The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 554: Taking Susu to visit Miss Jin

Chapter 554: Taking Susu to visit relatives...Miss Qianjin...

When the dawn sunshine shone in from the window, Xu Xin opened his eyes, his arms heavy, which made him quickly recall the ups and downs of last night.

He gently lifted the corner of the quilt, and saw that the gentle and lovely eldest sister was still sleeping, with a happy and satisfied smile on her lips, which was very comforting to look at.

It seemed that Xu's movements were a little too big, and the tender skin exposed to the air trembled slightly, which made him couldn't help but recall everything last night, and the young man's yang energy was strong in the morning, and he couldn't help it. I got into bed and fell in love with the gentle countryside.

"Xiaoling, have you seen Sister Su? She doesn't get up so late on weekdays?"

When Xu Xin got up and had breakfast, he happened to run into Kou Zhong, who had taken Song Yuzhi and ran away to nowhere last night, who was having breakfast. The first thing this kid said when he looked up was not that he cared about his brother, but that he really valued sex over friends.

"Sister Su is feeling unwell."

Xu Xin sat down and took a few bites of breakfast casually, and took some more to take away. Seeing his behavior, Kou Zhong had a guess in his mind, which was quickly confirmed.

"Damn Xiaoling, he didn't have sex with Sister Susu before. This guy definitely did it on purpose..."

Kou Zhong was extremely depressed. There were two brothers in the same family. Xu Xin was happy every day, but he was still a virgin. And in a while, he will go to Xingyang with Xu Xin and Su Su to visit their relatives, so he will have to be fed dog food again.

Xu Xin, Kou Zhong and others stayed in Jiujiang City for a while. After the situation stabilized, the three of them took a boat to Xingyang, the base camp of the Wagangzhai rebels.

The fall of Xingyang was a turning point in the rise and fall of the Sui Dynasty, and it was also the starting point for Li Mi's struggle for world supremacy.

Xingyang is located south of Tongji Canal of the Grand Canal. Going west along the canal, you can reach the eastern capital Luoyang only through the two cities of Hulao and Yanshi, which only takes a few days to travel by water.

Therefore, the Wagang Army took root here and posed a major threat to the Great Sui Dynasty. This was also one of the key reasons why Yang Guang moved from Luoyang to Jiangdu.

Li Mi joined the Wagang Army in the twelfth year of Daye. He was very strategic and ambitious. He took advantage of the rising power of the Wagang Army and Zhai Rang, and relied on his unparalleled martial arts to conquer a small group of nearby rebels and different forces. Strengthened the Wagang Army's strength.

In the Battle of Dahai Temple in the same year, Li Mi led his elite men to ambush the twelve counties of Henan Province to capture the ambassador, Zhang Xutuo, who was known as the "Wind Spear". He and Zhai Rang attacked from both sides and finally defeated Xutuo's army. , Zhang Xutuo was shot to death by Li Mi himself.

This battle made Li Mi famous all over the world, and he became the most prestigious figure in the Wagang Army. He was obviously superior to Zhai Rang, the leader. Under this situation, Zhai Rang had no choice but to let Li Mi lead his own army, known as the Pushan Public Camp. This laid the root of the Wagang Army's indiscriminate priorities.

Li Mi was born into a noble family, and his ancestors had the title of Pushan Gong, so he set up a war camp in this name.

He is indeed a very strategic overlord. He not only won Xingyang, but also planned to prosper Luocang. He grew and developed step by step, and gradually conquered many leaders of Wagang Village, including those who had followed Zhai Rang very early. Xu Shiji.

Originally, without Xu Xin's intervention, Li Mi would have attacked and seriously injured Zhai Rang first, and then neutralized him step by step. After taking control of the power, he would have massacred Zhai Rang's Dalongtou Mansion. He had succeeded in seizing power, but it had also laid the root of his downfall. .

