The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 521: Qin Shubao, Shandong’s Double Mace, Shen Yuluoyan’s Qiao Military Advisor

Chapter 521: Qin Shubao, Shandong’s Double Mace, Shen Yuluoyan’s Qiao Military Advisor

"Xiao Ling, who are those two groups?"

In the dark night, two figures shuttled back and forth between the mountains and forests. Kou Zhong was breathing heavily, barely able to keep up with Xu Xin's pace. He was still a little dazed even now.

"I don't know, but since she is here to save Sister Su Su, those people can do nothing."

Xu Xin dealt with it casually. He could guess that the two people were Zhai Rang and Li Mi, but he couldn't explain this kind of thing to Kou Zhong. Just like the direction he was running in with Kou Zhong now, it seemed to be random. Running is actually to chase someone.

"Don't think too much, this matter has nothing to do with us now."

Xu Xin saw that Kou Zhong looked confused and did not continue the topic. He patted him on the shoulder and took the first step.

Why Li Mi and Zhai Rang are fighting each other to the death? I can't explain it no matter how long I talk about it.

One of the most critical reasons is that everyone wants to be the boss, which is an irreconcilable contradiction.


In broad daylight, Xu Xin was walking by the river. In addition to Kou Zhong, there was also a Shandong man behind him. This was Qin Shubao, a famous goalkeeper general in history.

The general of the Sui army who led the battle with the Wagang army last night was Qin Shubao. Kou Zhong drove the defeated troops into battle, causing him to be defeated by the elite soldiers of Wagang's "Qiao Military Advisor" Shen Luoyan. The three of them met by chance in a deserted temple in the mountains, and there was a chaos. After a fight, there will be no acquaintance without a fight.

After Qin Shubao was taught a lesson, he temporarily followed Xu Xin and became his younger brother.

Qin Shubao, the Shandong double master, is almost a historical figure comparable to Guan Yu. His image in film and television dramas is also extremely handsome, with a scholarly and handsome style.

But the one in front of me has a thick torso, a face as made of iron, a weathered face, and high cheekbones. It’s hard to describe his appearance. He's not ugly, but he's not handsome either. He looks like a rugged man, and it's really hard to associate him with the handsome guys in movies and TV shows.

Xu Xin walked in front, while Kou Zhong and Qin Shubao were chatting and laughing, arm in arm.

Qin Shubao's ability to leave a reputation for loyalty in history has a lot to do with his character. He is indeed a figure worthy of close friendship.

The two sides turned enemies into friends and walked all the way to the waterfront. When they just passed a mountain, Qin Shubao also talked about his secret love for the eldest lady of the Luliang faction.

"I don't know why I would talk to you two boys about my concerns. Look, a ship is coming."

Qin Shubao shook his head and refused to think about the love between his children. This was just his unrequited love for others.

At this time, a small sailboat came upstream. There was only one person on the boat, wearing a robe and holding a bamboo hat on his head, steering the boat at the stern. There was a fishing net spread on the deck, and bamboo baskets were placed at the bow.

Xu Xin stretched out his hand to hold down Qin Shubao, who was about to take action. He looked at the figure at the stern of the boat and said loudly: "Young lady has the appearance of a fish sinking like a duck and a goose falling. Why should she be so secretive? Maybe there is something shameful that cannot be revealed."

"Is he a woman?"

Qin Shubao and Kou Zhong were immediately surprised and suspicious. The fisherman's back was all male.

But Xu Xin's spiritual sense is amazing, and his perception is unmistakable. He can even smell the faint fragrance of his daughter's family in the air. From this, he can judge that this girl's family is very beautiful.

"That's you!"

A sweet female voice sounded. The beauty dressed as a fisherman turned around and laughed. She lifted up her bamboo hat and her hair immediately poured down like a waterfall.

Qin Shubao first lost his voice and said: "Shen Luoyan!"

His face was filled with shock and anger. This beauty was probably coming for him. If Xu Xin hadn't stopped her, she might have fallen into the enemy's trap.

