The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 469: Xue Ji and Piaoxu, both of them are indispensable.

Chapter 469: Xue Ji and Piaoxu, neither one can be missing.

"Uncle Emperor, everything in the capital and my rear area is entrusted to you."

The army was lined up outside the capital, and the young emperor who was driving the expedition and the benevolent king of Liaodong rode on a dragon together. Zhu Houzhao entrusted all important matters to the prince of the country, and the army set off and headed west.

Outside the capital, King Ren of Liaodong, who was overseeing the country, led the civil and military officials back to the Qianqing Palace. Queen Mother Zhang had been invited to come out to listen to the government behind the curtain, and ministers discussed and resolved all matters in the court with the governor.

"Marquis Shen, no matter what your thoughts are, I'd better not make any small moves when I'm around. I will always keep an eye on you."

After the court meeting on the first day, the Supervisor of the State came to Zhu Wuli to warn him that he had a lot to do in the Supervisor of Beijing. He had to be responsible for the rear of the little emperor in the west, and he also had to help his father conquer Yingzhou eastward to lay a foundation.

He didn't have much time to compete with this courageous and courageous god who had hidden ambitions, so he had to give a warning first, and it would be best to make him be more honest.

"What does this mean, the fifteenth emperor brother?"

Zhu ignored the confusion on his face and said: "I have accepted the late emperor's order and taken it as my duty to protect the royal family. Everything I have done is for the stability of our Ming Dynasty..."

"It better be this way."

Supervisor Guo stood next to Zhu Wuwu and continued: "Otherwise, I don't mind trying Shenhou's power-absorbing method. In the past few years, you have absorbed the power of two hundred people!"

After saying this, he left decisively, with no intention of communicating more with Zhu Wuli.

"How could he know... could he be the late emperor?"

The secret in Zhu Wuli's heart was once again known to others. This time it was his "brother", the youngest emperor's brother. The first thing he thought of was Emperor Hongzhi who had warned him.

Being suspicious by nature, he paused his secret actions after weighing the pros and cons.

Let’s put aside the turmoil here in the capital. After more than 20 years of immigration management and management in the Ming Dynasty, the Hetao Plain outside the Great Wall has gradually restored its former glory in the south of the Yangtze River and has become a rare large grain-producing area in the northwest. land of plenty.

The Hetao Plain has regained its former splendor, its status has become more special and its value has become higher.

It was impossible for the Ming Dynasty to give up such an important grain-producing land, and the grassland tribes also hoped to swallow this piece of fat. This time Dayan Khan went south. After many tests to confirm that Xu Xin would not return to the Central Plains, he became increasingly unable to hold back. The decisive battle between Ming Dynasty and Mongolia was about to begin.

On the Hetao Plain, in a small town built along the river, Zhu Houzhao personally led his army to form a formation to meet the enemy. He has received news that the little prince Dayan Khan's army is approaching. He is bound to win this time and there is a tough battle to be fought.

"The little prince Dayan Khan, the Mongolian tribes, the teacher beat them until they hurt. A wolf in the prairie, after being a dog for more than 20 years, is already a dog. As soon as the teacher left, he wanted to show his teeth in return, Then I will completely destroy you guys."

"A disobedient dog cannot be cooked properly if it is not raised properly!"

Zhu Houzhao's eyes flashed with a cold light. In the past, his father pardoned Dayan Khan out of consideration for stabilizing the grassland.

More than twenty years ago, the members of the Mongolian Golden Family withered away, leaving only the little prince Dayan Khan, a direct male. If that guy was really killed, the grassland would be in chaos. In order to establish prestige, the winner must choose He went south to the Central Plains to take revenge, so he was finally released.

But now more than twenty years have passed, and the situation in Ming Dynasty and the grassland has become different from before.

The Ming Dynasty is now at the peak of its national power. Even if there is a war on two fronts, it is not afraid of the grassland. If it finds an opportunity, it can even level the grassland in one fell swoop and clear out the holes.

