The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 455 If you dare to be "a loving father and a filial son" today and "conspire

Chapter 455 If you dare to be "a loving father and a filial son" today and "conspire to rebel" tomorrow, you must not keep this son...

In the Forbidden City, there is a side hall in the harem. This is the palace belonging to the fifteenth prince of the Chenghua Dynasty, Prince Ren.

Since the emperor fell ill, Prince Ren prayed for the emperor many times. Later, he contracted the cold and stayed in the palace to recuperate, under the care of his mother Shu Fei and his aunt Murong Xian.

When Xu Xin came here, he saw Murong Xian directing the palace maids and eunuchs to hang up white cloths. News of the emperor's death had been spread throughout the palace.

"The child is inside and still angry with you."

Murong Xian broke through the innate realm many years ago. His appearance has not changed much now, but his body and bones... have been developed wonderfully by Xu. Because of the troubles caused by cold poison entering the body in the past, and being in the palace all year round, it is not easy to have children.

"Ren'er, don't blame your father. He is in that position and there is nothing he can do..."

Beside the bed in the palace, the graceful and dignified Concubine Shu was persuading a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old. When Xu Xin came in, they saw that Murong Shu's face suddenly overflowed with a smile, and the young man immediately turned to If you don't look at him, you are like a child who is angry with his parents.

This is naturally Xu Xin's eldest son in this life, and he also has the character benevolence in his name. He is named after Zhu Jianshen, the Chenghua Emperor who has been in disgrace for many years. He is his youngest prince and the first close relative "emperor" born in the Hongzhi Dynasty. Heir", deeply favored by the emperor.

During those years when Emperor Hongzhi and the Empress had no children, they even loved and raised this child as their own. It can be said that they never suffered any injustice.

He is also the "son" of Emperor Chenghua, but Zhu ignores how miserable he is. The illegitimate prince is not included in the genealogy. If he wants to have a prince, it depends on whether the emperor is willing.

As for the brat lying on the bed, he had already agreed to be crowned a prince. The reason why he decided to become a vassal before he left was because he had not chosen a concubine yet.

He was born in the first year of Hongzhi. At the age of nineteen, he had not yet chosen a concubine. His parents and elders were too doting on him and asked him to find a suitable girl on his own.

With such an old royal relative still in the palace, there will naturally be criticism from the officials, but with Xu Xin, a true "father" who can suppress him, nothing will be a problem. The main reason is that Concubine Shu is reluctant to let go of her only child.

"call out!"

Xu Xin walked to the bed and raised his head slightly. Prince Ren, who was pretending to be sick, immediately felt that his strength had returned, and he immediately jumped up from the bed.

After the brat got up, he flew directly to attack Xu Xin, saying "Father is kind and son is filial" to vent his dissatisfaction with Xu Xin during the recent period.

However, his kung fu was trained by Xu Xin, and he knew the young man's character very clearly. Before the brat made his move, he was already on guard, so it was naturally impossible for him to be successfully attacked by surprise.

The father and son started fighting in the palace. The two sisters Murong Shu and Murong Xian were naturally worried. They were more worried about the brat. How could he be his father's opponent? There was a high chance that he would be beaten up again. pause.

Their hunch was correct. Even though this brat was very powerful and was trained by Xu Xin to an innate state at a young age using special means, after all, he had little experience in fighting enemies. What he knew was what I taught him, so what could he do with it? When things came to make a comeback, they quickly fell into disadvantage.


Xu Xin turned around to avoid the kick from this brat, and kicked him in the butt.

Is your child disobedient when he gets older? Just give him a beating.

Xu Xin adheres to this concept and is not polite in repairing this brat. Of course, he didn't hit hard, it was more of a pointer. He was quickly restrained and held down with one hand.

"If you are going to finish the fight, change your clothes quickly. Don't let everyone wait for you in Qianqing Palace. That would be too rude." After Xu Xin said this, he simply let go of his hand, and the brat in front of him did not He continued to do it, but took the white clothes handed over by Murong Shu and changed into them.

"You're not convinced."

Xu Xin glanced at this brat who pretended to be silent. Although this brat was naughty in the past, he was still very filial to his parents. It was just because of what happened recently that he felt dissatisfied.

Very early on, Xu Xin and Murong Shu told this brat about his life experience. Of course he was shocked when he already had a basic understanding of him at that time. Later, he even found out that even his close aunt was also... He quickly He accepted his own life experience.

When Emperor Chenghua died, he was not yet born and had no emotions.

Emperor Hongzhi and the Queen loved him very much and regarded him as their own child, but that was four years before Hongzhi. Four years after Hongzhi, they had their own children, and of course this love would be transferred.

The little baby who is only four years old, even though she can feel pampered, still kisses her mother-in-law and aunt more. So after he learned about his life experience with a little effort, he quickly accepted Xu Xin as his biological father. He also longed for father's love!

The eldest son of Xu Xin in this life is very talented. With Xu Xin's secret teaching and the resources of the royal family, he can learn everything quickly. The most accomplished one is naturally martial arts. His advancement is far beyond that of Zhu Wuwu at the same time. In the first month of this year, I just broke through the innate realm.

Such a gifted child, even if he was angry for a moment, Xu Xin had the patience to explain to him, otherwise he would just be a fool waiting to die... Impossible, absolutely impossible, he, Xu, could not have such a son.

"I'm not your opponent. Naturally, you have the final say in everything, but I just don't understand."

"Even if you can't save His Majesty openly, you can still pretend to do something, offer medicine, or use other methods. In short, there are many ways. Why don't you do anything... and don't let me save..."

The crux of the brat's dissatisfaction with Xu Xin is naturally the matter of Emperor Hongzhi. The emperor loved and valued his "emperor's younger brother" very much. He had been well clothed and well-fed since he was a child, and his treatment was the same as that of the prince Zhu Houzhao.

Royal resources provided for his training, and Prince Zhu Houzhao learned his skills from him. He called him uncle, but he was actually considered his younger brother.

Of course, Xu Xin allowed Zhu Houzhao to learn martial arts from him. If Xu Xin didn't allow it, Zhu Houzhao wouldn't be able to learn his true skills.

The emperor loved him so much that he actually regarded him as his son. He naturally respected and had feelings for the emperor. When the emperor fell ill, he wanted to save him, but Xu Xin stopped him. This led to a conflict between father and son.

"The emperor's longevity is so long. The emperors of this lineage don't live long. It has something to do with the feng shui of the palace. Even if he is saved once, something may happen again later."

"So, Hou Zhao may also..."

"I know this well..."

Xu Xin explained a few words, and the face of the brat in front of him looked a little calmer.

I still have a way of handling my son. Previously, if the emperor had not died, letting him out would cause bad things to happen at any time. But now it's a done deal, and no one can change it except Xu Xin.

On the way to Qianqing Palace, Xu Xin looked at the back of the brat in front of him and was already planning to kick him out of the capital and join the feudal clan.

If you dare to "be kind to your father and filial to your son" today, you will dare to "conspire to rebel" tomorrow. This son must not be kept. Liaodong is a good place, and the Northeast should be developed...

(End of this chapter)

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