it's best for me to let my sister see your... Menglang!"

Murong Shu's eyes were particularly meaningful. The dream man described by the little fairy reminded her of the mysterious master who dealt with Liu Xi. If the two were really the same person, then their Murong family might have a very good one. Not a bad trump card.


That night, many people in Murong Villa had no intention of sleeping.

Murong Wudi failed to test Liu Xi, and his right hand was seriously injured. He groaned and sighed in his heart, and he tossed and turned all night, unable to fall asleep.

Concubine Shu coaxed the little fairy and talked about many things, and the two sisters barely managed to sleep for a while until the sun was almost shining in the sky.

The worst thing happened to the new governor of the East Factory, Liu Xi. Last night, Murong Shu made sure that after Xu Xin left, he did not enter the room to do anything to Liu Xi, but she did not care about him, and just let the dead eunuch lie there all night.

Xu Xin, the initiator of everything, fell into the warm and broad mind of Palace Master Lianxing, unable to extricate himself, and slept soundly.

 There were a lot of things going on today. Nowadays, the fraud is really targeting older people. I recorded it at around eight o'clock, and then I went home to wait for the results. The police said not to have too much hope. It was really uncomfortable...



(End of this chapter)

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