The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 395: Absorbing energy from the air and protecting the body with Vajra, are you weak and stro

Chapter 395: Absorbing energy from the air and protecting the body with Vajra, are you weak and strong?

"Fire arrows!"

Outside the Jinluan Palace, with the sound of an explosion, a disheveled figure flew out of the terrifying pothole. It was vaguely identifiable as Liu Xi. The imperial guards outside the palace immediately ordered to release arrows. Even if they could not kill him, they still had to kill this dead gelding. of skill.

Wuyang Wuyang's archery team formed a formation, at least thousands of people, all of them raised their bows and arrows. The tips of the arrows flashed with a cold light, and countless arrows shot through the air.

Thousands of arrows flew high in the sky, temporarily blocking the light of the sky. I don't know if it was for this reason, but even the sky and the earth became dark. It felt like dark clouds were crushing the city.

"God can't accept me, Liu Xi!"

Liu Xi shouted loudly in the sky, and a terrifying black light rippled around his body. The purple brilliance turned into black, which meant that his skill had entered the next stage, and it was time to harvest the demon seeds in his body.

"Ding ding ding ding..."

Those gleaming arrows hit Liu Xi, unable to break through his Qi defense at all, and only made the sound of gold and iron clashing.

Black clouds were about to destroy the city, and the armor light opened towards the golden scales. Liu Xi swiped away a large number of incoming arrows, knocking down many imperial guards and countless people with one palm. He fell to the ground and wailed.


"All rivers return to the sea!"

Liu Xi felt the energy in his body surge, as if he had made another breakthrough in his martial arts. Just when he was laughing happily, Cao Zhengchun's voice came from the previously exploded hole.

Wisps of aura intertwined between heaven and earth, converging towards the hole where Cao Zhengchun was.

He had fought with Liu Xi before, and although he drove him into the ground, he did not gain the upper hand. When he escaped, he heard arrows being fired outside just as he was about to chase him. I was holding my anger and then used my big move.

Wanchuan Guihai is one of Cao Zhengchun's trump cards. Under the guidance of his Tiangang Zhenqi, countless heaven and earth energy condenses on his hands.

Slowly, slowly, a vortex of Tiangang vitality is formed. Just looking at it from a distance can make your heart tremble.

Cao Zhengchun bent his arms forward, pushing waves of air towards Liu Xi in the sky. Each wave of air was stronger than the last, with endless aftertaste.

The Tiangang Boy Kung Fu, which he has practiced diligently for more than 30 years since childhood, is stronger and more pure than the Qi that ordinary people have practiced for hundreds of years, and can easily move mountains and reclaim seas.

"The great method of absorbing energy!"

Liu Xi saw that Cao Zhengchun's move was not trivial, so he did not try to catch it forcefully. He held his right hand in the shape of a claw. He picked up more than a hundred imperial guards who were lying on the ground and blocked them in front of him to hit Cao Zhengchun. of Tiangang vitality.

More than a hundred imperial guards were swept away by Wan Chuan Guihai's majestic internal force, and several of them immediately exploded. Cao Zhengchun, who was horrified below, quickly deflected his power and used other tricks to deal with Liu Xi.

"Cao Zhengchun, I have made another breakthrough today, I will suck you now!"

Seeing that his move was effective, Liu Xi flew down to attack Cao Zhengchun. Cao Zhengchun also rushed out of the pit. At this time, Zhu Wuwu, Xu Xin and others in the Jinluan Palace also walked out to watch the battle.

On the huge white marble square, two figures were seen flying back and forth, like wind and lightning, chasing each other, bursts of sounds of energy clashing, like thunder, but when the energy exploded Within the scope, large pieces of white marble were scattered by the aftermath of Qi Jin.

Both of them can be said to be the ultimate in innate talent. In this world of "No. 1 in the World" where vitality is active, they have exploded with the supreme power of the world's top martial arts masters.

Their silhouettes intertwined, and they fought faster and faster, and their energy flew around. Even Zhu Wuwu and many powerful masters could not see clearly their fight. Only Xu Xin and a few imperial palace innate ministers who followed could see clearly. The moves of the two.

