The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 486 Do you have Tianxiang Cardamom?

Chapter 486 Do you have Tianxiang Cardamom?

In the Dongchang Heavenly Prison, Cao Zhengchun held a cup of hot tea, blew it gently, glanced at the iron gall god Hou Zhu Wuwu who was hanging in the air, and took a sip: "Zhu Tietan, how do you think? understand?"

His former opponent has become a prisoner of his own class. He was originally called Shenhou, but now he has become Zhu Tiedan.

"What do you want me to do?"

Zhu ignored the difficulty and turned his head to look at Cao Zhengchun, who had a smug look on his face.

At this time, the masters from Dongchang locked his Pipa bones and key acupuncture points. Theoretically speaking, he could not move his hands and feet, his blood vessels were not smooth, and most of his martial arts skills had been lost. Moreover, he was tied to an iron pillar, and even his physical movements were naturally restricted. difficult.

"Of course it's the most coveted secret file in your Dragon Protection Villa."

Cao Zhengchun was a little angry when he saw Zhu Yongli pretending to be stupid without knowing how to appreciate it, so he made his words clear. He was not interested in other things, but he was particularly interested in the intelligence network of Hulong Villa.

According to the information he obtained, there are also secret files of the ten border generals, involving their personal privacy. Anyone who can master their secret files can make them obey orders.

The personal privacy of the ten generals is private at best, and evidence of crime at worst. It is something related to their wealth and life. If you master it, you can secretly control the ten generals and make them obey them.

The top ten generals were stationed at the border, holding heavy troops, and controlled more than 60% of the world's elite troops.

Zhu Wuwu wanted to master the ten generals in order to rebel and become the emperor and force Zhu Houzhao to abdicate, while Cao Zhengchun wanted to truly dominate the court and become the eunuch who was more powerful than ten thousand people.

Didn’t the emperor call himself Long Live?

Then he calls himself nine thousand years old!

As for rebelling and becoming emperor, he may have thought about it, but he would never dare.

Once he rebels, his forces will immediately fall apart, and few people will follow him sincerely.

Eunuchs are sterile and have no heirs. Even if the rebellion succeeds, the wealth and honor they gain will not last long, and they will not be able to cultivate future generations and revitalize the family. Then this power, wealth and honor are like passing clouds and a rootless tree. What is the use of it?

Therefore, Cao Zhengchun could only be a minister, the greatest minister, just like the former Grand Master.

"I don't know what you are talking about!"

Zhu Mingli felt proud that the Cao gelding was finally aroused by his people, but he still had to act on the surface and could not hand over the things so easily.

"It seems that you won't shed tears until you see the coffin, and you won't give up until you reach the Yellow River!"

Cao Zhengchun laughed and clapped his hands gently. Two people walked in outside. Shaolin traitor Luo Jusheng and his wife were martial arts masters recruited by Dongchang. He was going to use a new torture method on Zhu Wuli.

Luo Jusheng was originally a lay disciple of Shaolin. He later rebelled from Shaolin and developed a strong body of Bodhidharma. One of the seventy-two unique skills of Shaolin, the Vajra Finger, was also made perfect by him. Master.

His wife was originally from Persia, but when she married a chicken, she followed the chicken, and when she married a dog, she followed the dog. She accompanied her husband Luo Jusheng to serve under Cao Zhengchun, and she was extremely difficult to deal with due to her poisonous skills.

Cao Zhengchun said with a smile: "Zhu Tiedan, you have endured so many tortures in Dongchang. You are indeed a man, but I don't know if you can withstand the torture of Persian silkworms!"

"Grudge, do you think this king is at your mercy?"

Naturally, Zhu Wuli would not cooperate with the punishment. That would be too fake.

"If Zhu Tiedan wants to get Tianxiang Cardamom, he'd better be obedient."

"How do I know if you are deceiving me?"

"How do I know if you have natural cardamom?"

Zhu ignored and squinted at Cao Zhengchun. What he wanted to confirm most now was whether Cao Zhengchun had that heavenly fragrant cardamom in his hand.

