Chapter 541 You are really hungry!

In a large mansion in Pengcheng, on the couch with the curtains lowered, Mr. Xu was hugging him from left to right, and the proud smile on his face could not be suppressed no matter how hard he was. He had both the little princess and the handsome military advisor in his arms. It was a blessing for an ordinary man to have one. But he was able to kill both people, and it was really a happy life like a god.

"My husband is leaving soon!"

A pair of jade arms gently wrapped around his neck, and the handsome military counselor raised her head and gently rubbed his cheek, her beautiful eyes slightly blurred and reluctant.

"Well, the Baling Gang's boat needs a good chat with them."

Xu Xin nodded softly and said warmly: "When you arrive at Dongming, cooperate well with Wanjing. Whether the trip to Yangzhou can be successful or not depends on you."

"The slaves are not ignorant people."

Shen Luoyan said softly, and Shan Wanjing beside her frowned slightly, but did not wake up.

Xu Xin will leave Pengcheng tonight and enter the game with his own body to go to Yangzhou to fight for a game. If he succeeds, he will soar into the sky. If he loses, he may die.

So tonight, when he absurdly put the two beauties on the same bed, the proud military counselor and the little princess let him do whatever he wanted. They only tolerated this kind of thing because they had him in their hearts!

When it was getting dark, Xu got up and left, taking Kou Zhong with him who was still a little confused, and went to the big pier next to Tongji Canal. They got on the boat, and after a while, they arrived at the dock moored in the middle of the river. Next to a five-sailed boat.

The two of them then boarded the deck, and one of them came up to him with a smile: "Brother Xu, Brother Kou, you are finally here!"

This person is naturally Xiangyushan from the Baling Gang. The plan for the Yuwen Clan this time is mainly based on the cooperation between the Baling Clan and the Dugu Clan, while the Li Clan is engaging in some marginal cooperation. After all, their base camp is in the north, and their power cannot be left to the south of the Yangtze River.

"How have you arranged things?"

Xu Xin didn't go to see Xiangyu Mountain, but just asked lightly.

Xiang Yushan smiled like a smiling tiger, "Brother Xu, don't worry, everything has been arranged. As long as you have the account book in hand, there will be no worries about the meeting."


Xu Xin nodded lightly without saying much.

Xiang Yushan said respectfully: "My little brother has prepared a banquet of food and wine in the cabin, specially for you two to wash your hands. Please."

Xiang Yushan said and went to lead the way. Xu Xin and Kou Zhong were invited to enter the cabin.

The cabin was brightly lit, with a stove burning, and it was as warm as spring. A sumptuous banquet was laid out in the cabin. Beside the banquet was a beauty in white, leading four pretty maids, who bowed to greet them.

"You two, this is Sister Xiao, the sister of Xiao Mian, the deputy leader of our gang."

Xiang Yushan introduced: "Sister Xiao has always taken care of the daily needs of the concubines in the palace. She is well aware of the situation in the palace. With her planning, this trip to Yuwen Clan is in danger."

Sister Xiao, who is about twenty years old, is not as beautiful as Shen Luoyan and Shan Wanjing, but she is tall and tall, has a sultry figure, is very charming, and has an alluring and enchanting flavor.

Sister Xiao laughed like a silver bell, looked at Kou Zhong and Xu Xin unscrupulously, and said with a charming smile: "The two young masters are indeed very talented."

"The guy next to you, isn't he ready to come out?"

Xu Xin didn't look at Sister Xiao too much, but looked to the other side. A beauty walked out against the candlelight. It was Yun Yuzhen, the leader of the Hongfen Gang of the Jukun Gang.

This beautiful leader of the gang is as beautiful as the handsome military advisor and the little princess.

She walked out of the light and shadow, half of her delicate body seemed to glow, which added a bit of a mysterious and holy feeling to her beauty. The white cloak set against the lake-green dress made her look even more graceful and graceful.

"Dugu Ce is a coward. He doesn't even dare to go to Jiangdu. How can a woman help him?"

Xu Xin glanced at Yun Yuzhen, and then sat down on the seat. The red pink gang leader listened to Xu Xin's words, and the smile on his face was a little stiff.

"Hahaha, everyone, sit down, everyone, sit down..."