Wherever the energy passed, there was a roar, like thunder in the ears, and the two men moved like the wind, fighting evenly.

Their peak showdown was not only a magnificent scene, but also the celestial phenomena were changing. The clear sky was now covered with dark clouds, as if thunder was about to fall at any time.


Accompanied by another loud noise, the figures of the two people solidified again, both showing solemn expressions, blue veins protruding on their foreheads, each attack seemed to take a lot of effort, but after the attacks were sent out, they collided with each other, but There is no sound of cracking with any strength, it seems to go away as soon as it touches, like the breeze blowing. Listening to the thunder in the silent place, Xu Xin could tell that the two of them were fighting to the point of life-and-death. It looked calm and calm, but in fact they were facing each other for life and death. Although there was no huge force, the danger between them was far greater than that of Fangcai, and each move was full of meaning. There is no leakage of true power. If you are not careful, you will be in danger of defeat and death in an instant.

"Tiangang Boy Kung Fu!"

Liu Xi clapped his palm again, and Cao Zhengchun shouted loudly. The energy in his body was mixed, and a transparent infuriating mask visible to the naked eye was released, surrounding Cao Zhengchun, and even the ground was slightly dented.


Cao Zhengchun waved his palms, and an invisible force of energy hit Liu Xi. His whole body flew across the ground and left behind a dark ravine.

"Cao Zhengchun, if you want to die, I will help you!"

Upon seeing this, Liu Xi moved his hands and his breath changed suddenly.

There was a thunderous sound in the sky.

In an instant, there was a strong wind and darkness.

"The highest state of the Dafa of absorbing energy, absorbing energy from a distance!"

Liu Xi roared and stretched out his palms to grab. A frightening suction force, based on him, flew straight towards the flying Cao Zhengchun.

"This is……"

Cao Zhengchun, who was flying in the air, suddenly shrank when faced with this terrifying suction force. He was hesitant and without hesitation, launched the Tiangang True Qi vortex.


The vortex of true energy headed towards Liu Xi with the power to destroy the heaven and the earth. But this time, Liu Xi's power-absorbing technique reached the highest level he could practice, and with the blessing of the special energy in his body, he realized the method of absorbing power through the air, directly sucking away the Tiangang vitality.

"Absorb power from across the air!"

Liu Xi didn't stop after sucking up the mass of Tiangang, and released a terrifying black light towards Cao Zhengchun who landed on the ground, trying to suck him into his own power-absorbing technique.

"Tiangang Boy Kung Fu! Vajra Body Protection!"

Cao Zhengchun also stood still at this moment, and activated the secret secret form of the Vajra Boy Kung Fu that he had practiced for decades, which was the Vajra Body Protection, a special kind of innate power.

Tiangang Boy Kung Fu is an extremely superior boy magic technique. It is practiced with the innate Yuanyang. Cao Zhengchun practiced hard for more than 30 years before he achieved it. Yin and Yang work together, and the King Kong is indestructible. He is already one of the top masters in the world. This vajra body protection.

After the Tiangang Boy's Kung Fu is fully sublimated, the true energy transforms into Gang Qi. The two characters Tiangang in front of the Boy's Kung Fu represent that it can cultivate the innate Gang Qi, and the Vajra Body Protection is the secret technique of this innate Gang Qi.

"Vajra body protection!"

As Cao Zhengchun circulated his innate Qi, a layer of pale golden light appeared on his body. It is easy to become one with the surroundings, move the heaven and earth, and protect oneself.

He circulated the Tiangang Zhenqi, his sleeves bulged, and a shocking zhenqi spread throughout his body. With him as the center of the circle, the surrounding radius of one foot was covered by the body-protecting shield of this Gangqi.


As the black light collided with the golden light, the peak showdown between the Dharma Absorption Technique and the Tiangang Tongzi Gong began, with a terrifying oppressive momentum.

Absorbing energy from the air and protecting the body with Vajra, are they weak and strong when they are mature?

(End of this chapter)

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