The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 546: Use my true energy to unite the creation of heaven and earth

Chapter 546: Use my true energy to unite the creation of heaven and earth

In the west of Yangzhou City, dark clouds rolled in and thunder flickered.

Xu Xin stood at the top of the city with his hands behind his back, like a thunder god descending to earth, overlooking tens of thousands of troops from a high position, his eyes were deep and indifferent.

He was clearly only one person, but he had invincible power. Just standing there caused the morale of the Yuwen rebels to plummet.

"A kid with a yellow mouth, pretending to be a ghost."

"Fire the arrow and shoot him!"

Yu Wenhuaji roared in the middle of the army. At this moment, his face was as cold as frost, and his whole body was filled with cold air. The family's secret skill of Bingxuanjin was used to the extreme.

"The traitor Yuwen has an unforgivable crime. Today I borrow the power of heaven and earth to carry out the punishment of heaven and earth..."

At the top of Yangzhou City, Xu Xin shouted loudly. He had been preparing for today's game for a long time. He ordered the Zhuhua Gang to arrange the terrain everywhere in Yangzhou City to change the geomantic omen and trigger the current situation where the power of heaven and earth is controlled by him. He will use the power of heaven and earth to The fighting discouraged the rebels.

"Wind blows!"

"Here comes the rain!"

Following Xu Xin's two shouts, a strong wind suddenly blew outside Yangzhou City. The arrows fired by Yuwen's rebels were all deflected, but none of them fell on Xu Xin.

Raindrops fell from the sky one after another, the wind and rain came together, the thunder roared loudly, and the rebels outside the city were in a commotion. When the driven civilians saw this miracle of "calling for wind and rain", they knelt down and knelt down to worship.

"The traitor Yuwen will be punished by heaven and earth..."

Xu Xin shouted again, rising directly from the Yangzhou city tower, stepping into the void, riding the wind, and descended towards the Chinese army where Yu Wenhuaji was.

"Hua Ji, you and I will join hands and use the Ice Mystic Power to destroy this child with strange intentions."

Yuwen Shang appeared next to Yuwen Wenhua. They were the only two people in the huge Yuwen clan who had mastered the "Ice Xuanjin" magical skill. When used with all their strength, they could cause changes in the celestial phenomena, but this would cause a great loss of true energy and would be ineffective in the duel between masters. Not very large, so they are rarely used this way.

But today, Xu Xin caused a thunderous phenomenon to damage the morale of the rebels, and they must fight.

At that moment, Yu Wenshang and Yu Wenhua jumped on the horse's head at the same time, devoting their entire lives to cultivate their true energy. The innate true energy of one of them can already make people fall into an ice cave. The two of them working together at the same time are worthy of the name. Adding insult to injury.


The cold wind roared, and in an instant, two waves covered the sky, and the inexplicable chill seemed to be everywhere. The chill was like mercury leaking to the ground, flying and spreading in all directions at the same time.

The aura of the cold forest was overwhelming, large swaths of ice and snow were flying, and behind the two masters of the Yuwen Clan, the vision of the Ice Soul Qilin was condensed.

On the hill where the Chinese army was located, every plant, tree, flower and stone was frozen and condensed. Everything in the world seemed to be frozen in that moment.

It was originally a hot day in midsummer, but under the full urging of the two masters, snow started to fall in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, heavy snowflakes were falling down one after another. The snow falling in June was truly unbelievable and even abnormal to the extreme.

However, this "heavy snow" did not cover a very wide area, just the city gate battlefield, but it was still very astonishing. As far as the eye could see, everything turned into a world of ice and snow, making people shiver and tremble with the cold.

The old Yu Wenshang straightened up and looked up at Xu Xin in the sky, his eyes sparkling with light. His body was burning, and a heat that made his whole body suddenly boil was growing from the bottom of his heart.

It had been a long time since he had been like this. When Yu Wenshang was young, he had also dressed up in anger and traveled across the rivers and lakes, enjoying revenge and revenge.

But as he got older, his chances of taking action became less and less, and he gradually turned into an old and skinny old man. But today, facing Xu Xin above his head, that bellicose blood was burning again.

Yu Wenhuaji was also staring at Xu Xin. Because the mysterious power in his body reached its peak, the pupils of his eyes turned ice blue, and there was something rolling like a boil.

"Rebel Yuwen, go against heaven."

The powerful Xu Xin spoke again. Under the horrified eyes of countless rebels, he raised his hands to the sky, as if borrowing the power of heaven and earth.

"With my true energy, I will unite the creation of heaven and earth."

In an instant, countless thunderbolts fell from the sky, piercing roars resounded continuously, and dazzling thunder snakes were scurrying around.

Dark blue thunder surrounded Xu Xin's side, and the sound of sizzling thunder and lightning came from the air.

Dark blue thunder and lightning gathered more and more, and even the world here seemed to be shaking violently at this moment.

No one had ever seen such a vision, and they all knelt on the ground, thinking that it was God's anger, and kept begging for mercy.

"You have devoured the people's fat, squandered the people's anointing, harmed the people, and driven the people away. You should suffer a disaster from heaven and die!"

Xu Xin in the void suddenly pointed at Yu Wenshang and Yu Wenhuaji, thunder exploded, electric snakes danced wildly, and God also responded.

As his voice fell, countless civilians inside and outside the city became excited. The Sui army had been in rebellion for a long time, and the people were miserable. Today, the sky showed its power and the people roared with anger. It was the people's support.

A blue light spread rapidly, and the terrifying lightning beam penetrated the sky and went straight into the sky. A huge circular hole appeared in the sea of ​​clouds above.

There was a dull thunder in the sky, resounding through the blue sky.

At this time, Xu Xin was almost in harmony with the heaven and earth. He was inspired by the nature of heaven and earth, as if he was in the center of the universe, and his thoughts were racing in his mind.

In the world of "Datang", there are almost no strong men like him who can borrow the power of heaven and earth to such an extent. However, in later generations, there was a Chuan Ying who practiced the "Illustrated Book of the God of War". He was also like him in this life, and he had great responsibilities. Luck, as if heaven and earth were united in time, he borrowed the power of sky thunder to defeat the god-like demon Meng Chixing in the battle on Long Street.

In that battle, Chuan Ying borrowed thunder from the sky, which was considered a coincidence. However, Xu Xin's summoning of wind and rain this time was to calculate the infinite changes and create an environment similar to artificial rainfall, which was considered to be artificial. If he succeeds in doing this, it explains a lot.

Yu Wenshang and Yu Wenhuaji were still trying their best to activate their true energy. The wind and snow were dancing wildly, and their true energy was surging. They were trying to freeze the sky where Xu Xin was.

The Immortality Art is running in Xu Xin's body, and the seven qi diagrams and the general outline of the Immortality Art appear in his mind one after another.

In an instant, his whole spirit merged with all things, becoming seamless and natural, reaching the state of unity between heaven and man.

Xu Xin closed his eyes silently, and between his breaths he made a strange sound like the roar of dragons and tigers. It was inaudible at first, as if it was far away, but in an instant it resounded throughout the space, shocking the ears, covering up the thunder in the sky, covering up The strong wind howled.

Around Xu Xin, the pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth turned into storm air and rotated rapidly, and blade-like air fronts collided rapidly within this range.

Xu Xin was in the center of the storm, and the boundless spiritual energy connected with him. His power was infinitely amplified, as if he was exerting magical powers similar to Moko's boundless, driving the more terrifying power of heaven and earth.


The lightning flashed, the God of Thunder roared, and a thunder struck in the sky. A big thunderstorm that had been brewing for a long time filled the world in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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