At this time, Xiangyushan smiled and smoothed things over, and everyone took their seats one after another. The pretty maid handed them chopsticks and poured wine, and stood beside them to serve them. The seating arrangement of Xu Xin and Kou Zhong is very interesting. On the left of Xu Xin is Sister Xiao, on the right is Yun Yuzhen, on the right of Yunzhen is Kou Zhong, and then Xiangyushan.

There were women on both sides of Xu Xin, one was coquettish and the other was holy and noble. They frequently asked him and Kou Zhong to drink. The atmosphere was lively and they seemed to be intending to seduce. It seems was a specially made arrangement after hearing some rumors about Xu.

But those people may not know that he, Xu, has a high vision.

The two people sitting at the table today are not bad in appearance, but in other aspects... and he just had a better meal tonight, so he has no appetite!

Xu Xin glanced sideways at Xiangyu Mountain, which was facing him. This kid had a weak kidney and a pale face. He looked like a peddler.

This guy looks a bit like a gentleman. He doesn't look sideways, not because he is honest, but because he is not good at it. Because he was obsessed with martial arts in the past, he was very weak in that area. The two women present were not simple things, and he did not dare to provoke either of them.

At the banquet, Sister Xiao was always dishonest. She raised her glass to Xu Xin and tried to seduce her. Under the table, there was a white and tender foot with her shoes and socks off. She seemed to be lost and accidentally bumped into Xu Xin's thigh. , seemed to be tired, so he rested on his legs, resting whenever he could, and swaying slightly rather dishonestly.

Xu Xin frowned, and after calmly returning a drink, he moved his legs. When this little foot came again, Xu Xin's thighs shook slightly, and a blush appeared on Sister Xiao's face, as if she had drank too much. .

The woman smiled coquettishly again, and looked at Xu Xin with a different meaning. Sister Xiao, who was as delicate and trembling as a flower branch, had given a lot of benefits to Kou Zhong opposite, who seemed a little overwhelmed. .

After a while of feasting, Sister Xiao's face became even more rosy, and her gaze towards Xu Xin became more eager. She smiled happily and said, "I will take you two to rest later. Your room is next to yours." Room."

"If you have any questions, young master, you can come and ask me. I'm not used to closing the door when sleeping, so I always leave the door open in the middle of the night..."

Sister Xiao spoke so straightforwardly that she was even explicit. She stared at Xu Xin with her eyes as she spoke, and moved her little white feet towards Xu Xin dishonestly.

The atmosphere was a bit strange after the banquet, but it was still calm. After the banquet, Xu Xin and Kou Zhong left the cabin with Sister Xiao.

Sister Xiao arranged for the two of them to live in the upper cabin on the second floor. Sister Xiao and Yun Yuzhen lived in the other two cabins on the opposite side. As for Xiangyushan, they went to live downstairs.

Xu Xin stood at the door. Sister Xiao was scratching the crack of the door, constantly tempting him. Her green-white jade fingers pressed on Xu Xin's chest and slid down.

"Sir, I still have something to do..."

Before Sister Xiao could finish her words, Xu Xin stepped back and closed the door without any intention of leaving anyone to rest.

This Sister Xiao is also a beauty, a charming beauty, but Xu Xin is really not interested in her. She has experienced many men, her Yin Yuan is not pure at all, and Xu Xin is the one who suffers from the dew love affair. Of course he doesn't like it.

If it were another person, such as Shi Qingxuan, Shi Fei Xuan, or Huan Huan, Xu Xin would have the guts to seduce anyone who dared to seduce her, leaving her without even a chance to regret.

Of course, among the above-mentioned beauties, one would take the initiative to act like this, which means that Hanhan from the Yingui sect might want to make a joke, but it is basically impossible for her to do so, and her character design is wrong.

Xu Xin was about to fall asleep when he suddenly sensed something and pushed the door gently, only to see Kou Zhong tiptoeing to push open the door of Hongfen gang leader Yunzhen's room.

If he remembered correctly, Yun Yuzhen was the first woman Kou Zhong slept with in the original novel, but the two of them were just having a casual romance, which was unacceptable!

"Master Zhong, what are you doing?"

Xu Xin's voice came, and Kou Zhong stiffened and turned around.

"This, Xiaoling."

"You are really hungry!"

"Let's not talk about her and other men. In today's game, the two women on the table are obviously trying to seduce. Can you sleep with such a woman?"

(End of this chapter)

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