So this time, he was not going to pardon Dayan Khan. The little emperor was going to kill the hero who unified the tribes and revived Mongolia, and used his head to intimidate all parties.

"Father, please watch from the sky. Shou'er will not lose this battle..."

Zhu Houzhao walked out of the tent and looked at the sky, praying silently in his heart. On the day of the decisive battle, the Mongolian tribes led by Dayan Khan were blocked. The weather was good at this time, the sun was shining high, and the flags on both sides were swaying. The armies of the two sides were facing each other, and they could launch a charge and start a battle at any time.

Zhu Houzhao, dressed in battle armor, rode his horse to the front of the vanguard army and shouted in a military parade: "The Ming army is mighty!"

"The general is mighty!"

"The Ming army is mighty!"

Zhu Houzhao shouted again.

"Long live the Emperor!"

The vanguard cavalry raised their swords in response.

"Soldiers, today we will fight to the death with the enemy's main force...many people will die before the sun sets today."

"My last will is, if you see me fall off my horse, don't mourn, don't stop charging... I'll fight to the death..."

"The sun, moon, mountains and rivers will always be there, and the Ming Dynasty will always be there!"

Zhu Houzhao drew his sword, rode his horse and clashed swords with the cavalry in front of the formation, showing his enthusiasm and courage. Finally, he pulled his horse, faced Dayan Khan's army, and roared with his sword.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Behind Zhu Houzhao, countless soldiers of the Ming Dynasty responded passionately. The emperor was on the front line of the battle. This has not happened for many years. It is really a morale booster.

"Generals of the Ming Dynasty, follow me and kill!"

The little emperor of the Ming Dynasty roared angrily and charged forward on horseback. The cavalry on the flanks were already prepared to attack first and protect him, so it was impossible for the emperor to really be in the forefront.

However, the emperor's effect as a vanguard was too powerful, and morale immediately exploded. The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty fought bravely to take the lead, and the torrent of steel was overwhelming. The army of the grassland tribes was overwhelmed in one battle, completely interrupting the hope of Mongolia's revival.

In the battle on the Hetao Grassland, Zhu Houzhao won very well. The young prince Dayan Khan was killed by him. Some of his sons were captured and some chose to surrender.

After this battle, the prestige of Emperor Zhengde was established, and the name of the emperor in the grassland changed. He was respectfully called the Great Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and the voice of "Long Live the Emperor" resounded throughout the northwest.

After this battle, Zhu Houzhao's majesty in the army was close to that of Emperor Taizong Wen of Yongle Zhu Di. He was ranked among the top three emperors of the Ming Dynasty, and the final battle was the final battle.

The battle in which the Zhengde Emperor beheaded the young prince Dayan Khan was reported back to the capital, and many of the guys who were secretly causing trouble stopped. As the news of the victory spread throughout the Ming Dynasty, the emperor truly established his authority on his own.

At this time, Xu Xin, who had already sailed to Japan, also received news from the Ming Dynasty. When he learned about Zhu Houzhao's victory, he just said that he had done a good job.

His current attention is not on the Central Plains for the time being, but on Japan and even other places outside Japan. For him, conquering Japan is not a difficult task. The key is to replace the so-called bullshit Emperor and let his Great Xu Dynasty Become orthodox.

This matter is somewhat difficult to accomplish and requires the help of local forces. The best way is to marry the Japanese nobles, which can be regarded as a signal of goodwill to the local forces. And the target he chose was, of course, the Yagyu family as internal agents.

The current head of the Yagyu family, Yagyu Tajima Mamoru, is very sensible. He wrote a letter before Xu Xin even set foot in Japan, saying that his daughter Yagyu Yuki is in her prime, and it is an honor for Yagyu Yuki to serve you.

Xu Xin hasn't replied yet. He thinks that since there are two sisters, one Yagyu Yukihime alone is not enough. Xue Ji and Piaoxu, neither one can be missing.

(End of this chapter)

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