Entering the East Factory alone was more of a proactive arrangement on his part and was part of the plan.

Cao Zhengchun's knowledge of Tianxiang Cardamom was an unexpected surprise, something beyond his control.

"Does the Lord Shen want Tianxiang Cardamom so much? I will give you a look!"

As he spoke, Cao Zhengchun took out a brocade box and opened it. A piece of heavenly fragrant cardamom was found inside. This piece of heavenly fragrant cardamom originally belonged to the Queen Mother Zhang, but was secretly stolen by Cao Zhengchun and kept in his hand for many years without any information being leaked.

"Zhu Tiedan, if you don't want me to destroy this heavenly fragrant cardamom, just open your mouth!" Cao Zhengchun smiled and held up the brocade box in his hand. With the surging internal power, he could crush this cardamom that can bring people back to life at any time. of treasure.

"Okay! I would like to see what other methods you have."

Zhu Wuli opened his mouth, and Luo Jusheng's wife stepped forward and put a pill into his mouth and then pushed his chin. As the former's throat moved, the pill entered his abdomen instantly. Then the Persian woman picked it up and put it aside. pipa musical instrument.

"Honored Lord Iron Gall, I want you to know clearly that Persian silkworms are extremely poisonous. As long as I play the pipa in my hand, the silkworms will follow the music and bite the internal organs with their teeth, making people miserable and tearing apart all the internal organs."

"Furthermore, Celestial Silkworms are born with thousands of legs. Each leg is a hook, used to hook the internal organs of the human body. No amount of internal power can force them out."

Luo Jusheng's wife played her pipa lightly as she spoke, and Zhu Wuwu felt something moving inside his body.

"The femme fatale!"

Zhu Wulan raised his head and glared, his eyes about to burst.

"Show some tricks to the Lord God!"

Cao Zhengchun pinched the orchid fingers with a smiling hand and commanded lightly.


The Persian pipa plays a strange Persian pipa song with the finger movements, which is called Baji Qinyin.

Because of this pipa music, Zhu Wuwu began to suffer unbearable pain in his abdomen, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, as if thousands of poisonous insects were eating and biting inside his body.

He could endure ordinary torture, but he couldn't bear the heart-gnawing pain of thousands of insects. His face was pale, his fists were clenching the shackles, and his mouth was bleeding from the teeth.

"Feiying, put down the Lord Shen, I want to see how long Zhu Tiedan can survive..."

Cao Zhengchun saw that Zhu Wuwu was really in pain, so he asked the stall owner Fei Ying to put Zhu Wuwu down.


Originally imprisoned on the shackles, Zhu Wuwu could still endure a little by relying on the forcible restraints, but after he was put down, there were no restraints around him. He could only roll on the ground under the music of Persian pipa, and his image was completely lost.

"Cao Zhengchun, Cao, you..."

Zhu ignored several rolls and fell to Cao Zhengchun's feet, but was stepped on by the opponent. He raised his head and glared at Cao Zhengchun, his face extremely distorted, and the iron-clawed flying eagle behind Cao Zhengchun could hardly stand anymore.

"You said it or not!"

Cao Zhengchun looked at Zhu Wuwu and said coldly.

"Heavenly fragrant cardamom..."

Zhu ignored the difficulty and stretched out his hand to get the brocade box.

"If you tell me, I will give it to you."

Cao Zhengchun put the Tianxiang Cardamom in Zhu Wuwang's other hand, but he could take it back or even destroy it at any time.

Zhu Wuli shouted in pain, and finally... After an unknown amount of time, Cao Zhengchun got the information he wanted. Zhu Wuli, who was holding the Tianxiang Cardamom Brocade Box with one hand, had a dagger stuck in his stomach, and his eyes widened in anger. It seems that he still refuses to rest in peace.

"Lord Governor, this is the fragrant cardamom!"

Iron Claw Flying Eagle tried to take away the Tianxiang Cardamom, but found that it could not open Zhu Wuwu's palm, so it raised its head and looked at Cao Zhengchun.

"Forget it, just let him be buried with Zhu Tiedan!"

Cao Zhengchun shook his head, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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