The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 559: The South China Sea Immortal, the moon is dark and the wind is high

Chapter 559: The South China Sea Immortal, the moon is dark and the wind is high

"Wang Sima, please go down and arrange things first!"

When Zhai Rang saw Zhai Jiao and the others approaching, he ended his conversation with the middle-aged scribe. The latter stood up and left, bowing to Zhai Jiao before leaving.

The middle-aged scribe Wang Ruxin who left was Zhai Rang's Sima and could be considered a confidant, but Zhai Rang still had doubts about him. Because many of these "literati" in Wagang Village joined Li Mi's command, including Xu Shiji, who had been with him for a long time.

Xu Xin and others let Wang Ruxin into the hall. The tall, thin and straight man with a beautiful beard sat on his seat and looked at them, his eyes flashing with lightning, and he did not look injured at all.

Zhai Rang had a handsome appearance, but he had a hooked nose, which made him look sinister, giving people a very conceited feeling, and also gave people the impression of being selfish and ruthless.

"Jiao'er, what do you want from dad?"

Zhai Rang was still very gentle when facing Zhai Jiao, his daughter. He only had this child. After his wife died, this daughter was what he cared about most, so he risked his life to save others alone.

"Dad, it's Su Su's two sworn brothers who are looking for you, saying they have a report related to the assassination."

Zhai Jiao gave way to Xu Xin and Kou Zhong, and Zhai let a pair of tiger eyes fall on them, full of scrutiny.

"Da Longtou, the injuries suffered by Li Mi in the sneak attack that night have not been cured yet!"

Zhai Rang and Tu Shufang were still observing and sizing up, but Xu Xin spoke first. As his words fell, the atmosphere in the whole room suddenly changed.

"Who are you!"

Zhai Rang's eyes became sharp, and Tu Shufang's hands were filled with Qi, ready to kill at any moment.

"Of course we are sister Su Su's adopted brothers, but we can also be regarded as Da Longtou's benefactors. If I hadn't reminded her that night, how could we have been alive?"

Xu Xin slowly walked to the chair next to him and sat down, without any fear of Zhai Rang and Tu Shufang's Qi lock. Then he told some details about the fight that night, which made Zhai Rang believe it a little bit. .

He gestured to Tu Shufang not to do anything for the time being, and said tentatively with a smile: "Zhai Rang has always remembered the rescue you two made that night, but he just didn't have the chance to repay..."

"You're welcome, Zhai Dalongtou. We came to help that night only because of Sister Su."

"We came to see you today because of Sister Su and Chu Chu."

Xu Xin sat on the chair and looked at Zhai Rang calmly, and continued: "Zhai Dalongtou knows that you are about to be in disaster."

"What do you mean, Master?"

Zhai Rang frowned slightly and asked in a deep voice.

"Chao Gongcuo of the Nanhai Sect has a close relationship with Li Mi. Li Mi asked the Nanhai Sect to come to Xingyang to prepare to deal with you, Da Longtou. With the current Da Longtou Mansion, we are somewhat sure that we can handle it."

Xu Xin's words made Zhai Rang and Tu Shufang's expressions change dramatically. Chao Gongcuo, who is known as the Nanhai Immortal of the Nanhai Sect, can barely be regarded as a master of the same generation as Ning Daoqi. He is a master-level figure, while Nanhai, who is rooted in Zhuya County, Nanhai The faction is also a very powerful force.

Chao Gongcuo is famous for his self-created "Seven Killing Boxing". It is said that Ning Daoqi once fought with him in the Leizhou Peninsula of the South China Sea. After a hundred moves, Chao Gongcuo was defeated by Ning Daoqi's unique skill "Eight Pounces of Sanshou". "Under this, it can be said that although defeated, it is still glorious.

