The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 563: I pledge my life to the beauty without saying a word, so I will take it as your consent

Chapter 563: I pledge my life to save my life... If the beauty doesn't say anything, I'll take it as your consent.

On a hill outside Xingyang, two horses were walking slowly carrying Xu Xin and Kou Zhong.

The mountain road is hidden in the shade of green trees, and the scenery along the way is beautiful. One side faces a hundred-foot deep valley, and you can have a panoramic view of the fields under the mountain. When you reach the height, you can see the green mountains and the rolling mountains.

Xu Xin drove the horse slowly, pulling the horse's head around, twitching the tip of his nose from time to time, closing his eyes and feeling the breath of nature.

Kou Zhong touched the horse's head with one hand, and his eyes moved around as he did, looking at the pleasant mountain and forest scenery around him.

"Master Ling, why don't we stay in Xingyang? Where are we going this time?"

On the warm days of spring, the spring heart of all things sprouts, and the mouth is no exception, especially since he and Chu Chu just made a good relationship a few months ago. It is the time when the essence is eaten and the taste is known, and he is even more unwilling to leave the gentle hometown.

"Let's go to the Pegasus Ranch not far from Jingling. Qingxuan had an appointment with me before, and she should have brought her things there by now."

"The good horses at Pegasus Ranch will also be of great use to us in our future struggle for world domination."

"Also, I got news that Boss Du's Jianghuai Army seems to be attacking Jingling."

Xu Xin glanced at Kou Zhong and gave a few reasons casually without doubting that he was convinced.

The two of them rode on horseback and traveled a long way.

On this day, they traveled through the night and came to an endless dense forest in the east of Jingling County. In the dark night without stars and moonlight, the primeval forest looked particularly gloomy and mysterious.

Xu Xin and Kou Zhong rode their horses along the mountain road into the forest. When they were about to leave the mountain forest, they could faintly see lights in a certain direction in front of them, and there were also bursts of fighting sounds.

The two of them went to a high place to rein in their horses and watch. The undulating hills and sparse forests were covered in fire. There were hundreds of torches all over the mausoleum. Two groups of people were fighting to the death in that direction.

"It's so lively, go check it out!"

Xu Xin looked at the center of the torch in the distance. As his energy flowed, his eyesight was far beyond that of ordinary people. He saw some interesting pictures clearly, and he made a decision at that moment.

Kou Zhong naturally had nothing to say about Xu Xin's decision. The two of them galloped for about two miles when they saw a high-hanging yellow light in the center of the chaotic battlefield in front of them. Under the yellow light was a wooden structure. On the high platform, there seemed to be a beautiful figure tied there, waiting for someone to heroically save the beauty.

"Are these two gangs fighting to the death for this person?"

Kou Zhong's spiritual sense was not weak, and he analyzed the situation after observing the situation from a distance.

Xu Xin curled his lips and a joking look flashed in his eyes, "It seems like it is indeed the case. Let's go join in the fun and help out."

After Xu Xin and Kou Zhong let go of their accompanying horses, they quickly approached the high platform with their body skills. At this time, the shouts of killing were extremely noisy. The two groups fought and fought. The torches were misplaced, either stuck on the ground or tied to the ground. On the tree, but the closer to the core platform, the denser and more torches.

They could clearly see that one of the people was wearing Hu robes, clearly non-Chinese people, while the other party was all wearing black uniforms, and they were clearly distinguishable.

"Tie Le people, it seems they are these guys."

Xu Xin probably guessed what was going on after seeing the costumes of these people. He didn't expect that he had arrived at such a coincidence, so he moved his gaze to the high platform.

Under the dense torches, the situation on the high platform was clear. Tied to the platform was a woman in yellow clothes. Her long, cloud-like hair hung down, covering most of her face, making it difficult for people to see clearly her beautiful face.

"Master Ling, where should we help?"

Kou Zhong was already eager to try, but Xu Xin was staring at the woman on the high platform. This made him a little strange. He couldn't see anything clearly from such a distance. If he really wanted to see it, wouldn't it be better to go directly there.

