The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 381 Jiang Biehe and Liu Xi’s Dog-Eat-Dog

Chapter 381 Jiang Biehe and Liu Xi’s Dog-Eat-Dog

In Jiang Yufeng's boudoir, Jiang Biehe was slapped to the ground by Jiang Yuyan. The black cloth hat fell to the ground, revealing a panicked face covered with traces of evil poison.

"Yu, Yuyan, I was just impulsive. I am your father. Spare me, spare me..."

Jiang Biehe collapsed on the ground, his body trembling, and he looked at his approaching daughter with great horror.

"Do you want to kill him?"

At this time, another man's voice sounded in the room. Jiang Biehe looked up, only to find a somewhat familiar figure. It turned out to be Prince Wang Shouren, whom his daughter Jiang Yufeng had longed for.

Why is he here?

Jiang Biehe was surprised by Xu Xin's sudden appearance. Suddenly, he saw his daughter Jiang Yuyan turn around and throw herself directly into Xu Xin's arms.

"Master, he wants to harm me. He is not worthy to be my father..."

Jiang Yuyan's voice was full of resentment. These days in the Jiang Mansion, despite Jiang Yufeng's help, her life was not that good. She didn't feel much warmth of family affection from Jiang Biehe.

"Wang, Mr. Wang, save me, save me... Don't you want to marry Yufeng? I will betroth her to you, Yuyan, and even my wife. I can drug them all..."

Jiang Biehe seemed to be in a state of confusion and was gibbering. He didn't know whether it was because of fear of death or some other reason.

When Jiang Yuyan heard Jiang Biehe's words, her aura became fierce, and her eyes when she looked at her father were filled with murderous intent.

"You haven't answered the question I just asked!"

Xu Xin held Jiang Yuyan's little hand and said warmly, looking at Jiang Biehe with cold eyes, as if he were looking at a puddle of mud.


Jiang Yuyan raised her head, nodded after a moment, and said, "Yuyan doesn't want a father like this. He can't afford my mother and wants to harm me. I'll send him down to stay with my mother!"

"He is your father after all!"

"Yuyan listens to the young master."

Jiang Yuyan behaved well and obediently in front of Xu Xin, but she didn't know whether it was because of her "love" for him or because of her doubts and scruples. Her abilities were all taught by Xu Xin.

"It's not good if you kill him with your own hands. It's better not to break through some bottom lines. I hope you don't kill anyone in your life!"

Xu Trusty picked up Jiang Yuyan's cheek and said softly that the stunningly beautiful woman in front of him was about to completely belong to him. This was definitely the best work of his training, but it was also the easiest to lose control, so he still had to give her some advice and warnings at the critical moment. .

"Yuyan understands and listens to the young master."

Jiang Yuyan is a very smart girl. Although she doesn't understand all Xu Xin's thoughts, she can still hear some hidden meanings. Naturally, she will listen to her sweetheart in everything.

"The method of enchantment I just taught you can be used by him to inspire the humiliation and courage in his heart, so that he can go to Liu Xi to fight for his life."

Xu Xin's indifferent words arranged Jiang Biehe's fate. He will become a pawn and a nutrient for Xu Xin to further stimulate Liu Xi.

Of course, it is also possible that Jiang Biehe killed Liu Xi and took away everything Liu Xi had. If he can do this, Xu Xin will be surprised and let him, Jiang Biehe, become the new demon furnace.

"Dad, it's an honor for you to serve the young master before you die."

Jiang Yuyan nodded obediently in front of Xu Xin, and walked slowly to the staggering Jiang Biehe, with a faint pink halo flickering in her eyes.

"Yu, Yuyan, dad was wrong, spare me, go around... uh..."

Jiang Biehe couldn't help but beg for mercy, but this could not change Jiang Yuyan's inner thoughts. As the faint pink halo penetrated his body, Jiang Biehe's voice stopped suddenly, his face became stiff for a moment, and then his whole body twitched.

"Ho ho..."

Jiang Biehe roared with unknown meaning in his throat, rolling around like an epileptic attack. Traces of evil poison appeared on his face and body. His power was also pushed to the extreme, and the aura on his body began to change. Gotta get violent.

"Bang!" Hearing a muffled sound, Jiang Biehe suddenly burst out of the door and rushed towards somewhere in the backyard.

"Liu Xi, you damn castrated dog, you have always bullied me. Today I have mastered the magical skill of Liu Ren Divine Dice, and I am finally not afraid of you anymore."

Jiang Biehe roared and rushed into the yard where Liu Xi was resting. After just a few encounters, he killed all those who blocked the way. The screams outside also woke up Liu Xi who was resting inside. Hearing Jiang Biehe Roaring crazily, with cold eyes, he flew out.

"Jiang Biehe, you are so brave!"

Liu Xi flew out and saw that the men he brought this time were almost all killed by Jiang Biehe. The remaining two people were also pinched by the neck and were about to die. He immediately used his palms to perform martial arts and shouted angrily. The last two men were sucked over.

"On the left and right, you retreat and go find the local factory guards. I will kill this traitor today!"

Liu Xi threw his two men aside and asked them to find someone. The dignified governor of the East Factory must not have anyone under his command to do things.

The two one-eyed guards responded quickly, and at this time, people from all over Jiang Mansion heard the noise and rushed over.

"Father, Biehe, please stop!"

When Mrs. Jiang Liu came to the scene and saw her husband Jiang Biehe and godfather Liu Xi taking action, she suddenly turned pale and shouted at them to stop fighting.

"Liu Xi, damn eunuch, you have been bullying me, today I must make you look good!"

Jiang Biehe's heavy palm was caught by Liu Xi forcefully. The two people's Qi collided, and the violent waves of Qi shook the courtyard.


Liu Xi snorted coldly, his body filled with a blue-purple halo, and said in a cold voice: "Jiang Biehe, I can suppress you for a moment, or I can suppress you for a lifetime. I should not have listened to my goddaughter and took in you, a betrayer. Traitor, a white-eyed wolf is a white-eyed wolf, you can’t even be considered a dog!”


When Jiang Biehe heard these words, he was immediately stimulated. He violently activated his energy and rushed towards Liu Xi. The air wave between the two people was even more terrifying.

"Godfather, Biehe, you don't want..."

Jiang Liu didn't know whether it was because of her fever or something else, but she rushed over.

"Go away, you bitch, if it weren't for this damn gelding, I would have killed you long ago!"

Jiang Biehe scolded Mr. Jiang Liu.

"Hmph! You can't even control your own man. You hide so many things from me. What qualifications do you have to be the governor's daughter? Everyone in the Jiang family will die today!"

Liu Xi also revealed his murderous intent, and the two of them faced each other again, and the aftermath of their true energy rushed directly towards the Jiang Liu family.


Jiang Yufeng finally arrived belatedly. When she jumped out to pick up Jiang Liushi who was knocked away, the situation on the field changed again.


Jiang Biehe suddenly screamed, and countless violent energy rushed towards Liu Xi and was sucked away.


After Jiang Yufeng helped her mother to fall down, she saw her father Jiang Biehe's body twisted, his power drained by Liu Xi and he died miserably.

(End of this chapter)

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