The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 447 The second demon seed is about to mature, the idea of ​​the No. 2 village in the world

Chapter 447 The second demon seed is about to mature, the idea of ​​the No. village in the world

Ming Dynasty capital, Wuying Palace.

Xu Xin could no longer remember how many times he had stepped into the palace where Emperor Hongzhi lived. Today, outside Wuying Palace, he was greeted by Eunuch Cao Zhengchun as always.

Cao Zhengchun took Xu Xin into the palace. To his surprise, besides the emperor, there was another person inside. It was Hou Zhuwu, the brave god who was planning to build the Dragon Protector Villa.

After Zhu ignored the arrest of Gu Santong and returned to Beijing to resume his duties, the emperor did not let him return to the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion to work, but instead asked him to be responsible for suppressing martial arts affairs. Hulong Villa was also established for this purpose.

Today the emperor asked Zhu Wuwu to come, and also summoned Xu Xin. Could it be that there was something in the world that he needed to give advice on? Xu Xinxin moved, recalling some recent information, and had some vague guesses.

"Your Majesty! Lord Marquis!"

Xu Xin bowed his hands casually, and the emperor told him that he didn't have to be polite, but Zhu Wuwu returned the salute formally.

"Ignore it, talk to Shouren about it."

After greeting a few people, the emperor asked Zhu to tell the story. As expected by Xu Xin, it was really something related to him, but outsiders didn't know his involvement in it.

"Your Majesty, that Yagyu sword was wreaking havoc in our martial arts community in the Central Plains. I tried to catch him several times but failed. He seemed to be deliberately avoiding..."

Hou Zhuwu, the God of Iron Courage, looked very angry after saying what had happened. His martial arts was vaguely known as the best in the world, but in the end it was the infuriating energy from others. , Qinggong and other aspects are average.

He had been trying to catch Gu Santong for a year before, but he failed time and time again. This time he tried to catch Yagyu Ituken, who kept challenging and killing masters from the Central Plains, but he couldn't catch anyone at all, which really made him angry.

Zhu Wuli was a very petty person who held grudges but not gratitude. Even his sworn brother Gu Santong was sent to the sky prison by him. He naturally remembered the "Yagyu Ichiken" who had snatched Wu Mu's suicide note from him. Clearly, I really want to grab that guy and suck him dry.

But he couldn't catch anyone, which made him very helpless.

Hulong Villa had not been established for long, and there was insufficient intelligence and manpower, so Zhu Wuwu came to the emperor to get help.

When the emperor heard that another figure in the world dared to be so arrogant in the Ming Dynasty, he couldn't bear it anymore. He first called Eunuch Cao, the top expert in the Ming Dynasty. Eunuch Cao said that Dongchang couldn't find anyone, and they discussed it over and over again. Why don't you let Mr. Wang, the smartest person in the world, come up with an idea?

After Xu Xin listened to what Zhu Wuwu said, he remained calm on the surface, but deep down he was thinking.

In the final analysis, this matter has something to do with him. Yagyu Ichiken is his second demon seed cauldron. It is Yagyu Muneigan, the father of Yagyu Taimamomo, a famous Japanese martial arts master.

When Xu Xin met Yagyu Sogan that year, he was almost exhausted due to a hidden injury, so he was subdued by Xu Xin and planted a demon seed.

However, unlike Liu Xi, Xu Xin's first demon furnace cauldron, Yagyu Zongyan, whose pseudonym is Yagyu Ikken, knew his situation clearly from beginning to end, so after completing some things without regrets, he began to challenge the world's masters to promote demons. Metamorphosis of species.

He first appeared in the world during the East China Sea Great Treasure Incident, and then challenged the Japanese martial arts, almost killing all the masters of the Japanese martial arts, and creating an opportunity for Yagyu Tajima Mamoru to become the leader of the Japanese martial arts alliance.

