The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 445 New topic: Can true energy be transferred to children on their own? Bloodline inheritanc

Chapter 445 New topic: Can true energy be transferred to children on their own? Bloodline inheritance?

"Wow wow..."

At the foot of Tianshan Mountain, in a small village outside Sanli Town, a baby's cry made the figure coming from the capital suddenly stop and quickly land on the ground, and in an instant he came outside to take a look.

Inside the room, I saw an ordinary-looking woman coaxing a child who looked like she had just been born. The material used for swaddling this child was quite particular, and it looked like it was not something that ordinary people could use.

"My child, Su Xin."

The first time Xu Xin saw the swaddling clothes, he was sure that the child was his bloodline. At the second time, he saw a jade pendant hanging on the swaddling clothes, which was a pair with the one on his body. Su Xin stayed with him before she left last year.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Xin roughly guessed everything.

That night in the capital, Su Xin had sex with him all night, and they had this child as soon as they fell in love.

Therefore, she and Gu Santong have been erratic over the past year and seem to have been avoiding him.

As soon as Xu Xin outside the house pointed out, the woman who was coaxing the child on the bed tilted her head and suddenly fell asleep. Xu Xin's figure outside the house moved and came to the child's side.

"Is this...infuriating energy? Dao seed?"

Xu Xin came to the bedside and was shocked when he saw the whole baby.

This child has just been born a few days ago. Generally, children with such a short period of time have wrinkled and ugly bodies, but the child in front of him is exceptionally round and cute, and there is a faint halo flowing between his forehead and eyebrows. It's like a Tianshan snow lotus is blooming.

Xu Xin could clearly sense that it was true energy, the true energy that originally belonged to him.

That night in the capital, when Gu Santong left with Su Xin, Xu Xin chased after her. In order to prevent Su Xin from being harmed in the future, he left a ball of true energy "Tao Seed" in her body.

This so-called "Tao Seed" is actually no different from the "Demon Seed" of Xu Xin's Jade Jue. They are all Xu Xin's means to deal with enemies or possible enemies in the future. Then it is a "Demon Seed" ", which is used to protect and nourish one's own people, is the "Tao seed".

Since Su Xin was Xu Xin's woman that night, he left the "Tao Seed" behind to protect her. Before the "Tao Seed" was exhausted, Su Xin was indestructible and could hardly be harmed.

"It's really incredible that the Tao seed has preserved this child's innate energy. Unexpectedly, the true energy has such a wonderful effect and can be passed down along the bloodline. Some of the natural "saints" in high-level worlds are like this... …Is it a mystery…”

Xu Xin's eyes flickered. The human body is indeed an inexhaustible treasure. The situation of the child in front of him made him feel again. This is a brand new topic! Bloodline inheritance?

He can be sure that the Zhenqi of ordinary martial arts people will never be like his own Zhenqi and this child. This is a unique, naturally born divine baby, and he will definitely benefit a lot from exploring the secrets of the Zhenqi in his body. shallow.

Xu Xin carefully picked up the child. It was strange to say that the child, who had been crying non-stop before, immediately stopped making noises when Xu Xin held him in his arms. A pair of small hands stretched out from the swaddling clothes, and There was a light touch on his chin.

"Good boy!"

Xu Xin gently held the child in his arms and disappeared into the village in an instant. In a few breaths, he was on the Tianshan Mountains where the terrain changed drastically.

At this time, several days had passed since the three days and three nights of the battle, and Xu Xin arrived a little late after all. He must have suddenly had a feeling on the night the child was born. On a whim, he followed the feeling and rushed directly to Tianshan Mountain. He "flyed" directly along the way. He used Qinggong to volley and kept moving with his true energy. In just a few days, he went from The capital city reached the foot of Tianshan Mountain.

Gu Santong and Su Xin hid the news very well. Although Xu Xin and Zhu Wuwu sent people to keep an eye on them, they were unable to find out much useful information.

Xu Xin didn't know how long it was between the Battle of Taihu and then the Battle of Gu Santong and Zhu Wuli Tianshan, so he could only send people to keep an eye on them.

The person he sent was Heizi, and he also asked Heizi to secretly watch Gu Suxin that night in the capital.

Then Heizi was discovered when Gu Santong rescued Su Xin. It was from him that Gu Santong learned Xu Xin's true identity and location, and he was able to find Xu Xin accurately that night.

So Heizi also knew about Su Xin's medicine that night, Gu San Tong led Su Xin to find Xu Xin, and a series of other things. Because he knew too much and it was inconvenient to stay in the capital, Xu Xin sent him out.

But I didn't expect that this kid didn't pay attention to anything, not even such a big thing as Suxin's pregnancy... Forget it, Gu Santong had to deliberately conceal and avoid him. Unless Xu Xin chased him in person, no one could catch him. Didn’t you realize that Zhu Wuli had been wandering around for a year, but failed every time?

Xu Xinxin thought about it, sketched out the causes and consequences, and soon went up Tianshan to the bank of Tianchi.

The battle between Gu Santong and Zhu Wuwu has ended. It is very likely that the development of things will still be the same as in his memory. He doesn't know if it is caused by some damn fate-correcting power.

Xu Xin is not interested in these two stinky men at all now. They are just "leeks" that he has raised, and he can cut them off at any time.

He came to Tianchi again and dropped the child without hesitation. The cold water of Tianchi was directly isolated from him and the child three feet away.

Xu Xin sneaked into the Tianchi with ease and quickly found the Xuanbing Cave. The body of the Tianchi Strange Man was still sitting here, and his carvings were also there. But there was something more in the cave, an ice coffin made of black ice.

This should have been cut and polished by Zhu Wuwu using Zhenqi Shengsheng. It is as transparent as glass, and you can clearly see the beautiful silhouette of the sleeping figure.

Su Xin slept in the ice coffin made by Xuan Bing, with a peaceful and rosy face, as if she had just fallen asleep.

"Su Xin, I'm sorry."

Xu Xin came to Su Xin and apologized very sincerely. He always loved only himself, but he also had feelings for the women he had had a relationship with. Whether it was a responsibility or a desire for exclusivity, he was not allowed to have sex with him anyway. The woman he slept with would be touched by another man in the future, so that night left a "seed" for Su Xin.

Daozhong is not only a kind of protection for Su Xin, but it can also be regarded as a "lock". Except for him who has the key, no one else can... But I didn't expect that such a thing would happen. "Taozhong" transferred to the child.

Originally, Gu Santong and Zhu ignored the battle, and Xu Xin didn't pay attention because he had "Tao seeds" and claimed to be able to determine everything. He didn't expect God to give him such a "surprise".

But it doesn't matter, Su Xin still has a chance to save her, which is the Tianxiang Cardamom. He is familiar with the plot, and it is much easier than Zhu Wuli to get the Tianxiang Cardamom.

(End of this chapter)

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