The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 423: Yagyu 1 Sword Please Sacrifice the Sword

Chapter 423 Yagyu’s sword... please sacrifice the sword

"These shiny things are... colored glaze. These are priceless colored glaze beads."

"The blood red one, could it be the legendary blood gem?"

"Many, many crystals!"

"The treasure is really a big treasure!"

"There's a body here, a treasure map, there's a treasure map."

"The treasure house, the treasure house is on the island in the middle, but it's sealed."

Many people who came across the sea soon discovered something on one of the beaches. The scattered glass beads and crystal fragments immediately caused a fight, and some people even used knives for it.

In later generations, these things will be the kind that no one would want if they were thrown on the ground, but in this era, they are definitely treasures, such as Maotai's white bottle, which is purer and whiter than the best white jade of this era. It is no exaggeration to say that it is priceless.

"The treasure is just ahead, everyone, hurry up!"

"The treasure is mine."

"Don't fight with me, the treasure should be mine."

Countless people sprinted towards the central island of the archipelago with red eyes. However, many people couldn't help but stop in front of a strange wasteland.

There was a strange wasteland in front of him. There was a figure standing with his back to everyone. Opposite him, there was a blood-red pool. The strong smell of blood came from inside. You could vaguely see the blood gushing inside, as if something was about to come. Out of this world.

"who are you!"



At that moment, a few brave people stepped forward to ask questions, but the end was very miserable. Their heads were cut off by several sword energy, and the headless corpse fell to the ground, with blood pouring towards the central blood pool.

This scene frightened many people. If all the blood in that blood pool was human blood, how many people must have been killed by the man in front of him?

"You have such little ability, but you dare to covet the relics of the Southern Song Dynasty royal family? I don't know what to say!"

The old voice was as gloomy as a night owl. The owner of the voice did not look back, but continued: "The treasure is in front, but the black iron gate blocking the way is not easy to open. Without the key, the only way to open it is with the peerless god. The soldiers broke the door."

"I, Yagyu Ichijian, am here to sacrifice the divine weapon. I just need a few strands of the most powerful blood. Please sacrifice the sword for me!"

The old man with white beard and hair turned around as he spoke, and then a streak of blood flew out of the blood pool.


There was a white shadow in the void that rushed into the crowd with a bloody light. It caught the pirates who were full of evil spirits and started to kill them. He exhaled loudly, and his tongue burst with spring thunder. The word "kill" was wrapped with infinite murderous intent, which made countless people pierce their bones. Cold.

Vigor overflowed, murderous intent filled the sky, and a cloud of blood splashed and scattered. It was not known whether it was the blood of Yagyu Ichiken or the blood of many treasure hunters.

The blood of warriors is endless, and the heads of warriors are endless. But within a few breaths, more than ten people died, all of them the fastest pirates.


The resounding sound of gold and iron resounded throughout the world. The mysterious strongman who called himself Yagyu Ichiken was blocked for the first time. He was a swordsman with a cold face. There was no emotion in his eyes, as if he was a cold murderer. machine.

"Your ruthless sword is pretty good, and your ruthless blood can barely be considered the strongest blood. Sacrifice the sword!"

Yagyu slashed with the bloody blade in his hand, intending to cut the man in front of him in two, but the attack was still cut off by the man's sharper sword energy.

"Kill without mercy!"

The cold and ruthless killing machine spoke coldly, the sword in his hand emitted a cold light, and his whole person exuded an aura like a god of plague and a massacre of humans. I'm afraid that when the executioner who kills people without blinking an eye will see him, he will be so frightened that his liver and gallbladder will burst, and he will kneel on the ground. “Clang!”

There was another roar, and the young man who performed the Heartless Slash was sent flying directly. He is Ba Dao, the most famous "rising" swordsman in the Central Plains. It is said that he is expected to become the best swordsman in the world.


Suddenly, another figure sprang out from the crowd. He looked like a madman and seemed to have no sense. He picked up a knife and slashed at the two people in the field. The sword that he cut out faintly exuded an evil black energy, which was very strange. horrible.

His name is Gui Hai Bai Lian, and he is a peerless swordsman who is not inferior to the powerful sword. It's just that the sword skills he practices in daily life are too crazy, so he rarely fights with others, and his reputation is not as good as that of Ba Dao.

"Crazy crazy knife, hahahaha, what a great knife!"

Yagyu Sheng laughed wildly with a sword move, and then slashed out with blood light, forcing the Guihai Bailian Shengsheng to retreat.


The sound of a black sword resounded in the sky, and a ruthless and merciless sword intent filled the air. A terrifying chilling sword energy, like a white rainbow penetrating the sun, slashed directly to the ground beside it. .

It was another ruthless slash of the Tyrant Sword. Countless earth and rocks on the ground within a radius of several feet burst and rolled. The sound was like the sound of spring thunder, echoing throughout the battlefield.

This sword is more dazzling than the sun. Even if it is the Tiangang Boy Kung Fu, an indestructible defensive Qi, if the skill is not pure enough, it will be cut through by this sword.


Ba Dao's ruthless slash was caught by someone, and a white mist suddenly appeared on the spot, and then a figure in black clothes and masked suddenly came out in broad daylight.

"Why did you attack me? My Majesty Sato Kichinosuke, you have no ill intentions!"

The Japanese swordsman said that he meant no harm, but the ninja sword had already been unsheathed. If someone was really unprepared, he would probably "ask" for his head suddenly.

"I hate you, a gutter rat who plots to hurt people."

The cold voice of the tyrant was devoid of any emotion, and immediately the blade was pointed directly at Sato Kinosuke.

This time he chose to come to this island to hunt for treasures because he received news from Hongye Zhai. This place has the best materials for making swords, and he has the opportunity to compete with many masters to fight swords, which will help him grow.

In his previous fight with "Yagyu Itken", he felt that his bottleneck was indeed loosening. Since there was an opportunity for a breakthrough, he naturally had to choose a suitable opponent and fight happily.

"Mr. Sleeping Maniac Shiro, let's work together to deal with these Central Plains people."

Sato Yoshinosuke was born as a ninja. Although he could also fight head-on, he was good at assassination. Seeing that Ba Dao was pursuing him, he decisively dragged Ba Dao into the water and led Ba Dao to the side of Mian Kuushiro, a famous martial arts master from Japan who also belonged to Japan.

"Your Excellency, you..."

Mian Kuang Shiro is one of the rare "kind" people in the Japanese martial arts world. He rarely fights with others to the point of life and death. When he was dragged into the water by Sato Kinosuke, he did not draw his sword, but thought of persuading Ba Dao. However, what he got was indeed the ruthless slash of the domineering sword.


Miankuang Shiro's katana was unsheathed, and the sharp sword energy was accompanied by a sword light that was as dazzling as the sun. The sword was so dazzling that he narrowed his eyes for a moment and suffered a wound on his body.

Mukuro Shiro's famous stunt "Phantom Sword" is supplemented by a special method when moving the sword. It can attract sunlight to focus on the sword, blinding the enemy's eyes, thereby achieving a "hallucinogenic" effect.


There was a killing sound before the big treasure. Countless masters sensed the opportunity and fought together. Phantom sword, tyrant sword, domination of the world, Iga swordsmanship...the unique skills of countless strong men appeared one after another, and the terrible battle fluctuations made the entire island... It's shaking.

(End of this chapter)

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