The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 525: Essence, spirit, and object control, the prototype of a spell? An alternative interpret

Chapter 525: Essence, spirit, and object control, the prototype of a spell? An alternative interpretation of Shenhou absorbing power and controlling Shilong


A thunderbolt in the dark night startled both Pi Shouxuan and You Qiuyan who were happy in the room. Their bodies trembled, they all woke up from that state of bliss and joy, and then their hearts were shocked.

Somehow the door opened, all the candlelight in the room was extinguished, and there was no other sound except the gusts of wind. This situation was definitely abnormal.

"Ancestor, what's going on?"

You Qiuyan sat cross-legged on Pi Shouxuan's body, her jade face was slightly red in the darkness, and the spring in her brows and eyes was still there. She was not blushing because of shyness, but because the intercourse stopped abruptly when it was in full swing, and she still had some unfinished thoughts.

"Who are you kidding me?"

Pi Shouxuan used his uninjured right hand to push You Qiuyan away from his body, and observed the surroundings vigilantly. With his skill, he could see at night, but some things tonight were really weird. His vigilance was mentioned. to the highest degree.

You Qiuyan received a message from Xu Xin during the day, asking her to investigate the Yuwen clan's defense situation tonight. Anyone with a little bit of brains can judge from this that Xu Xin is most likely going to do some spying tonight.

After Pi Shouxuan got this judgment, he decided to weigh Xu Xin at night. He did not expect that Xu Xin was traveling with Shan Wanjing, which was an unexpected surprise for him.

This old devil has been in the world for decades, and he has never tried to kill men and women in front of lovers. Moreover, Shan Wanjing is of extremely high quality, and she is the granddaughter of the Yin Queen Zhu Yuyan. This status is very important to him. It's even more exciting to say.

But what he didn't expect was that when he faced Xu Xin, he was almost defeated by one move. After escaping hastily, he quickly found You Qiuyan and used the dual cultivation technique of cloud and rain to heal his injuries.

During this process, he also recalled some details and concluded that Xu Xin might be playing "One Punch Man" with him. He thought about healing his wounds before finding a way to kill the kid, but he didn't expect that when the joy was in full swing, he also recalled some details. , and suddenly suffered such a change.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…………"


Waves of weird evil laughter sounded from all directions, as if a fierce ghost was seducing the soul, and as if impermanence was threatening his life. You Qiuyan, who had just been harvested, was already weak, and after being stimulated by the wind, ghost calls, etc., his eyes rolled in fear. Passed out directly.

"Where is this guy who is pretending to be a ghost? Get out of here."

Bursts of sinister wind, ghosts seducing people, impermanence calling for life... Such strange sounds accompanied by the sinister wind made the well-informed Pishou Xuan feel a little weak in his heart, but he still grabbed the clothes and wrapped himself up, holding the copper flute, Get out of bed quietly.

His true energy was flowing all over his body, and his spiritual awareness was spreading to the extreme, preparing for possible emergencies at any time.


As the dark wind rose, the door closed instantly, and the originally dark room became completely dark. Pi Shouxuan was also startled, and he quickly looked in that direction, but found nothing.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Accompanied by weird laughter, a group of shadows suddenly flew behind Pi Shouxuan. He turned around alertly, only to see a piece of clothing flying past, and he quickly used his body skills to chase after him.


The bronze flute hit the air, and Pi Shouxuan in the darkness could see clearly that what he smashed was only a piece of clothing, and what was scattered were only pieces of cloth and some paper, but how could the clothes move on their own? The panic in his heart was intensifying, and he looked around, becoming more and more uneasy.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

The sound of breaking wind and the evil smile came again. He turned around and missed the blow. A piece of clothing flew upwards, and the cold corners of the clothes brushed against his temples. There was no warmth, no breath of life, it was just a piece of clothing. This terrible.

Pi Shouxuan turned around and chased after the piece of clothing, hitting him again and again. What was scattered were pieces of clothing and shredded paper, and there seemed to be a faint smell of blood.

"What the hell are you, get out of here."

He yelled angrily, and his psychological defense collapsed again.

