The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 457: Gutou, you were number one in the world!

Chapter 457: Gutou, you were number one in the world!

"Thank you, Master!!!"

In the Jinluan Hall, the brat named Benevolent King, the eldest son of Xu Xin, was still angry. The loud shout echoed in the hall, like the thunder of the nine heavens, and all the civil and military officials felt their heads buzzing.

Everyone knew that this benevolent king practiced martial arts, but they didn't expect him to be so powerful. Could he be another iron-hearted god? No wonder he was "feared" and "exiled" by this grand master.

And everyone can see that he did this on purpose. When he shouted "Thank you, Your Majesty", he was respectful and his voice was loud and solemn. After shouting, he shouted "Thank you, Grand Master" at an inappropriate time. This was an inappropriate provocation.

Next to the dragon chair in the Jinluan Hall, Xu Xin looked at the brat who deliberately provoked him and wished he could go down and beat him up again.

Isn't it just to get him to join the feudal clan, and threaten to open a small account with his mother if he doesn't go? As for remembering it all the time!

So, parents should open a small account as early as possible, and "find" a playmate for the older child before he is fully sensible. Those who have grown up together will be closer to him. Instead of waiting for people to be adults and sensible before practicing trumpet, that would be bad for everyone.


The turmoil in the Jinluan Palace did not last long. The brat standing below knew very well that this was not the occasion for a constant feud with his father. After shouting "Master Xie", he stood behind Prince Xing Zhu Youqi. Everything was calm after that. As Eunuch Cao dismissed the court, today's court meeting ended.


In the Royal Garden of the Forbidden City, the emperor and a group of clan members held a banquet here to bond with each other. Since it was considered a private banquet, the emperor also said that there was no need to be too formal. He took the initiative to go off the stage to talk to the King of Ren, and the other princes also let go one after another. Eat, drink, and talk in small groups.

"Little Emperor Uncle, don't worry. Even if you go to Liaodong, I will never forget you. When the right opportunity comes, I will tease you back to Beijing and let's join forces..."

The little emperor drank a little too much and stuttered a bit when he spoke, but his feelings for the little emperor's uncle, who had played with him since childhood, were very sincere.

"Come on, that old man got me out because of Jianguo. I don't know how many years it will take to get it done..."

Niou rolled his eyes. He had no hope for his return. He would probably have to struggle there for the rest of his life.

Because he knew very well that what his father asked him to do was very important. It was to establish a country in name only, but in fact it was to build a country.

The situation in Liaodong is complicated, with many tribes and connected to the grasslands. Even with the full support of the Ming Dynasty, helping to send troops to sweep away and immigrate, it is not an easy task to completely establish a country and consolidate its rule.

However, he was not worried about whether he could accomplish this. Since his father asked him to go, he must have had full confidence and a comprehensive plan. After all, he wanted to set an example for the kings. First of all, he wanted to set an example for the kings. The one who eats crabs will definitely have the most resources.

"Teacher, it's true. You can wait a few years and let the little emperor marry the princess before you go."

The little emperor murmured in a low voice. He also knew that it was not a bad thing for his little emperor uncle to establish a kingdom. Compared with other princes in the Ming Dynasty who were almost equivalent to being imprisoned, it would definitely be better to establish a border fortress kingdom with the full support of the Ming Dynasty. It’s much more comfortable to raise a pig.

And seriously speaking, Liaodong is not that much of a "border". The straight-line distance between Liaodong and Beijing is about the same as that between Beijing and Nanjing. However, Liaodong is not that great in this era of bitter cold and inconvenient transportation. place.

However, compared to the grasslands, the Western Regions, Annan, and Nanyang, which are the places where princes are going to be migrated later, Liaodong is considered very good.

After all, Xu Xin will definitely help his own son develop. Roads will be built in Liaodong, and a large number of people will migrate there to develop the Northeast. Although the Little Ice Age was cold, it was not completely helpless.

"I haven't met the right person yet! I've been touring the capital over the years and going on outings many times, but I haven't met the right one. I'm very helpless!"

When the little emperor heard his little uncle say this, he felt envious in his heart. It was not his turn to make the decision about his marriage, but the little emperor could make the decision on his own. However, he was allowed to leave the palace at will in these years, and he was not able to meet his heartbeat. The daughter of an innocent family.

"Also, Xiaoshou! Don't call me little emperor uncle from now on. It feels weird." When Nioh mentioned the words "little emperor uncle", he could hardly control the expression on his face.

"The fifteenth emperor brother had a great time chatting with His Majesty!"

At this time, a voice came into the ears of the two young people. It was Hou Zhuwuwu, the iron-courage god. Over the years, he had become more majestic. He had two moustache on his mouth, which looked like he had four eyebrows.

"Marquis Shen, is something wrong?"

The smile on Niou's face faded. He did not have a close relationship with the Iron Lord.

Zhu Wulan smiled and said: "The fifteenth emperor brother is about to be granted a vassal status. I am here to congratulate you and give you some gifts..."

"No, we're not familiar with each other. Also, Lord Shen had better not throw bad things into my place. I'm sealing a country, not a vassal..."

Niou had long known from his father that the iron-gallant prince in front of him was not a good person. He did not appreciate his superficial good intentions at all, and even directly warned him not to send any secret agents into his feudal country.


At the end of the private banquet in the Forbidden City, the emperor's uncle, the iron-courage god Hou Zhuwu, broke up with the "little uncle" on bad terms. The issue of the benevolent king's vassalship was quickly put on the agenda.

After completely sending away his eldest son in this life, Mr. Xu found that he was probably going to be even busier and had to do many things by himself. So the "leek" raised in Tianlao could not be visited by himself. After taking care of it, what should I do? Of course, I would leave it to my other biological son.

Xu Xin finished handling a lot of things on his hands that day, and then he had time to go to Tianlao to observe the "growth and development" of "leeks". When he entered, he heard a very interesting conversation.

"Gutou, you were number one in the world at that time!"

Such a voice made Xu think that he had arrived in Tianjin and traveled to the world of "Huo Yuanjia", but in fact, the person who said this was his other troubled son.

"Come on, come on..."

Another voice sounded, full of old age, it was Gu Santong. More than ten years have passed, and he has become much older.

"Hey! Pretty boy, why are you free today?"

Gu Santong squeaked when he saw Xu Xin, and the brat who came to deliver the meal quickly jumped up from the ground and turned around, obviously afraid of being caught by Xu.

"Have you finished your homework? Why don't you hurry back after delivering the food..."

Xu Xin glanced at this brat in casual clothes, with fair skin and a faint something on his forehead. This was Su Xin's birthright.

Nominally he is a son of the royal family, and together with the other children adopted by his adoptive mother Cheng Huan, he serves as the young master's pupil.

This boy's treatment is not bad, but in terms of reading and writing, he is on the same level as the brat who was just sent away. But he has learned all kinds of fun tricks... I don't know who he is, Xu. How could such an incompetent guy be born?

(End of this chapter)

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