The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 561: Phantom Demon Body Technique, Xu Shiji stabbed his waist

Chapter 561: Phantom Demon Body Technique, Xu Shiji stabbed his waist


Just when Zhai Rang killed Li Mi, he looked up and laughed and relaxed, a black shadow quickly swept to his side from the shadow corner of Dalongtou Mansion and decisively drew his sword.

The shadow assassin Yang Xuyan originally sneaked into Xingyang for a confidential booklet in Li Mi's hand that was very threatening to the Sui Dynasty. However, due to Xu's successive assassinations, the Wagang Army blocked the entire city for manhunt. He spent all his efforts Hidden down until today.

When the battle at Dalongtou Mansion began, he sneaked over and did not take action when the two sides were fighting. It was not until Zhai Rang was so satisfied after killing Li Mi that he saw the opportunity to assassinate Zhai Rang.

Li Mi is now killed, and if Zhai Rang dies again, the huge Wagang army may collapse, which is a good thing for Yang Xuyan.

He was the son of Yang Yong, the former crown prince of the Sui Dynasty, so he naturally did not want the Sui Dynasty to overthrow. In his eyes, Li Mi and Zhai Rang were both rebels and must be killed.

Yang Xuyan's assassination came so suddenly that no one could react. Zhai Rang only realized that there was a sneak attack when the sword edge tore his clothes, but his whole body was already trapped in an almost irresistible vortex. .

It was a kind of thousands of strange forces, some of which pulled him forward, and some of which pressed him directly. There were also several horizontal and rotating forces, like falling into the turbulent whirlpool of the sea, making it difficult for him to do so. Have the ability to control independently.

After all, Zhai Rang was the overlord of the generation. Although he was alert and reacted too late, at the critical moment of life and death, he still moved his body and avoided the vital points on his body.


Yang Xuyan's sword stabbed Zhai Rang through him. The latter opened his mouth and a rain of blood spurted directly into his face. At the same time, he slapped Yang Xuyan's Tianling Gai directly with his big hand.

After Yang Xuyan succeeded in the sneak attack, he decisively withdrew and attacked again. Zhai Rang's eyesight blurred, and he could barely see a black shadow, and then he saw a little sword light expanding in front of his eyes.

The indestructible sword energy invaded through the long sword, causing him to breathe rapidly. His whole body was cut like a knife, and the wounds continued to bleed.

His falling palm hit the empty space, and the feeling of being unable to use the wrong force made Zhai Rang vomit a large mouthful of blood again.

Dots of sword light flashed in front of his eyes, making him blind, and he could only react purely based on his feelings.

But at this moment, he was completely at a disadvantage. If no one came to help him, he would be killed by the assassin in front of him in just three moves or two.

A sharp sword energy pierced Zhai Rang's waist, almost silently. Just when he was about to succeed, Xu Xin's figure arrived.


Yang Xuyan's sword energy was shattered by Xu Xin. The best contemporary assassin of Butian Pavilion retreated decisively, transforming into several figures that were difficult to distinguish from reality. It was one of the two unique skills of "Evil King" Shi Zhixuan. Phantom Demon Body Technique".

Xu Xin didn't care about those phantoms at all, and used his supreme spiritual sense to instantly lock onto Yang Xuyan's true form, and chased after him, covering his head with a palm.


The sword radiance on the ground is full of drama, and there are whistling sword shadows in all directions, and it is difficult to predict whether it is true or not.

But Xu Xin could clearly grasp that Yang Xuyan was in front of him. He landed a violent palm and the infinite sword light instantly disintegrated.


Yang Xuyan's sword was interrupted by Xu Xin's palm, and his whole body was seriously injured. However, he was worthy of being a disciple of Shi Zhixuan. With the power of this palm, he flew decisively and transformed into a phantom and disappeared.

Xu Xin looked at the direction in which Yang Xuyan disappeared. After his eyes flickered for a moment, he did not choose to continue the pursuit.

With his martial arts, it would be easy to catch up with Yang Xuyan and kill him, but at this time, Yang Xuyan was only a minor in martial arts, and had not yet combined the "Seal of Immortality" and the "Wisdom of the Origin of All Dharmas" Having mastered the "Black Hand Magic Skill", to Xu Xin, the current Yang Xuyan is of little value. The zhenqi that Xu Xin penetrated into Yang Xuyan's body has taken root and sprouted. He is going to give Yang Xuyan a few years to continue dancing, and then harvest this leek after he has mastered his martial arts.

"Da Longtou, are you okay?"

Xu Xinxin lost his mind and let Yang Xuyan go, then decisively turned around to help Zhai Rang, who was seriously injured and on the verge of death, and used the immortal energy to save his life.

Zhai Rang cannot die, at least not now. He will have to wait until Xu completes the harvest of Wagang Village, and then Zhai Rang will be considered useless. By then, he can die however he wants.

"Big dragon head!"

A shout came from Tu Shufang next to him. He left Zu Junyan, who had lost his fighting spirit, and ran to Xu Xin and Zhai Rang's side in a few steps.

"That was the shadow assassin Yang Xuyan just now? He is really a scary guy, but Xiaoling is more powerful."

Kou Zhong also appeared from nowhere, and Su Su and Chu Chu appeared with him. Xu Xin gave him a task tonight to protect the safety of the female family members.


Zhai Jiao's voice came along with the urgent footsteps. She rushed to Xu Xin and Zhai Rang's side, but was grabbed by Tu Shufang.

"Miss, Mr. Xu is healing Da Longtou."

Zhai Jiao was confused when she was concerned, but Tu Shufang was still somewhat calm, knowing that this critical moment of healing should not be touched carelessly.

"Ah...thank you Mr. Xu for saving my life..."

Zhai Rang's injuries were stabilized by Xu Xin, but with his pale face showing excessive blood loss, anyone could tell that his condition was quite bad.

"Xu Shi..."

At this time, a sudden commotion broke out among the surrounded group of Li Mi's men, but it was Xu Shiji who stabbed Zu Junyan in the waist with a decisive sneak attack and killed him. When Zu Junyan turned around, his eyes were full of disbelief.

After Xu Shiji stabbed Zu Junyan, he rushed out of the encirclement and knelt in front of Zhai Rang. He kowtowed heavily with a thud, raised the bloody knife with both hands, and cried: "Big dragon head, Shiji knows that he has committed the crime before." Blunder……"

This Xu Shiji is worthy of being a political tumbler who lived from the Sui Dynasty to the Wu Zetian era. He is smart, but it is also true that he has no loyalty. Smart people like him always care about themselves the most.

Zhai Rang looked at Xu Shiji who was kneeling on the ground, and his eyes changed. This was the old subordinate who joined him in the army. He once regarded him as a confidant. But he didn't expect that this bastard was the first to betray him and join Li Mi's army, and even attracted a group of old people from Wagang to come over.

He really wanted to kill Xu Shiji now, but at this time almost all the most important leaders under Li Mi were dead, and Zu Junyan was also killed by Xu Shiji as a "voucher of surrender", which meant that if Zhai Rang still wanted to take over peacefully, The best way for those forces after Li Mi's death was to re-accept Xu Shiji.

"Are you planning to keep this duplicitous person as your son-in-law?"

Xu Xin said such words lightly at this time. Both Zhai Rang and Xu Shiji's expressions changed, but it was another person who made the first move.


Zhai Jiao raised the Daguan knife and decisively chopped off Xu Shiji's head. When the latter was dying, his body was stiff and his face was full of horror. He never expected that a smart man like himself would end up like this.

(End of this chapter)

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