The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 409: The immortal caressed my head, and I received the devil’s seeds through my hair

Chapter 409: The immortal caressed my head, and I received the devil’s seeds through my hair


Without any hesitation, Yagyu Sogan's samurai sword once again showed its sharpness. He held the sword in both hands and slashed it down hard. The sword energy intertwined, filled with endless killing intent, and devoured it in the direction of the black shadow.

This sword is the unique skill of the Japanese Yagyu family, killing the god with one strike.

With this swordsmanship, the Yagyu family is proud of Japan.

This sword is enough to change the color of the world and the earth, making ghosts and gods miserable. The energy of the sword drives the dust and raises a tragic white mist.

As Yagyu Sogan's sword fell to the ground, the world was suddenly filled with an extremely brutal murderous intention. The powerful energy caused the dust to fly on the earth, and the terrible sword energy turned into a tragic white thick fog, charging towards the direction of the black shadow. Come.

"Ding ding ding..."

For the first time, the black shadow was forced to accept the move forcefully. He raised his hand and rolled up countless green bamboos and shot them in the direction of Yagyu Muneyan. However, the roots of his sword were broken, and the distance between the two people was also very fast. Approaching.

"Nice trick!"

The black shadow spoke calmly, but Yagyu Muneyan's figure stopped three feet in front of the black shadow. The sword energy of the killing god suddenly stopped half a foot in front of him. An invisible barrier seemed to appear in front of him.

Yagyu Soen's killing god slashed with his sword, as if it had touched the sea, it dissipated without a trace, and even the corners of the black shadow's clothes could not be shaken.

Yagyu Souyan's eyes condensed. He knew very well the power of the killing god's sword, but now he couldn't even shake the opponent's clothes.

With such unpredictable methods, he is really a terrifying opponent.


Yagyu Sogan's thoughts were completed in the flash of lightning. Seeing that he could not continue to attack, he decisively stamped his foot on the ground, used the force to fly backwards, and struck out with a knife at the same time.

Yagyu Sogan quickly retreated, and a huge sword energy spanning dozens of meters quickly formed in the air and slashed in the direction of the black shadow.


The black shadow just stretched out his hand, and the invisible palm collided with the sword energy. A terrifying roar swept through the place, and the aftermath of the shock was filled with endless sword energy, instantly shattering everything around him. A large piece of green bamboo fell to the ground, with a radius of hundreds of meters. Within meters, only two figures were left standing.

"Have you ever heard of snow falling on earth?"

Soyan Yagyu said this, slowly raising the knife above his head, pointing the knife directly upward, and then drew a circle in the air.

Between the heaven and the earth, there were patches of snowflakes falling all of a sudden.

Although it was early winter at this time, the weather here in Japan was not so bad that it would snow. This was caused by Yagyu Sogan's sword intention. The moment the sword was drawn out, people felt a bone-chilling chill.

Amidst the heavy snowfall, Yagyu Sogan moved like lightning. During the movement, afterimages appeared all around him.

His speed was very fast, and in this strange heavy snow, it was impossible to tell which one was the real body and which one was the afterimage.

"This snow is floating in the world, it's amazing!"

With this thought in Heiying's mind, Yagyu Sect Yan stepped on the snow, leaped onto the snowflakes, and slashed down with a condescending move. The unprecedented terrifying sword wave crashed down like this.

"Snow is falling on the earth!"

Following Yagyu Sogan's whisper, the surging sword energy was overwhelming, as beautiful as snowflakes falling on the world, but there was endless murderous intention hidden in this deep beauty.

In this move, the snow falls on the world, locking the black shadow, and wherever the sword energy passes, it kills at extremely fast speeds, like a sea tide, surging downwards.

"Qiang!" The blurry black shadow really condensed at this moment, and an extremely brilliant sword light bloomed from his fingertips.

This sword light seemed to take away all the brilliance between heaven and earth, and countless creations in nature.

The infinite sword light is vertical and horizontal, extremely brilliant, and destined to be earth-shattering.

Under this bright sword light, the killing god slashed with his sword, and all the snow floating in the world shattered and dissipated, as simple and crude as destroying dry matter.


The light of the sword and the shadow of the sword collided vertically and horizontally, making a loud noise, and all of Yagyu Muneyan's snowflakes were broken. In a daze, he saw the black shadow quickly approaching and returning, and his mind was racing and he reacted quickly.

The moment Yagyu Soyan landed on the ground, a cold light surged in his eyes. He had already pulled out a short knife from his waist with his left hand, holding both swords in his hands. This was his desperate posture, but it was no longer useful.

The moment he raised his head, a sword finger touched his forehead. The position of the Niwan Palace between his eyebrows was also one of the vital points of the human body. However, most people would never be able to penetrate a person's head with their fingers, but the two people fighting in front of him were definitely Have this ability.

"I lost! Your Excellency, please kill me!"

Yagyu Sogan resignedly surrendered, dropped his swords from his hands, closed his eyes and waited for death.

"Yagyu Muneyan, do you want to live!"

"Even if Your Excellency spares Yagyu's life today, Zong Yan's life is short. It would be more glorious to die in your hands in battle than to die lingering on your sickbed!"

Soyan Yagyu said this after opening his eyes. This was also his true inner thought. As a samurai, dying in battle is more glorious than dying due to illness.

"I can save you, but what can you give me!"

The black shadow said this, and while retracting his sword finger, he took off the black scarf that covered his face, revealing a face that surprised Yagyu Soyan.

"Master Wang, you..."

Yagyu Zongyan looked at Xu Xin in front of him, completely unable to connect him with the scholar he saw during the day. He is also a master of the generation, with high martial arts skills, not inferior to Yao Yue, so he can feel the threat from Yao Yue immediately.

But he and Xu Xin have been fighting for so long, but he can't distinguish any aura of the person in front of him. This is really a terrible thing.

"The Yagyu family was once a powerful person in Japan. Are you willing to be reduced to a tool of those incompetent nobles? Don't you want to get your own glory back? I can give you this opportunity."

Xu Xin looked at Yagyu Sogan with his eyes. The height difference between the two was not very big, but there was a condescending look on him.

"The Yagyu family is willing to serve Mr. Wang!"

Yagyu Zongyan kneeled decisively, very much like his childhood days, and knelt down to Xu Xin.

"Accept my demon seed, from now on you will be my shadow in Japan, Yagyu Ichiken!"

Xu Xin's palm slowly fell on Yagyu Soyan's head, and a mysterious light entered his body. Yagyu Soyan's aura quickly transformed, and a faint line of light appeared on his forehead and between his eyebrows. Purple black texture.

The immortal caressed my head, and I received the devil's seeds from my hair.

Since Xu Xin took back the demon seed contained in Liu Xi's body, he has a deeper understanding of the martial arts "Jade Planting Demon Art", and he also wants to cultivate a second "Liu Xi", but he is not as good as Liu Xi. The "furnace" is not easy to cultivate.

The moment he saw Yagyu Muneyan in the daytime, he identified the "furnace" No. 2. He was highly skilled in martial arts but was short of life. He had a strong "obsession" and was the one who could carry his "demon seed". Good goal.

(End of this chapter)

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