The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 388 Let Hua Wuque see how he became his uncle

Chapter 388 Let Hua Wuque see how he became his uncle

"Second Master?"

Hua Wuque looked at Lianxing in disbelief. When Lianxing said this, he began to believe it, because the feeling of blood connection cannot be faked.

Lian Xing glanced at Hua Wuque, "Wuque, Yihua Palace never accepts male disciples. Why do you think you were accepted? It's because you are also Jiang Feng's son!"

"When your mother betrayed Yihua Palace and eloped with Jiang Feng, my sister and I naturally couldn't let it go."

"Jiang Qin betrayed your parents, and Jiang Feng and Hua Yuenu left behind a pair of babies after their deaths. At that time, my sister was almost possessed, and her mind was possessed by demons, so I suggested that the two children should be sent to Yihua Palace respectively. Adopt Yan Nantian and let them fight to the death in the future!"


Hua Wuque couldn't hold back after hearing Lianxing's words. He originally thought that his second master Lianxing was a completely good person, but he didn't expect that she was the one who suggested this matter.

"That's right, if it weren't for Lianxing's suggestion, I would have killed you two long ago. Xiaoyu'er, Wuque, do you want to seek revenge from me?"

Yao Yue walked up to Hua Wuque. The disciple in front of her was the work of her heart and soul, and she still had some complicated feelings.

But Yao Yue is not a pity star. She only hates Jiang Feng and Hua Yuenu, so she has no sympathy for their children from beginning to end.

"Master, Wu Que, Wu Que doesn't dare..."

Hua Wuque subconsciously saluted Yao Yue. Over the years, he had long been accustomed to surrendering to Yao Yue's majesty. Although he would secretly disobey orders, he had never openly betrayed him.

"Do you still recognize me as your master?"

There was also surprise in Yaoyue's tone. She originally thought that Hua Wuque would betray him completely after knowing everything. After all, he had been disobedient several times before.

Hua Wuque solemnly said: "You and the second master have always been Wuque's masters, and Wuque has always been a disciple of Yihua Palace!"

Although he was frightened by Yao Yue and Lian Xing's plans, and at the same time had hatred for his parents...but the two people in front of him raised him up after all, and he really couldn't let go of that relationship.

"Wu Que, if you are determined in the future, take more care of the sisters in Yihua Palace!"

Lianxing spoke again at this time. She walked to Xu Xin's side and said: "Your two aunts are married to a handsome man who is more beautiful than your father. From now on, they only want to marry their husbands and raise children. I have no intention of paying attention to the disputes in the martial arts world anymore..."

Lian Xing put her arm around Xu Xin's arm, with a touching smile on her face. Xiao Yu'er, Hua Wuque, Yan Nantian and others only felt that they were burned on the outside and tender on the inside. Especially Hua Wuque, who couldn't accept it at all. His two masters were actually robbed by other men.


Xu Xin stretched out his other hand to Yao Yue. At this time, he almost wanted to say, you came at the right time.


Yaoyue snorted coldly, but consciously came to his side, letting his hands wrap around her waist, hugging the master of Yihua Palace from left to right, and her strategy level was fully increased.

Xu Xin smiled at Xiao Yu'er and the others and said, "Guys, today is a good day for me to pass the Gongshi exam. Would you like to go have a few drinks together to feel happy?"

After Xu Xin said those words, he hugged Yaoyue and Lianxing and left. The story of Xiao Yuer and Hua Wuque should actually end with this decisive battle.

"Old Hua, let's go, let's go to your "uncle"'s house and take a look..."    Xiao Yu'er helped Yan Nantian up, and after experiencing a duel with Hua Wuque, he looked away from many things and recovered. Instead of being cynical in the past, he actually took the two of them to attend the wedding banquet at Xu Xin's house.

"Laohua, why do you think the two palace masters fell in love with the man named Wang?"

Along the way, Xiao Yuer chattered about gossip and was thinking of ways to persuade Hua Wuque, who was obviously a bit over the top.

"He is really good-looking!"

Hua Wuque looked at the smelly man in front of him hugging his two masters, and had to admit that that guy was indeed more attractive and younger than him.

"Brother Feng back then seems to be incomparable!"

Yan Nantian rarely joined the discussion and commented honestly.

Xiao Yu'er, Hua Wuque and Yan Nantian started discussing, and no one continued to mention the matter of revenge.

It's not that they really gave up, but that the situation is stronger than others. They and others still saved their lives. Now they are discussing how to take revenge in the future. Isn't it just to let others notice and kill themselves first?

Of course, they themselves know the specific thoughts in their hearts.

Xu Xin came here just after marrying the prince. He was in a hurry and at the same time a little regretful that he could not witness the famous decisive battle between Xiao Yuer and Hua Wuque brothers. However, there was actually nothing to see in that decisive battle. of.

In addition, who would have thought that Yan Nantian would come here so suddenly. If Yao Yue and Lian Xing hadn't lured him away, this guy might have demolished the entire street and caused a big incident.

Xu Xin didn't think much about Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wuque, and it wasn't like girls wanted them. On the other hand, today's Yao Yue and Lian Xing are a bit out of their minds. At night, why don't they go over there and sleep together to comfort the two palace masters?

"what's on your mind!"

Xu Xin was thinking of a good thing, but the sensitive Yao Yue suddenly noticed it, mainly because someone just thought about it, and his hand slipped on her belt.

"I want to go to Lianxing Courtyard at night. It would be great if the Grand Palace Master could leave a door open for me!"

Xu Xin lowered his head to tease Yao Yue.

"Don't even think about it. I have to rest at night and let Lianxing leave the door open for you!"

Yao Yue said arrogantly that she didn't want it, but Xu Xin smiled meaningfully. I don't know who said last time that the sister should come first.

Xu Xin teased Yao Yue, and Lian Xing was reserved and gentle. He obviously didn't make any big moves, but the little hand holding Xu's hand was gently scratching his palm with her delicate jade fingers. The teasing intention couldn't be more obvious. .

The First Palace Master and the Second Palace Master were so cooperative that Xu Xin really wanted to kiss each of them in broad daylight and let Hua Wuque see how he could be his uncle.

But just thinking about it, kissing passionately in front of outsiders is a bit too advanced in this era. Not to mention whether Yao Yue and Lian Xing can accept it, even Xu Xin himself does not want this scene to be seen by outsiders. go.

Xu Xin returned to the palace with the two palace masters, followed by three tails.

The palace was very lively today, and it should be said that the whole capital was very lively. The prince was getting married, and someone was a high school scholar. Some people related to these two events held a banquet, and the noisy scene lasted until late at night.

That night, Xu Xin naturally went to the courtyard of the two palace lords. He first knocked down the arrogant eldest palace lord, and then carried her into Lianxing's room. The sisters had to come together, so what's the point? Something!

On the other side of the palace, there was a person who was very unhappy and kept smashing various things in the palace. She is... Concubine Wan Gui.

(End of this chapter)

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