The beauty took off her robe, revealing a plain yellow tight-fitting dress with a wide floral blue belt around her waist. She looked at the three of them with a charming smile.

The handsome military advisor Shen Luoyan, as the name suggests, has the appearance of a fish sinking into a wild goose. His eyes are like a lake of autumn water, coupled with the slender eyebrows, skin as jade as snow, and graceful posture, it is indeed rare. The beauty can be compared with Princess Dongming. Shen Luoyan stretched out his hand to fiddle with his hair, revealing his enchanting face, and said softly: "General Qin, can you calm down for a moment and listen to the little lady say a few words. If these two young masters are interested, , you can also listen to it.”

Her beautiful hair was flowing in the river breeze, fluttering back and forth against her body, highlighting her slender figure and peerless grace, almost making people think she was a fairy descended from the earth.

"Bah! What else can you and I say? Come and show off your power with me? You are just lucky."

"If they hadn't messed up that night and ruined my formation, the one who would be the prisoner now would be you, a stinky bitch."

Shen Luoyan's beautiful eyes turned to Xu Xin and Xu Xin, her charming eyes were sparkling with anger, and she said softly: "It turns out that it was the two young masters who helped Luo Yan a lot before. You are really my great benefactors!"

Xu Xin smiled and said: "Since Miss Shen recognizes my kindness, how are you going to repay me?"

Shen Luoyan said solemnly: "The slave family will give the young master a great fortune, make him famous, and be famous for generations to come."

"Li Mi?"

"As long as Zhai Rang dies, Wagang Village will be the only one in the world with the surname Zhai. Li Mi himself works for others, so what qualifications does he have to enrich others."

"Young master, what you said is wrong! In the battle of Dahai Temple, Mi Gong strategized and won the battle thousands of miles away. He also established the Pushan Public Camp and established his own foundation..."

"Let's wait until he really becomes the leader!"

"We still have to go on our way. If nothing happens, we won't talk."

Xu Xin spread his hands as a gesture of asking to leave. Although Shen Luoyan is extremely beautiful, Shen Luoyan is currently dedicated to assisting Li Mi and has no chance to take her back.

"My family is here today for General Qin. The court is unethical. Could you please Sir, please advise General Qin on behalf of my family, not to help the emperor do evil?"

Shen Luoyan's beautiful eyes looked at Xu Xin with a mixture of admiration and resentment, making it difficult to refuse her request!

Xu Xin looked at Qin Shubao, who said coldly: "Even if the court is unruly, I have no intention of becoming a thief, let alone joining Wagang."

Xu Xin and the three of them chatted a lot while they were traveling together. Qin Shubao's heart was also shaken, and he no longer wanted to go back and join the army again.

But of course he didn't let go of Wagang Village. He led the army to encircle Wagang on the front foot, and surrendered as soon as he was defeated at the back. If word of this spread, where would Qin Shubao's face be?

So he planned to hang out with Xu Xin and the others for a while to see if he could have a chance to make a fortune.

"General Qin is making it difficult for Luo Yan!"

Shen Luoyan's beautiful eyes froze, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"Smelly bitch, come and take Lao Qin if you can!"

Qin Shubao was not a good-tempered person, and he had a very strong opinion of Shen Luoyan.

"Okay! Luo Yan just wants to try General Qin's skills!"

Shen Luoyan chuckled and suddenly swung the fishing net on the boat. The translucent fishing net bounced up and then covered the three people on the shore.

This Shen Luoyan was very thoughtful and actually wanted to catch Xu Xin and the others in one fell swoop.

The fishing net flew over and covered the entire sky, but the vegetation in the area covered by it folded and shrank into a ball. The moment the fishing net hit the ground, it suddenly shrank, tightening everything in the quilt.

It is foreseeable that if you are caught in this fishing net, you will probably be caught in one fell swoop.

However, Xu Xin had anticipated this and pulled the three of them away first.

(End of this chapter)

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