After that, he traveled west to the Central Plains, starting from the East China Sea, and dueled with masters and masters who were good at weapons along the way. Some of them were point-to-point, and some of them signed life-and-death certificates. Many martial arts masters.

Zhu Wuwu knew that Yagyu Yijian appeared, and of course he would look for trouble. However, Yagyu Yijian had the help of a demon species, and knew that he was no match for Zhu Wuli now, so he decisively chose to turn in and not meet him.

"Shouren, how are you? Do you have any good ideas?" The emperor asked Xu Xin, and Zhu Wuwu and Cao Zhengchun also looked at him.

"This matter is a bit troublesome. That Yagyu Ichiken is a pure martial arts idiot, just like the previous Gu Santong. If he doesn't want to fight with others, it is useless to force him."

Xu Xin's words made several people's eyes darken. This kind of guy who has no worries and no handles is the most difficult to deal with. The whereabouts of a strong martial arts expert are unpredictable. If you hide casually, basically no one can find them, unless they are willing to come out.

"However, according to what the Marquis said, the ones he challenges are all famous weapons masters, and the most famous masters of swords are the most famous ones. Isn't that right?"

Zhu ignored Xu Xin's question and nodded.

"If not, get the best sword in the world or the best sword in the world."

Xu Xin pondered for a moment and then said: "There are so many masters of swordsmanship in the world. It is said that there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. If in the name of the imperial court, the best in the world in a certain field is selected, I believe it will definitely attract people. many people……"

After Xu Xin finished speaking, the three people in Wuying Hall were thoughtful.

"Good idea, good idea. I think this method can be used more than once. The best conference in the world and the best talent in the Internet..."

After listening to Xu Xin's words, the emperor said a lot. He felt that recruiting many "best in the world" talents would definitely make the Ming Dynasty prosperous, and it could also be regarded as a kind of civil and martial arts.

When Xu Xin heard the emperor's idea, he realized that this would be the "No. 1 Village in the World" later. It could not only be used to attract talents, but also be a symbol of the strength of the Ming Empire.

"Your Majesty wants me to admire you, you are really wise and powerful..."

Eunuch Cao is very skilled at flattering the emperor. If you want to get ahead as an eunuch, what's the use of being strong in martial arts? If you don't know how to flatter a horse... How can you please the emperor by flattering the dragon? If you don't please the emperor, how can you progress to become a great eunuch? The ceremonial supervisor and the eunuch holding the pen are the pinnacle of eunuchs.

No matter how wise the emperor is, he prefers eunuchs who speak nicely, not just those who are capable. What can eunuchs do to be tough?

"Ignore it, you know better about Jianghu. Do you think you should choose the best sword in the world? Or the best sword in the world?"

The emperor was slapped on the fart by Cao Zhengchun, and his face was filled with joy for a moment, and then he looked at Zhu Wuwu.

"Today in the martial arts world of the Central Plains, there are countless masters of swordsmanship, but not many are among the best in martial arts. Among the masters of swordsmanship, there is only one Jian Jingfeng who is barely there, but he is not very strong. However, there are several masters of swordsmanship, namely All my brothers have to be careful."

Zhu Wuwu thought of what he had seen during his travels in the world over the years, and then listed the famous swordsmen he knew, including Ba Dao, the master of Jueqing Villa, Guihai Bailian, who was sworn to Jian Jingfeng, Shaolin's new abbot Liao Kong, and Qilinzi of the Qilin Sect. . There was another person, Diao Buyu, who was the head guard at Xu Xin's home.

"The leader of the guard at Shouren's house? That Tatar who is quick to separate sheep?"

The emperor looked at Xu Xin curiously. He, Zhu Wuwu and Cao Zhengchun all knew Diao Buyu, but if Zhu Wuwu hadn't mentioned it today, the emperor would have never known that Diao Buyu's martial arts were so high and his sword skills were so good. To the top three in the Central Plains Wulin.

(End of this chapter)

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