The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 352: Pan An and Song Yu are nothing, this is a man who makes even the mother-in-law unable t

Chapter 352: Pan An and Song Yu are nothing, this is a man who makes even the mother-in-law unable to walk.

In the early morning, the streets of Nanchang City were bustling. An unmanned carriage drove slowly down the street, and finally stopped in front of a mansion with a plaque of "Prince's Palace" hanging on it.

"The young master is here!"

Xu Xin walked out of the carriage. The concierge and guards naturally recognized him and immediately entered the mansion to report to the elders of the Wang family who had come to Nanchang.

Over the years, under Xu Xin's guidance, the Wang family's business network has gradually expanded, with branches in various places. In big cities like Nanchang with close local relations, they have bought mansions, and the Wang family is responsible for this part of the business. People look after them locally.

"Shouren, you are finally here!"

An elegant middle-aged man who was somewhat similar to Wang Hua walked out. This was Wang Hua's younger brother Wang Gun. He failed after repeated trials and got older, so he could only turn to secular affairs.

This time, he came here on behalf of Mr. Wang Hua and Mr. Wang Lun, and had full authority to handle the wedding of the eldest grandson of the Wang family.

In an official's family, betrothal gifts are favored.

According to the local tradition in Yuyao, scholars specialize in one subject. On the way to the imperial examination, they rely on the classic "Book of Rites" to advance step by step. They practice it over time. In life and in life, they attach great importance to the word "ritual".

For major marriage events, betrothal gifts are very particular. The family will draw up a gift list, and the final approval must be given by the knowledgeable and sensible patriarch.

The initial version of the royal palace's gift list was drafted by Wang Gong in strict accordance with the official version of Zhu Xi's "Family Rites" of the Song Dynasty. After careful review by Mr. Wang Lun, thirty-six gifts were selected, each in pairs.

The gifts in the Wang family's gift list are all very exquisite, and many items require errands to be purchased in advance, such as Yuyao worsted Gebu, Siming Leigong tea, Suning embroidery, Shaoxing daughter's red and yellow wine, Hangzhou silk, etc.

In addition to these dead animals, there are also some living animals that can only be purchased locally in Nanchang, such as tea trees and wild geese, and they need to be carefully selected.

These things were all handled by Wang Gun.

"Uncle, you have already paid your respects to the adults, right?"

Xu Xin and Wang Gun walked aside to talk. They said that in the past few lifetimes, this was the first time that he had ever had such a troublesome wedding. Even when he was the emperor and the consort before, it was not this troublesome.

Most people in Yuyao were working on the "Book of Rites", and the Neo-Confucianism that emerged in the two Song Dynasties had the most profound impact on this aspect.

Xu Xin hates this, but at present he can't change anything and can only accept it silently.

Wang Gun replied in a low voice: "I have had wine with you several times these days, and he doesn't have any objections to you. I just remind you to be careful, Dongchang Liu Xi is not an easy guy to deal with."

"I know this well!"

Xu Xin nodded, and Wang Gun didn't say much when he saw this. Xu Xin, the eldest grandson of the Wang family, had a very special status in the Wang family. Wang Hua and Wang Lun had to discuss many matters with him. Wang Gun, his uncle, was often asked to do things by him, so he naturally knew his abilities and character.

"Uncle, please make arrangements to send greeting cards. I will go visit you all tonight!"

"it is good!"

Wang Gun nodded and went down to make arrangements.

Visiting in the evening is undoubtedly a more intimate act, and it means staying for dinner and communicating more in the evening, so you need to communicate in advance.

Xu Xin entered the Nanchang Prince's Mansion and sorted out the recent news from everywhere. It was already afternoon and he spent another afternoon in Lianxing's room, soothing her into "sleeping clothes". Then he left the room and set off to the various mansions.

There are four people from the Wang family visiting the various mansions tonight. In addition to Xu Xin and the old scholar Wang Gun, there are also two senior members of the royal family who accompany Wang Gun on his affairs. When Xu Xin and everyone from the Wang family arrived in front of the Zhufus in a car, they had just handed over the greeting card, and soon someone came to greet them. It was Zhu Yongming, the young master of Zhufu, who was also Xu Xin's brother-in-law-to-be.

"My father is having a banquet with his colleagues tonight. I am afraid he will have to come back later. He asked me to receive all the relatives and friends of the Wang family well..."

Zhu Yongming is well-behaved, a very bookish young man, very handsome, but still a little worse than Xu Xin.

"Brothers, please be kind to me!"

Xu Xin greeted Zhu Yongming, and his brother-in-law-to-be also responded enthusiastically.

After Zhu Yongming led Xu Xin and others into the main hall, a servant came forward to serve tea.

Several older men from all the families came and sat in the hall chatting while waiting for the adults to come back.

After a while, there seemed to be some noise at the window facing Xu Xin's position.

Xu Xin's ears twitched and he naturally heard the movement. He glanced at Zhu Yongming inexplicably and met his brother-in-law-to-be's eyes. The two looked at each other and smiled.

At the window, a pair of smart eyes looked cautiously at Xu Xin's position. These eyes are big, bright, and full of aura.

When she saw Xu Xin clearly, her eyes suddenly became much bigger and her mouth opened slightly in surprise.

Although the young ladies from the Zhu family had long heard that Xu Xin was very handsome, she never thought that he was so handsome. Even Pan An and Song Yu would not be able to compare to her future husband-in-law!

After a while, the ladies came over. She said a few words to Zhu Yongming and Wang Gun and left. After all, she is a female family member and cannot be too public. However, when the ladies left, they glanced at Xu Xin again.

This was a very powerful and powerful glance, as if he wanted to clearly see Xu's face and figure and remember it in his mind.

"Brother Wang, I heard that your wonderful paintings are famous in the capital. This painting was created by my father in his spare time. I wonder if you can comment on it!"

At this time, Zhu Yongming suddenly spoke.

When Xu Xin heard this, he immediately understood the implication. He stood up with a smile and came to the calligraphy and painting front, revealing his complete body shape, posture and other aspects to the ladies and the peeping ladies.

"very nice……"

After the ladies who were about to leave saw Xu Xin standing up clearly, they couldn't help but murmur in a low voice. She couldn't be more satisfied with her future brother-in-law. Not only is he beautiful, but he is also smart and considerate. He is excellent in dealing with people and other aspects. Her daughter seems...

Outside the window, Miss Zhu's family became even more satisfied when she saw Xu Xin's tall and strong figure.

Xu Xin is not only handsome, but also tall and tall. In terms of appearance and appearance, he is definitely the best match in the world.

The mother-in-law-to-be became more and more satisfied as she looked at it. She was ready to leave, but now she couldn't walk away after looking at it. It was only when her brother-in-law-to-be Zhu Yongming coughed repeatedly that she realized what she was doing and left the lobby with a blushing face.

As the ladies left the lobby, Xu Xin's ears suddenly moved again and he heard some noisy little noises.

It turned out that Mrs. Zhu only allowed Miss Zhu to peek for a short while. Unexpectedly, Xu Xin silently completed the double killing of mother-in-law and bride-to-be. Not only was the mother-in-law unable to walk, Miss Zhu's family almost broke the window. Open the whole thing and look at it.

This kind of behavior was naturally not allowed, so the mother-in-law took decisive action and took away her unsatisfied daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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