"I don't want to help anyone. Let's just rescue that beauty." Xu Xin pointed at the beautiful figure in yellow on the high platform. Not surprisingly, that was the person he thought of, and he was destined to fall in love with Xu Xin. The evil entangled Yin Guijue charm. What he was thinking about now was how to swallow this little witch who was pretending to be a piggy.

"When will we do it?"

Kou Zhong was a little eager to try, but Xu Xin wanted to observe for a while. But he remembered that there seemed to be people from the Yingui sect nearby. He would find them all first, and then find a way to get rid of them, and then train the one on the high platform who was pretending to sleep. Little stupid pig.

When Xu Xin thought of the good thing, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and put on a bad smile.

In the chaos at this moment, the warriors in Hufu were preventing the warriors in black from taking over the high platform, and it was clear that they had the upper hand. There were over a thousand black-clothed warriors, half as many as the Hu-clad warriors, but the Hu-clad warriors were all very skilled and cooperated very well, and the two sides formed a tense battle.

The shadow of the sword and the light of the sword reflected the surrounding fire from time to time, like little will-o'-the-wisps that were beating endlessly.

The battlefield is spread over a vast area, and although it is dominated by high platforms, there are people fighting fiercely everywhere, chasing each other, and it is extremely cruel.

"Do it!"

Xu Xin grabbed Kou Zhong's shoulders and jumped up. Before anyone could react, the two of them reached the high platform. Then Xu Xin and Kou Zhong took action at the same time.

Huang Mang's sword flashed with light, and Kou Zhong took out the three guarding Hu warriors with one blow. Xu Xin quickly walked over and untied the girl in yellow.


Xu Xin saved the person, holding the beauty in his right hand, and grabbing Kou Zhong with his left hand. The three of them jumped up from the high platform, Xu Xin used his light body skills to fly in the air, and occasionally put his foot on the head of the Hufu warrior who was blocking the way. With just a few leaps, their figures quickly disappeared into the night.

"Young Master Zhong, go and set up a tent quickly."

After Xu Xin and Kou Zhong broke through the encirclement, they found their released horses and galloped to a safe place. They came to a dry mountainous area. Xu Xin took out a simple tent cloth from the cloth bag carried by the horse and threw it to Kou Zhong. Zhong, the latter quickly set up a tent.

Xu brought the beauty into the tent, reached out to brush her hair away, and put the beauty's head on his lap. Kou Zhong stood there stunned.

Is there such a beautiful woman in the world with such a charming temperament?

Although the beauty still has her eyes closed, her peerless beauty has surpassed beauties like Song Yuzhi, Shen Luoyan, and Shan Wanjing. I can’t imagine how peerless she would be if she opened her eyes. Appearance.

Kou Zhong recalled the beauties he had seen in his life, and found that only the Qingxuan who had an appointment with Xu had a true appearance without a fake nose, and could compete with the sleeping beauty in front of him.

"Xiao Zhong, why are you still standing there? Go and set up your own tent! Are you planning to sleep outside tonight?"

Xu Xin pointed to the open space outside. The meaning was obvious. He went to set up a tent and sleep. The rest has nothing to do with you, little brother.

"Xiao Lingqi deserves to die..."

Kou Zhong was speechless and helpless. He cursed in his heart that Xu valued sex over friends and was unloyal. He called him Mr. Zhong when he needed it, and Xiao Zhong when he didn't. It was too realistic.

Kou Zhong was so numb that Xu Xin lit a lamp and hung it on the top of the tent, lowering his head to admire the sleeping beauty.

The beauty under the candlelight is like jade, like the graceful figure of the undulating mountains and rivers, with jet-black hair, snow-white skin, beautiful and alluring hair and ice-cold skin, she is almost eerily beautiful.

Xu Xin looked at her and couldn't find any flaws. The smile at the corner of his mouth gradually became wild. He held her waist with one hand and held her shoulders with the other. He hugged this beauty in his arms. He gently lowered his head and sniffed her, as if his ears and temples were rubbing against each other. The child's neck is damaged.

After Xu Xin left a few marks on the snow-white goose neck, he took this beauty deeply into his arms, raised his delicate and beautiful head slightly, raised her delicate chin, and said with a smile: "As the old saying goes, I pledge my life to save my life."

(End of this chapter)

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