However, with Xu Xin's arrangement, the situation was a little different. First of all, although Zhai Rang was injured by Li Mi in a sneak attack, Li Mi himself was almost beaten to death by Xu Xin that night, and his waist was almost broken. The injury was more serious than Zhai Rang's. .

This affected Li Mi's next series of actions, and his side suffered frantic suppression from Zhai Rang. In addition, Li Mi's top general Qiao Military Advisor Shen Luoyan was abducted by Xu Xin, and the development of his power was even more restricted.

Li Mi's development was limited, and Zhai Rang still held the power. Without confidence, the two sides would naturally not get angry. Later, during the Jiangdu Rebellion, Sima Dekan went north to sweep away the rebels, and then fought to the death with the Wagang Army.

Wagang barely won this battle, but they failed to defeat the Guanzhong Forbidden Army. Instead, they were allowed to break through and go north, only to pick up the baggage all over the ground. Both sides suffered damage to each other. However, in the propaganda of the Wagang Army, they actually defeated the Sui Army, and their momentum and influence became stronger. After this battle, the external pressure on Wagang was temporarily gone, and the internal conflicts became increasingly fierce. The trend of fire merger.

The Wagang army may have merged with the enemy. Such key information was learned by Yangzhou. Xu Xin certainly had some ideas. But if you want to profit from this matter, you need to find a good entry point, and Susu's relationship is just right.

Because the internal conflicts in Wagang were becoming increasingly serious, when Xu Xin, Su Su and Kou Zhong came to Xingyang, the city defense gates were extremely strict. From a distance, Wagang troops wearing uniform blue uniforms could be seen interrogating people coming and going.

"Xiao Ling, they are questioning us very strictly. Should we try to sneak in again at night?"

Kou Zhong first sneaked into the front team and watched the Wagang Army's interrogation. He found that it would be difficult to sneak into the city if he told nonsense, so he came back to discuss with Xu Xin and Su Su to see if they could fly directly over the city wall at night.

"That's okay, but it will take a day."

Although Xingyang City is high, it is nothing to Xu Xin who can fly. If he sneaks in at night, he can only find a place to stay tonight. He may have to go to Dalongtou Mansion tomorrow.

"Isn't this Sister Su?"

Xu Xin and the others observed for a while and then turned around, preparing to find a place to rest outside Xingyang City until night. However, they did not expect to bump into a group of soldiers returning from patrol. One of the leaders happened to recognize Su Su.

"Eh? Are you, Brother Daniu?"

Susu also recognized this leader. He was an old man from the Wagang Army who had followed Zhai Rang for a long time.

"Sister Su, you just came back! I'll just take you into the city."

Su Su chatted with the leader for a while, and after the latter understood some of the situation, he took the initiative to take them into Xingyang and escorted the three of them all the way to Dalongtou Mansion.

Despite this time of war, Rongyang City is still very prosperous. A section of the road from the south gate to Dalong Mansion is lined with grain stores, oil shops, and grocery stores. The streets are very spacious and can accommodate ten horses galloping at the same time. The weather of the city.

Dalongtou Mansion is located in the center of Rongyang City. It was the former prefect's mansion for city officials. When it came into Zhai Rang's hands, it was used as the main body for expansion. The already magnificent mansion became even more impressive.

"Susu, where is Susu?"

Not long after Xu Xin, Su Su and Kou Zhong waited at the gate of Dalongtou Mansion, a rather rough female voice came, and then they saw Zhai Jiao, the "Qianjin" eldest daughter of Dalongtou Zhai Rang.

A figure flashed, and a woman who was as thick as a man and completely different from the rich lady that ordinary people imagined appeared.

She was wearing colorful clothes and had a pair of round eyes like copper bells. She was not feminine at all. Gao Zhong, who was looking forward to her at first, was stunned.

In fact, this Miss Zhai Jiao has good facial features, but her cheekbones are too high and round, her hair is thick, her eyebrows are thick, her waist is thick and her body is strong. She also has to apply makeup and powder to make her look nondescript, which is enough to make any man sick at the sight of her.

(End of this chapter)

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