The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 473: Tenchu ​​comes to the world to destroy Emperor Xue Ji, it must be very smooth

Chapter 473 Tenchu ​​comes to the world to destroy the Emperor... Xue Ji must be very moist...

The city of Kyoto was in chaos. On this night, a large number of military attaches in Kyoto were assassinated. The army was unable to organize effective resistance and was quickly defeated. The guards of the shogunate and the imperial palace were also quickly disintegrated.

Yagyu Shininryu developed rapidly after Yagyu's sword swept through the Japanese martial arts more than ten years ago, and became the number one martial arts sect in Japan. As a result, Yagyu Tajima Mamoru also became the number one person in the Japanese martial arts.

No matter what field you are in, as long as you can become the number one in a place, you will definitely be noticed and respected by the rulers.

This is the case for the Yagyu family. They were won over by the shogunate and became an important force under his command. They gradually penetrated into various locations in Kyoto. Once launched at this moment, the effect was full, helping Xu Xin's army take Kyoto as quickly as possible.

"Father, we are..."

Outside the main hall of the Kyoto Imperial Palace, Yagyu Jubei looked at the many dignitaries in Kyoto who were caught kneeling in front of them. He felt his head was spinning. Everything in front of him was so dreamy.

There were many important figures among them, many of whom he was familiar with, and some who were not familiar with... He also recognized some, especially the Shogun and the Emperor. These two people were randomly dressed in gorgeous clothes, which could represent their identity.

"Yagyu Tajima Mamoru, you are trying to defeat your superiors. What are you going to do..."

Yagyu Jubei was excited when he heard this voice. He followed the sound and saw that it was Ashikaga Yoshisai, the tenth generation general of the Muromachi shogunate who conquered barbarians, speaking.

This can be regarded as a miserable guy. As the shogun, his position was deposed by his aunt and outsiders. Later, he only regained the position of shogun by winning over powerful feudal lords from other places. In terms of ability, it can be said to be very useless.

"Xia Ke Shang? What kind of thing do you think you are, Ashikaga Yoshiki? Do you deserve to be called one?"

Yagyu Taimamomo walked up to the so-called shogun and kicked this trash away with one kick.


Ashikaga Yoshimo still wanted to speak, but his mouth was already blocked.

"Sir, this was found in the palace."

At this time, another group of soldiers came over, and they brought the harvest of the palace. After opening three of the richly decorated treasure chests, the contents inside seemed to be of little value.

A bronze sword, a piece of jade, and a bronze mirror.

"Father, the three legendary artifacts?"

Yagyu Jubei's breathing became rapid, and he looked like he had never seen the market before.

The so-called three artifacts refer to the Tian Cong Yun Sword, the Eight-foot Qiong Magatama and the Eight-tatami Mirror. It is said that it was a treasure that was given to Qiongqiongchu by Amaterasu when the grandson of heaven came and was inherited by the Japanese emperors from generation to generation.

These three artifacts have many legends in Japan. They are similar to the jade seals passed down from the Central Plains and are regarded as orthodox tokens.

"He is the emperor? Such a waste?"

Xu Xin looked at the current emperor of Japan, Emperor Go Kashiwara, who had fallen beside the shogun, a puppet who had been on the throne for more than ten years.

"Zhongyuan dialect, you are from the Central Plains."

Emperor Gokashiwara looked up at Xu Xin, but Xu Xin was not even interested in talking to him. He looked at the sky. The gloomy sky was covered with black clouds, and it seemed that wind and rain might come at any time.

"From today onwards, there will be no emperor or general in Japan, only the Great Xu Dynasty... This is God's will, and God will punish the traitors..."

In the Imperial Palace of Kyoto, as Xu Xin's voice fell, the black clouds in the sky suddenly rolled up.

"Boom..." Seeing where Xu Xin pointed his finger, a terrifying thunder fell from the sky. Members of the shogunate and the royal family within the range of the thunder, and all the dignitaries who were unwilling to surrender and cooperate, were all killed by the thunder of heaven.

"His Majesty Emperor Xu, it is your destiny!"

Yagyu Taimamoru decisively knelt down to his son-in-law and shouted loudly at the same time.

"His Majesty Emperor Xu, it is your destiny!"

Countless figures in front of the palace all knelt down, repeating the slogan "Destiny". From then on, the Xu Dynasty established itself in Yingzhou and became the undisputed royal family.

"Everyone, please get up!"

Xu Xin succeeded in pretending, and when he looked at the charred piece of shit Emperor, he suddenly felt that killing him so quickly was simply too cheap for this guy.

So Xu Xin decided to eradicate the bloodline of the bullshit emperor, including that shogunate. Don't worry about the direct lineage and side branches, and kill them all. Today's execution is very wonderful. He doesn't need to retain the previous royal family to win people's hearts. There is a high probability in a small day. He doesn’t fall for this trick, that’s what he thinks anyway.

The Ten Punishment that just killed the Emperor of Little Japan and the General and other rebels was naturally the work of Xu Xin. It can be said to be martial arts, but it also used knowledge of Qimen Dunjia and Feng Shui. To put it simply, it was him It caused the thunder to come.

The relevant knowledge in this area is very complicated, a bit similar to the legendary "power of law", or the unity of heaven and man borrowing the power of heaven and earth. Anyway, he himself can't explain it clearly, or he can only barely understand it so far. But he didn't fully understand the mystery.

This is like Yin Zhong in "Water Moon Cave Sky". When he was half human and half demon, he could summon wind, fire, thunder and lightning, but he didn't necessarily understand the principle. Xu Xin was in a similar situation. But he studied it himself and knows more.

According to Xu Xin's research and deduction, this powerful ability involves a realm above the innate master. It is suspected to be a higher level of "unity of man and nature". He has never truly transcended the innate and set foot on a higher realm. It's hard to figure out.

"Everyone, you are all the heroes who have contributed to the establishment of Daxu. I will not be stingy with rewards. You can ask for anything you want..."

After Xu Xin said this, he looked around. He had long since discovered that his brother-in-law, Yagyu Jubei, had been looking at the so-called three artifacts. He then glanced at Yagyu Tajima Mamoru and pointed at those bullshit three artifacts. , said: "Mr. Yagyu, my father-in-law, I will leave these wastes to you to deal with..."

"Thank you, His Majesty the Emperor."

Yagyu Tajima Mamoru paused, led everyone to stand up, and then drew his sword out of its sheath amidst the shocked eyes of Yagyu Jubei and others. With the sharp sword light flashing past, there was a muffled sound, the so-called Japanese three artifacts and preservation Their boxes were all in pieces.


Yagyu Jubei exclaimed, but under Yagyu Tajima Mamoru's sharp eyes, he swallowed and quickly lowered his head.

"Jubei, lead the army to sweep Kyoto."

"Da Xu will unify Yingzhou."

"Gentlemen, it is now time to make great achievements..."

Yagyu Taimamori drew his sword and ordered his subordinates. After saluting again, he led his troops to withdraw from the palace, leaving the place to His Majesty Emperor Daxu and his two beloved concubines.

Although they are his daughters, after marrying into the royal family, there are only monarchs and ministers, not father and daughter.

The night is beautiful tonight, and Xu Xin's bridal chamber will naturally be extraordinarily beautiful.

Xue Ji, must be very moist...

(End of this chapter)

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