Jie Jie Jie and Hahaha, the evil laughter and strange laughter continued, and suddenly there seemed to be red lights flashing everywhere in the room, resembling pairs of eyes. Pishou Xuan Gong gathered his eyes to look, only to see one small figure after another floating in the air, appearing in all directions, resembling a life-threatening ghost.

At this time, the injury on his left shoulder was heating up, and he felt everything in front of him change, as if there was an illusion, and it seemed as if what he was seeing now was real.


The dark wind roared, and Pi Shouxuan felt a sharp pain in his eardrums, like needle pricks. Everything in front of him changed again, and the roar of the storm sounded in his ears at the same time.

The howl of the wind expanded like a wave, and in an instant the whole world was filled with the terrifying sound of howling wind.

This gust of wind was extremely terrifying, as if it had brought him to hell. He was surrounded by female ghosts one after another with blood-red eyes, asking for his life. The ghostly cries and howls made him feel terrified, chilling all over his body, and making his steps unsteady. , unable to maintain his balance, he stumbled and fell to the ground.

The waves cracked the shore and surged, and he seemed to be trapped in a whirlpool. He felt as if there was a huge wave higher than the city wall in front of him, rushing towards him with alarming momentum.


A flame suddenly burst into flames in the dark night, a miserable green will-o'-the-wisp.


Piercing screams resounded in the dark room. When Pi Shouxuan woke up, he saw countless paper figures rushing toward him, many of them burning with pale green will-o'-wisps. Countless burning paper figures hit him. On his body, all his clothes were set on fire.

"Ghost! Ghost! Ghost..."

Pi Shouxuan can be considered a well-informed old demon, but what he just experienced really left him shaken. After rushing around in the dark room, he finally found the door, and banged With a loud bang, he smashed the door and rushed out.


Pishou Xuan rushed out in a hurry. While he was still in the air, one of his feet stopped him just in time. He tripped over a dog chewing mud and fell to the ground. The injured part of his left shoulder was extremely painful.


A hand accurately landed on Pi Shouxuan's left shoulder. He felt a sharp pain from his left shoulder sweeping through his body, making him lose his ability to resist little by little.

The old devil became somewhat conscious under the severe pain. He reluctantly turned his head and saw Shan Wanjing, who also looked like he had seen a ghost, and Xu Xin, who was holding his left shoulder and smiling.

"You... ah..."

Pi Shouxuan still wanted to say something, but Xu Xin's palm clasping his left shoulder was already exerting force, and the terrifying suction force seemed to swallow up his body, energy and soul.

The old demon Yunyu could feel that his energy and spirit were being lost. He kept venting his true energy, his body spasmed and shrunk, his consciousness was drowsy, his spiritual sense was warning him that he should be careful, and the spiritual stage became clear for a while, but it was already too late. , his life has entered a countdown.

"This old demon is so cowardly. Just some paper figures with phosphorus powder, combined with the illusion created by the backlash of the true energy to blind the spiritual sense, made him heartbroken and unable to resist, so he became my sacrifice. It’s no wonder I don’t have a sense of accomplishment.”

Xu Xin somewhat disliked Pi Shouxuan.

But in fact, if anyone were in the same position and did not know their opponent, they would be frightened and confused when encountering things like paper figures, clothes, wind, and ghosts.

Xu Xin's method of dealing with Pi Shou Xuan is not very clever. Just like Zhu Wuwu used his energy to activate the fossil dragon to control it, he used his energy to activate the paper man to control objects in the air, and combined with the environment and illusion factors to continuously deepen Pi Shou Xuan. of fear, and finally killed him with one blow when he was in a state of confusion.

The methods used by Xu Xin, including energy and energy to control objects, are similar to rudimentary spells. They are not very lethal. They can be regarded as an alternative interpretation of Shenhou absorbing power to control stone dragons. They can only have miraculous effects under certain circumstances.

Just like just now, if Pi Shouxuan rushed out of the room directly, and the light outside would allow him to see more things clearly, then Xu Xin's method of dealing with him would not be as effective. If he wanted to deal with him, it would be impossible. It's not that easy anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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