The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 536: The Wisdom Sutra on the Roots of Controlling All Dharmas

Chapter 536: The Wisdom Sutra on the Roots of Controlling All Dharmas

"Young master has left. When are you going to leave?"

Warm sunlight fell into the room along the cracks in the window. Xu Xin was no longer in the room. Ren Meimei, who had been resting on the small bed in the common room last night, got up and came to the bedside. She looked at Shen Luoyan, who had a lazy but radiant look on her face, and her mood changed. very complicated.

"Does Master Ren San want to be his husband's woman?"

Shen Luoyan stretched out a jade hand from the brocade quilt and waved to Ren Meimei. The latter hesitated for a moment and leaned over, and she said something in her ear that made her heart beat faster.

Ren Meimei replied in a low voice: "The Lord has uploaded Mei Mei's supreme secret, how can Mei Mei dare to ask for more?"

"Meigu, you also saw your husband's capital last night. One or two women can't satisfy him at all. He will definitely have more women. You also know that Luoyan can't compare to the young ladies of the Dongming sect on his own. Princess, I can help you in order to win favor in the future."

Shen Luoyan's whispers opened up Ren Meimei's heart bit by bit. She heard it clearly on the small bed last night. Xu Xin was not only a handsome man, but also a great man with strong capital. He was the legendary Wheel King of Qin Dynasty, known as the First Emperor. A false father cannot compare to him in that respect.

Such a great man, who was already happy with love affairs between men and women, naturally wanted to kiss him... But she could feel that the Lord had desire for her body, but he did not want to touch her.

"From now on, just listen to me and keep your distance from other men, and then I can help you... Do you understand?"

"Slave...I understand, miss!"

Ren Meimei finally bowed her head to Shen Luoyan. Qiao's military advisor was indeed more skillful than Peng Liang, the third master of the family. He just paid for the qualification to become a roommate and opened up the situation in Pengcheng.

Xu Xin was indeed right to choose her to rectify Pengcheng.

Here Shen Luoyan subdued Ren Meimei and went to find Qin Shubao, hoping to rectify all the forces in Pengcheng and form a usable army for Xu Xin as soon as possible.

Over there, Xu Xin had coaxed the little princess to go on a trip together, and headed towards Dongping County with Kou Zhong, who had been caught doing nothing but being a follower.

"Xiaoling, why don't we have a meal first?"

On the streets of Dongping County, Kou Zhong, who was hungry and grumbling, looked at the two people beside him who were mixing oil with each other. He felt uncomfortable being fed dog food, but after all, spiritual food could not compare to real food. He hadn't eaten for most of the day, so he couldn't help but suggest eating.

"Young Master Zhong, we are just going to the banquet. You can just eat more later."

Xu Xin replied to Kou Zhong with a smile, and then chatted and laughed with the little princess. When the beauty is around, he must put it first.

"Going to a banquet? Where to go to a banquet?"

Kou Zhong asked curiously.

"Dongping County Prince's Palace."

Xu Xin said without turning his head.

"Prince's Palace? Which Prince's Palace? Are we going to see some prince?"

"Pfft...hahaha...Kou Zhong, are you really..."

Shan Wanjing, who was listening to the conversation between Kou Zhong and Xu Xin, couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle. Xu Xin turned around and said helplessly: "Xiao Zhong, you really should go and learn some common sense in the world of martial arts. At least understand some of the rumors."

"The palace is not the palace of a prince, but the palace of the great Confucian Wang Tong. The world-famous talented girl Shi Qingxuan will perform for Wang Tong tonight."

"Even Lao Qin knows about this matter. Didn't you see the envy on his face when he heard that we were going to Dongping County this morning?"

"Uh... well, ahem..." Kou Zhong was shocked to realize that he was embarrassed, and he hurriedly scolded Qin Shubao. During this time, he followed Qin Shubao to spend the day and night, and he was not as keen on inquiring about the news of the world as before. He was indeed a bit degenerate.


Dongping County City, outside a huge house in the south of the city, is bustling with traffic, bright lights, people coming and going, and the sound of laughter can be heard everywhere.

In the large garden of the main house, lanterns were everywhere, the light was like daylight, and it was crowded with maids and guests.

In the main hall of the mansion, the atmosphere was even more intense. Everyone was excitedly discussing Shi Qingxuan's flute skills, as if they were experts in studying her.

There are more than ten tables lined up against the wall of the hall, filled with delicacies and snacks for everyone to enjoy.

Most of the people who came to the banquet this time were high-ranking people, and they didn’t come here just for food, except for Xu Xin and Kou Zhong. They were the only ones sitting here eating happily at this time, and there was also a "pig feeding" Shan Wanjing of "Pig".

"Wanjing, I still want that."

In front of the table covered with pastries, Xu Xin hugged Princess Meiren'er. He didn't even use his hands to eat. When he moved his mouth, his delicate jade hands helped him. The beauty looked at him eating with a smile on her lips. Did she share something with him? , so that Kou Zhong next to him only felt that it tasted like nothing.

We all also came from gangster backgrounds, but good brothers now live in fine clothes and fine food every day, and are fed by stunning beauties every day. At least a beautiful maid warms the bed every night. Compare this to yourself, you are still a boy now, it’s simply It's...shameful!

Kou Zhonghu was half full after eating Haisai, and he was a little tired of the two people around him. He looked around and saw three people sitting on a group of rosewood chairs on the side of the hall, and a group of people gathered around him. More people could only Standing aside, the status of these three people is further highlighted.

The man in the middle has a white beard and a majestic appearance, but his clothes are ragged. Although he is sitting, people can still feel his majestic body and majesty.

The other man is wearing a long robe and has frosty temples, which makes people know that he must be quite old, but his appearance is only middle-aged, and he is elegant and elegant, with an elegant attitude, giving people an otherworldly feeling.

The last one, sitting and talking with these two people, was a middle-aged man who looked like a high official. He was very impressive and gave people the impression of being shrewd and powerful.

"Xiaoling, no, old man Shen Naitang is here."

Kou Zhong looked around, suddenly turned his head to hide his face, lightly patted Xu Xin's shoulder and whispered.

He recognized that one of the people in the circle was Shen Naitang, who had had a conflict with Du Fuwei, and was related to Master Yingyang Liang.

"A bunch of chickens and dogs. Few can even compare with Du Fuwei. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Xu Xin turned around and said such a sentence. After Kou Zhong was stunned for a moment, he felt that he was right! He still couldn't change his mentality. They were no longer what they used to be, and they didn't have to worry about Shen Naitang at all.

After Xu Xin returned to Kou Zhong, his eyes also fell on the three old men surrounded by everyone. To be more precise, he was looking at the official old man.

This guy seems to be Wang Shichong, who stayed in Luoyang during the Sui Dynasty. The guy who defeated Li Mi in history. In this world, he also has a special identity, the "atom" of the previous generation of the Ming Dynasty Zunjiao.

The Ming Zunjiao is the Mingjiao among the Huang family martial arts. This sect has several powerful magical powers, among which the Zhen sect’s unique skill is the "Wisdom of the Origin of All Laws". Only the "Great Master" as the leader of the sect and his descendants can The "atom" chosen as the successor of the "Great Lord" can practice cultivation.

This magical skill has the characteristics of the root of all laws. It can be practiced in the spiritual realm, turning the void into reality, and turning air and water into copper and iron walls.

Xu Xin was very interested in the concept of martial arts, which was open to all rivers. Xu Xin was very interested in it. When he saw Wang Shichong, he had some thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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