The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 556: Believe what you say, if everything is over, there is a way to die.

Chapter 556: Believe what you say, rest when everything is over... There is a way to die...

After Xu Xin and Kou Zhong came to Dalongtou Mansion for the first time, this was the first time they swaggered into the main hall of Dalongtou Mansion, which was also regarded as an important place by the Wagang Army as the "Government Hall".

The lobby of the main house is grand and heavy, facing south, with three couplets and seven beams, a mountain-style building, full of ancient charm. The hall is mainly made of mahogany furniture, famous paintings are hung on the walls, and octagonal palace lanterns are hung on the beams. It is rich and elegant.

The protagonists of today's banquet are naturally the big leader Zhai Rang and Li Mi, who has threatened the leader's position.

Li Mi is a calm middle-aged man. In his early years, he participated in Yang Xuangan's failed rebellion and hid in Tibet. However, this experience did not diminish his ambition and ambition. On the contrary, he has become more mature and steady after experiencing the changes in the world.

Zhai Rang is a tall, thin, straight, middle-aged man with a beautiful beard. He is also a very dignified person. He is the head of the Wagang family, the leader of the rebels in the world, and the leader.

"Dragon head! Dragon head!"

"Mi Gong! Mi Gong!"

As the landlord, Zhai Rang stood up to toast, but Li Mi, the "guest", also stood up and toasted at the same time.

One is Wagang Da Longtou, the most powerful rebel in the world, and the other is Pushan Gong Li Mi, who is as prestigious as Da Longtou and has a distinguished family background. Wherever they passed, there were bursts of congratulations.

Behind Tu Shufang, Xu Xin looked at the actions of Li Mi and Zhai Rang, and secretly thought about it. Li Mi and Zhai Rang toasted to the leaders of Wagang at the same time. This matter was big or small.

But there is no doubt that Li Mi at this moment does not belong to Zhai Rang in terms of status, and the problem of lack of priority has become more and more serious.

Xu Xin and Kou Zhong silently observed the banquet, and soon more discoveries were made, which also confirmed some speculations. The conflict between Li Mi and Zhai Rang became more and more intense. If it continues, there will either be a fight or one of them. Give in proactively.

As the food and wine started to arrive, the guests at the Longtou Mansion banquet became more and more lively, or rather lethargic. They all hooked up with each other, played and punched each other, drank and ate food.

"Da Longtou, brother, I am feeling a little unwell. I would like to ask this maid in your house to stay with you for the night. This is not a big deal, right?"

Just when everyone was having their fill of wine and food, something suddenly happened in the lobby. A middle-aged strong man grabbed the sleeve of a pretty maid in Dalongtou Mansion and held on to it. He even pulled it up to his nose and sniffed the big girl. laugh it out.

"We are all brothers."

“Brothers are like siblings, women are like clothing.”

"Brother Wang has made great achievements this time. Da Longtou will definitely not mind this small request."


One by one, the so-called Wagang generals started to make noises. If you look carefully, they are all from Li Mi's side, and the guy who made the request was Li Mi's student and confidant general, Wang Bodang.

"Is this a deliberate test by Li Mi? Using such disgusting and unflattering methods, can he still be considered an individual?"

Xu Xin secretly observed the reactions of everyone in the hall. Li Mi was smiling, Zhai Rang was expressionless, Xu Shiji and Zu Junyan looked at each other, Li Mi's only son Li Tianfan was smiling, and the other people around him were smiling lustfully. Heckle.

Judging from the reactions of these people, this was not an accident, but a deliberate act by Li Mi to determine the extent of Zhai Rang's injury.

"Xiao Ling, fortunately you have the foresight."

Beside Xu Xin, Kou Zhong murmured in a low voice that Su Su and Chu Chu were originally going to entertain the banquet tonight, but Xu Xin asked Zhai Jiao in advance to save them the trouble. Otherwise, they might be the ones being teased.

"This Wang Bodang has a way to die."

Xu Xin looked at the drunkard Wang Bodang who was still pulling and bullying the maid. Xu Xin usually didn't mind his own business, but he would never be polite when he encountered such a lecherous villain who forced a woman to do something.

"Wang Bodang has a right to die. We can use his head to provoke a fight between Li Mi and Zhai Rang." Xu Xinxin thought about it secretly and had a relatively complete idea. It just so happened that Wang Bodang was disgusting. , just kill this lewd bastard first.

The plan prepared by Xu Xin is simple and crude. It is probably similar to the two "Keep your word" and "Everything is over". It is to kill people to provoke conflicts and fights, be the villain behind the scenes, and finally kill them all.

Targeting the general who assassinated Li Mi, the conflict between the two parties became more intense. Of course, the identity of the assassin needs to be chosen well, and he cannot look like the kind of person Zhai Rang arranged at first glance.

"Only you, a dog, dare to molest my maid, Zhai Jiao."

Just when Xu Xin was thinking silently, there was a scream outside the hall, but it was the female tyrannosaurus Zhai Jiao who got the news and rushed into the hall with her big sword. When she saw Wang Bodang still holding on to Her maid's sleeve was not loosened, and she immediately slashed it with a knife.


Zhai Jiao's sword was of course in vain. Wang Bodang was just pretending to be drunk and teasing the maid, not really drunk. After easily evading Zhai Jiao's pursuit, he came to Li Mi's side.

"Jiao'er, stop it."

Zhai Jiao was still preparing to continue to chop him, but Zhai Rang spoke at this moment, his tone had never been more serious.

Li Mi and Wang Bodang observed Zhai Rang carefully when he was talking, and they made a lot of eye contact. This made Xu Xin even more certain that Wang Bo should be the target to be killed.

In the end, Zhai Jiao listened to Zhai Rang's words and did not continue to kill Wang Bodang. However, after such a big fuss, the banquet in Longtou Mansion also ended hastily.

Zhai Rang personally sent Li Mi to the door. The number one and number two person in Wagang still acted very close to him on the surface.

"Da Longtou, there's no need to see you off."

Li Mi declined Zhai Rang at the door of Longtou Mansion and continued to see him off. He turned around and was about to lift the door curtain and get on the carriage to leave for home.

The moment he opened the door curtain, a sword light expanded rapidly in front of his eyes.


After all, Li Mi was a dominant figure who had seen large-scale battles. Even if he was assassinated, he could react in time. Although a sword mark was scratched on his face, he managed to avoid a critical blow. However, the inevitable violent impact during the avoidance process affected his injuries. , when he opened his mouth, a cloud of blood mist was sprayed out.

"There are assassins!"

A shrill whistle sounded at the gate of Longtou Mansion. When Li Mi's entourage saw that he was assassinated, they all rushed over, including Wang Bodang who flew over with two spears.

When the assassin in black saw that he missed a move, he decisively gave up and continued to assassinate Li Mi. He separated several phantoms that were difficult to distinguish from reality on the spot to confuse the people who were besieging him, and then chose the direction of Wang Bodang to break out.


When Wang Bodang saw a certain figure of the assassin moving in his direction, he immediately raised his spears and stabbed straight at him. The spear blades roared through the air. The power of his attack was very extraordinary, but facing the assassin in black But it's completely useless.

"Li Mi, it's your luck this trip, I won't let you go when I'm a shadow assassin..."

Wang Bodang and the man in black passed each other and saw a shadow in black quickly disappearing into the night, and there were lingering sounds from the sky and the earth.

The man in black assassinated today was actually a shadow assassin?

(End of this chapter)

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