The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 398: I am proud of the spring breeze during the day, but steal the imperial concubine at nig

Chapter 398: I am proud of the spring breeze during the day, but steal the imperial concubine at night

In the rubble-like Jinluan Palace Square, the emperor personally issued the decree, and officials from the cabinet and the Ministry of Rites also hurriedly took action.

Xu Xin and the other three people who were ranked second and third in Dingweike in the 23rd year of Chenghua were personally escorted outside the Meridian Gate by three auxiliary academicians. The Minister of Rites followed him and personally escorted Sandingjia to the main entrance of Chengtianmen. Coming out in a swagger, all the Jinshi were accompanying them on the official road on the left...

Xu Xin, the youngest number one pick in history and the only one in history, is in the middle, and the other two who should have been brilliant are the second and third overall picks.

The three of them were walking on the royal road that only the emperor could walk. Generally speaking, they will not walk on this path for the second time in their lives.

The three of them walked very slowly. The other two were reluctant to give up the glory of walking on the imperial path, while Xu Xin was simply wandering around, realizing the changes in the "devil species".

The Minister of Rites wanted to urge the three of them to parade around the streets several times to praise their officials, but in the end he remained silent. After all, if life is compared to a dream, then for scholars, what the three of them are experiencing now is the most beautiful and exciting part of this dream.

It is human nature to not want to wake up from a good dream.

Therefore, the Minister of Rites could only slow down and wait for them.

When Sanding Jia arrived at Chengtian Gate, they saw that a banquet tent had been erected there, and a golden list of Jinshi was hung in the tent. There were already Jing Zhaoyin of Shuntian Prefecture and the two county magistrates of Daxing and Wanping, respectively holding a bright silver horse. Mao, a tall horse dressed in red and colorful, is waiting at the foot of the list.

The Yin of Shuntian Prefecture changed the red flowers on Xu Xin's head into gold, and then put a red cross on his body. The two county magistrates also changed their clothes for the second and third place winners. Then Jing Zhaoyin personally handed the riding whip to the number one winner, and the two county magistrates handed over whips. Yu and Tanhua helped three people get on their horses.

Behind Xu Xin, there were banners such as "No. 1 Scholar and No. 1 Scholar", green fans, red umbrellas and other objects, and gongs and drums played in an array. Bragging a lot, he went out to Chengtianmen and arrived at Chang'an Street.

The broad Chang'an Street was crowded with men, women and children watching the excitement, all looking towards the direction of the palace. There was such a big movement before, but what everyone heard was that they wanted to know more news.

Fortunately, there are soldiers from Shuntian Mansion guarding the middle of the road, so no one will rush into the palace.

"It's coming! It's coming! The Number One Scholar is coming out!"

Suddenly the drums were playing loudly, and amid the festive music, two rows of Han generals escorted two officials of the Ministry of Rites dressed in red and flowers, and slowly came out carrying flags, dragons and golden banners. This golden list was escorted by the Minister of Rites and other Jinshi. It came out from the middle of the Meridian Gate and walked slowly on Chang'an Street.

The legendary ceremony of "Praising Officials on the Royal Street" began. Three proud men rode on bright silver horses and accepted the admiration and cheers of the people on Chang'an Street.

This is almost the most enthusiastic celebration among the people in the capital, because the rise from a poor scholar to the number one scholar in a new subject is the best inspirational story in itself, and it has always been loved by the people.

And this year's Sandingjia, the main reason is that the No. 1 scholar is very special. He is the youngest No. 1 scholar in history, and his father also won the No. 1 scholar six years ago.

Xu Xin is still very famous in the capital. On the day of his wedding, he walked around the capital and made many people know him. On the day when the test results were released, when the prince got married, as the official who welcomed the bride, he also wore similar attire. , parade around the capital.

Today is the third time, and it is the most lively one. After today, the people in the capital will probably recognize him as the unparalleled number one scholar in history.

On top of the silver horse, Xu Xin received the attention of countless people. The world loves him when he is young, and his extraordinary handsome appearance makes people scream in surprise again and again.

Men, women and children, crazy and screaming, threw the flower petals in the basket towards him. Those petals were blown by the wind and scattered on the sky street, making the new top scholar look like a god descending to earth.     "The spring breeze is so good that the horse's hoofs are broken, and I can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day."

With the sound of firecrackers and drums blowing loudly, the team of champions and boasters came out from Zuo Chang'an Gate. Except for Sanding Jia, the rest of the Jinshi were led to the Yamen of the Ministry of Rites as usual to prepare for the Qionglin Banquet.

However, this time such a major event occurred in the palace, so it was naturally impossible to follow the arrangements of previous years. Many Jinshi showed their faces and went through the formality, and then were arranged to hold a banquet in the palace. The emperor ordered it and His Royal Highness personally hosted it.

There is no good banquet, so the Qionglin banquet is held in the palace. Naturally, there are deep considerations.

The storm of Liu Xi's rebellion must be suppressed, and no information that is detrimental to the royal family can be leaked. This naturally requires the cooperation of all those who have witnessed it.

The civil and military officials, eunuchs, maids, and imperial guards inside and outside the imperial court are basically easy to deal with. It is this group of new scholars who have just entered the officialdom. It is inevitable that there will be ignorant young people, and naturally they need to be hardened to avoid making mistakes.

Of course, leaving the banquet to the Crown Prince to host is also a training for him.

As for our Emperor, it is said that after that incident, he went directly back to the harem to rest, and took Concubine Shu back to her original bedroom. He will turn over her name to sleep with her tonight. As for the Murong family who were framed, there were naturally dedicated officials to overturn the case and rehabilitate them.

After Xu Xin, the top pick, and the second pick finished their parade, they also returned to the palace to participate in this banquet where Qiong Lin also served as a sealer.

It was really miserable for Ding Weike to be a Jinshi. He had just entered the officialdom and experienced such a big mess. He should have had a happy banquet, but he was told all kinds of taboos by the officials accompanying the banquet. He had no idea what happened today. You must cover it up with all your heart, and not reveal any bad news.

According to Xu Xin's guess, after such an incident, most of the Jinshi in this subject will encounter difficulties in the officialdom in the future.

But all this has nothing to do with Xu Xin. He was once the prince's attendant and now the prince's confidant.

His future was uncertain because of this turmoil, but he was already certain that he would be able to rise to prominence smoothly.

Xu Xin petitioned for justice for the Murong family, which opened the prelude to Liu Xi's rebellion. This matter was successful but not fruitful. Although the chaos that followed was huge, everyone, including the emperor and the prince, felt that he did the right thing, and fortunately he detonated the chaos in advance.

As for the crazy thing Liu Xi did in the end, if he had been allowed to lie dormant and hide until the time came, God knows how much trouble he could have caused. By then, maybe not only the Jinluan Palace will be destroyed, but maybe the entire imperial city will be turned upside down.

At this night's Qionglin Banquet, most people were indifferent. Only Xu Xin and the prince's table were drinking happily.

Xu Xin was crazily drunk by the prince Zhu Youtang. The prince, who did not follow martial ethics, could not drink Xu Xin himself, so he ordered others to toast Xu Xin one cup after another. Xu Xin naturally had to wait until the end At the end, Officer Xu was carried back.

Of course, after returning to the palace, Xu Daguan did not even return to the backyard. Instead, he changed his clothes and sneaked into the imperial city again.

Under the eyes of many concubines in the inner court, he quietly broke into Concubine Shu's chamber where the emperor was resting tonight. He entered the palace at night and stole the concubine in front of the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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