Someone once commented on the world's masters, saying that Chao Gongcuo must be among the top ten or even the top five in the world. Although it is bragging, this old guy's force value is indeed extremely high. Even if Zhai Rang is not injured, It will never be his opponent. Li Mi's father, Li Kuan, was very kind to the Nanhai faction. After Li Mi started his army, he repeatedly sent envoys to ask Chao Gongcuo to come out of the mountain. However, it was not until Yang Guang died after the Jiangdu Rebellion that Chao Gongcuo was willing to nod. Get out of the mountain.

"Chao Gong made a mistake about the future? Where did the news come from?"

Zhai Rang looked at Xu Xin nervously. This news was too bad for him.

Originally, Li Mi's general Wang Bodang and his only son Li Tianfan were killed in the past two days. Li Mi's forces were in chaos. He was already preparing to retreat to recover from his injuries. After recovering from his injuries, he would use thunderous means to kill Li Mi and regain the power of Wagang.

But if Li Mi really invited Chao Gong to come out by mistake, then perhaps Li Mi would take action first before he could recover from his injuries, and he would be the one who would die at that time.

And in the current situation, even if he wants to take action in advance, he is not very sure. Li Mi only killed two masters, and the overall power has not been weakened much. His internal injuries have become more serious after so long, and forcing a move will only hurt both sides. .

"Our brothers' Qi has a miraculous effect in healing injuries. We can help Da Longtou heal his injuries. During this period, you can set up an ambush in the house and catch them off guard."

Xu Xin walked up to Zhai Rang and put his hand on Zhai Rang's shoulder to pass the Qi. The latter immediately felt that the injuries in his body were changing rapidly. If there was enough Zhai Rang to help, his injuries might be healed. Most of it can be recovered in a short period of time without affecting your hands-on experience.

"What do you want?"

Zhai Rang asked in a deep voice. He wanted to negotiate terms with Xu Xin and the others in advance, and also wanted to test the purpose of the two people in front of him.

"What we want can't be obtained until Dalongtou solves Li Mi. It's too early to negotiate terms now."

Xu Xin patted Zhai Rang on the shoulder and continued: "Da Longtou does not have to accept our brothers' help, then we will leave immediately with Sister Su Su and Miss Chu Chu, and will no longer care about Wagang. How you decide is up to you, Da Longtou."

"Okay, please help me, two little brothers."

Zhai Rang was not a hesitant person. He quickly made a decision and was ready to accept the help of Xu Xin and Kou Zhong. As for whether they might have any excessive demands in the future, that could only be discussed later. The current Dalongtou Mansion is not qualified to refuse.

For a period of time after this, Xingyang seemed to be calm, but in fact there was a turbulent undercurrent. The Dalongtou Mansion gathered manpower and was heavily guarded, while Li Mi was searching more and more closely for the shadow assassin Yang Xuyan.

Days like this come to the end of the month. On this night, the sky is dim, the stars are sparse, the moon is dark and the wind is high. It is a good time to kill.

The Dalongtou Mansion is heavily guarded, with teams of guards patrolling back and forth, and sentinels both visible and hidden throughout the mansion to guard against possible sneak attacks.


There was a sound that sounded like something was hitting someone from nowhere, and not long after that, there were bursts of noise from the Dalongtou Mansion. Soon, flames were seen in the front yard, and the sound was terrifying. .

Countless figures surrounded them in the dark night, armed with weapons and charging into Dalongtou Mansion. These warriors with red scarves on their heads kept coming like a tide. They were all elite loyalists under Li Mi. They had been preparing for today for a long time. .

Zhai Rang's figure quickly flew out from the inner courtyard, and rushed to the front yard as quickly as possible to cut down a group of red warriors. A clear voice resounded through the Dalongtou Mansion, "Rebel Li Mi, do you dare to fight with me, Zhai Rang?" Fight alone!"

Li Mi's figure appeared surrounded by everyone, and the soft and pleasant voice responded: "Da Longtou has invited me, and Li Mi should have accompanied me, but tonight there is a senior who wants to personally send Da Longtou on his way."

(End of this chapter)

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