The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 548: Eye 1 smiles charmingly, 6th palace is pink and has no color

Chapter 548 Looking back and smiling, the sixth palace has no color.


Thunder rumbled, and in a certain house in Yangzhou City, a group of young girls were locked in a room and shivering. There were dense footsteps inside and outside the room, and there were people's voices and bursts of fire in the distance.

In a room in the house, three girls aged fifteen or sixteen were carefully holding the window open, while other girls of similar ages stayed in the house, quietly waiting for what might happen next.

"Sisters, something seems to be happening outside. Let's run away quickly!"

One of the three girls holding the window suggested. She stood up as she spoke. Her legs were so slender. Although her body had not fully grown, these long legs were enough for most people. The man was in ecstasy.

"Xiao Ji, don't mess around. If they find out, you will be beaten to death."

There was another girl in the room trying to persuade her, but this girl named Xiao Ji had already made up her mind.

"Sisters, let's escape together!"

The other two girls who uncovered the windows also tried to persuade the other girls, but the remaining girls had been trained to be submissive and did not dare to think of resistance.

"Xiao Ji, Xiao You, let's go then."

The older one among the three girls made a decision. The beautiful girl was as beautiful as a flower, and if she grew up, she would definitely be a first-class oiran.

The long-legged girl Xiao Ji and the remaining girl named Xiao You worked together to completely destroy the window. The three of them helped each other climb out of the window. The remaining girls in the house looked at the open window with the slightest hope, but More of a fear.

They long for freedom, but they have been taught, enslaved and trained for so long that they have lost the courage to resist. Even if the opportunity to escape is in front of them, they do not dare to take risks.


Shortly after the three girls escaped, the door was violently opened, and a group of vicious men broke in. They were the guards who usually guarded these girls.

"The young master has an order not to leave anyone behind."

One of the big men looked at the young girl shivering like a quail, and a trace of fire flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by fierceness.

The ferocious man stepped forward with his knife drawn. Even if the girls were slow to react, they knew that the situation in front of them was not good. Cries and screams echoed in the room. When the three girls who fled to the grass in the garden outside heard these movements, They also guessed what was about to happen, so they held their breath and covered their mouths, not daring to make any sound.


Screams resounded in the room, but they did not come from the girls, but from the strong man who was preparing to deal with the girls.

At some point, a figure appeared in the room. It was Xu Xin who had been searching for this Baling Gang stronghold all the way.

He knew that Xiang Yushan and others would choose to silence the abducted girl when Yang Guang fell, so he had already arranged for people to investigate the clues, and finally arrived in time to rescue the girl.

Xu Xin quickly dealt with the man who was preparing to kill here, and then continued to pursue them. He would not let go of either Xiang Yushan or Sister Xiao.

Not far from the house where the Baling Gang's stronghold was, a ship was ready to go. Xiang Yushan and Sister Xiao had just arrived with a large number of people, but they found a figure in front of them.

"Brother Xu, you..."

Xiang Yushan was shocked when he recognized Xu Xin. Just as he was about to say hello and talk about friendship, he felt his eyes blur, and then bursts of screams rang out all around. When he came to his senses, all his men had fallen to the ground. , only he and Sister Xiao were still alive and well.

"You know, I have always hated abduction and trafficking. You will not die so easily." Xu Xin smiled coldly at Xiang Yushan and Sister Xiao, reached out and grabbed their shoulders with both hands, and they were disabled with just a little force. Their hands and feet were unable to move, and the severe pain made the two of them want to scream in pain, but their acupuncture points had been sealed by Xu.

The two of them were now like living dead. They could feel the pain, and even the pain was infinitely magnified, but they had no way to vent it, not even shouting.

Xu Xin spared the lives of the two of them, not out of mercy, but to pry open their mouths and ask about everything about the Baling Gang's trafficking line. After the Baling Gang is completely eliminated, they will die. when. Before that, they will live in pain.


On this day, Xu Xin saw off Dugu Sheng, who returned to Luoyang with Yang Guang's coffin, and then came to the palace in Yangzhou City.

In the splendid palace, a charming and beautiful woman was praying for blessings. When Xu Xin saw her, his eyes could not help but light up.

This woman, who looks no more than thirty years old, is like a blooming peony, with snowy skin. She has a superior figure and appearance. Coupled with the luxurious phoenix clothes and haori on her body, she is graceful and graceful. Noble at heart.

Time seems to have left no trace on her body. For such a woman with outstanding temperament and talents, who would believe that she is already in her fifties.

"When you look back, you smile and you are full of beauty. The pink and white in the Sixth Palace are colorless."

This charming and charming woman is Xiao Meiniang, Yang Guangfa's wife and the queen of the Sixth Palace.

This Empress Xiao, the current Empress Dowager Xiao, although she is over fifty years old, is still charming and looks like she is only in her thirties.


When Xu Xin came over, Xiao Meiniang quickly stood up to greet him.

"Master Xu!"

Xiao Meiniang saluted Xu Xin very politely. A lot of things happened in Yangzhou during this period, but the final winner was the young man in front of her.

Now that she was living under someone else's roof, for the safety of herself and the royal family members, she had no choice but to compromise.

Under the leadership of Xu Xin, the Guanzhong rebels went north to attack the rebels. Dugu Sheng and other guards and civil and military officials were returned to Luoyang. As for the queen, concubines in the harem, and the royal children who accompanied Yang Guang on his tour of Yangzhou, He was left in Yangzhou by Xu Xin.

While Xu Xin and Xiao Meiniang were talking, a group of girls entered the palace and served tea and snacks. Then a few of them came to Xu Xin to massage and tap his feet. They served Xu Xin as a guest even more seriously than they served the Queen Xiao Meiniang.

If you look closely, you will find that these girls were all rescued by Xu Xin from the Baling Gang that day. They all regard Xu Xin as their benefactor, and naturally they listen to his words the most. They are the ones he uses to spy on Xiao Meiniang and other royal family members. a key part.

Xu Xin expelled all civil and military officials and left only a group of royal members because in the event of the emperor's death, the queen and the emperor's heirs could represent righteousness to a certain extent.

Although he has no intention of continuing to use Sui's signature card, leaving this trump card can also play some role at some point.

And this Empress Xiao is indeed very smooth. Don’t ask him how he knew it. Faced with an Empress Xiao who looked exactly like the mature version of "Princess Yushu", and she also intended to seduce... ahem...

In addition, he also discovered that a certain Eunuch Wei and Empress Xiao secretly referred to each other as uncle and nephew. If calculated this way, Empress Xiao was still a disciple of Zhu Yuyan and a disciple of the Yingui Sect. This road can be managed to a certain extent.

(End of this chapter)

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