Chapter 565: Witch, take a stick from me, Old Xu

Xu Xin chased out of the tent and saw two beautiful figures standing on the treetops facing the mountain wind.

In addition to Huanhan, there was also a woman with silvery white hair and a golden robe. She was also considered a top-notch beauty, but Xu Xin was not interested in her at all, and his eyes were all on Huanhan.

With delicacies from the mountains and seas right in front of you, who would be attracted by vegetables and radishes?

"We haven't finished entering the bridal chamber yet, Huanhua, why are you running?"

With a smile on his face, Xu Xin asked Hanhan to go back and continue entering the bridal chamber with him.

Wanwan stood on the treetop, holding up her glossy black hair with her left hand. She didn't know when a comb appeared in her right hand, and she combed it with infinite tenderness. She felt indescribably soft and weak, and looked at herself in pity.

Huanhan's voice came with the wind, "Langjun bullied Huanhan not enough! You have done so many excessive things, and the slave family wants to kill you..."

"I want to bully Huanwan for the rest of my life, how can I get enough time in such a small amount of time?"

"Huanwen said you hate me? You love me deeply and you hate me so much. This shows that you have love for me!"

When the silver-haired woman saw him coming, she shook her head violently, her silver hair raised up, and turned into a bunch of whips and struck Xu Xin's face.

Xu Xin didn't panic, just waved his sleeves gently, and the twelve ox-hair needles fell to the ground with the wind.

Before Xu Xin finished his teasing words, the woman with silver hair and gold clothes couldn't help but take action. She raised her golden sleeves and sprinkled more than a dozen black lights towards Xu Xin.

Xu Xin shook this strange-looking witch away with one palm. He said, "When can I play Bai Wuchang's role-playing game with this silver-haired beauty? Although she is not young, she is still young and beautiful. The key is that she is shady." She is a pure and clean beauty.

His figure moved accordingly, rising into the sky, and quickly approached Hanhan and the silver-haired woman.

Xu Xin still waved his sleeves gently, and the big sleeves touched the silver hair. The woman's delicate body shook violently, and immediately rose up like a golden cloud. She turned around and waved her sleeves and hit Xu Xin's head. Xu Xin waved his sleeves. With one hand, he broke open the water sleeves and met her face to face.

"The Nu family and Aunt Mei are leaving. They don't want to get involved with you, a bad, bullying man."

"Dear Huanhua, why are you so anxious? You'd better stay and continue being intimate with your husband!"

"Wuanwen, you are miserable. If you fall in love with a prodigal like me, you have to compete with a group of beauties. My husband is free tonight, so I will give you a chance. Go back to the bridal chamber and I will..."

The charming witch reached out to support the silver-haired succubus. She said she was leaving, but her figure did not move. When Xu Xin's true energy came close to her, an indescribable strange whirlpool appeared. , all of a sudden sucked up all his energy.

This woman's profile was quite beautiful, but her face was so pale that she was not even remotely popular. Her eyes flashed with a strange and sinister glare, as if she was a lustful ghost who had slipped out of the underworld and demanded her life.

The mountain breeze comes slowly, and the air flow driven by Xu Xin passes over Huan Huan's delicate body, making her dress sway and her hair scattered, making her look beautiful and youthful, making her look like a fairy.

"My beautiful lady, you are so scary. You can make me lose all my feelings with this appearance. It's too much!"

Xu Xin's vitality was sucked away, but his figure still flew straight towards Hanhan, raising his arms as if to take her and the silver-haired woman into his arms.

"Mr. Lang is really evil. Having Wenwan is not enough. Even Aunt Mei is not ready to let her go!"

As Huanwan spoke, she pushed the silver-haired woman back, and she stayed there to face Xu Xin. She put down her hair, shook her head gently, her hair was raised, and the air in front of her suddenly became distorted. Xu Xin felt the most profound. It was like a force suddenly appeared in front of him, pulling him forward. He felt as if his body had turned into a bottomless pit. If he fell into it, he would never survive. Climb out again.

The supreme secret of the Zhen sect of the Demon Sect, the Heavenly Demon Technique, is also known as the Heavenly Demon Secret. It is the best method among the ten volumes of Heavenly Demon Strategy, comparable to Cihang Jingzhai's Cihang Sword Manual.

The Secret of Heavenly Demon is divided into six chapters and eighteen levels. The first to fourth levels are the "Shape and Spirit Chapter", the fifth to eighth floors are the "Hardness and Softness Chapter", the ninth to twelfth floors are the "Virtual and Real Chapter", and the thirteenth to sixteenth floors are the "Void and Real Chapter". "Space Chapter", the seventeenth floor is the "Disintegration Chapter", and the eighteenth floor is the "Reincarnation Chapter".

The saints of the Yingui sect in the past dynasties must have cultivated to the sixteenth level before they can represent the Yingui sect and travel in the world.

At the sixteenth level of the Heavenly Demon Dafa, he is already the ultimate master in the world, not inferior to the "telepathic" realm of Cihang Sword Code. Therefore, the saints of the Yingui Sect and the "fairies" of Cihang Jingzhai throughout the ages are all innate masters as long as they are born. A top level expert, a trendsetter who stirred up the turmoil of the times.

Heavenly Demon Dafa has three powerful secrets, namely Heavenly Demon Qi, Heavenly Demon Sound, and Heavenly Demon Kung Fu.

Heavenly Demon Qi uses invisible force to steal the enemy's tangible essence, and can absorb the opponent's skill for one's own use. However, the function in this aspect is more to steal the opponent's skill in actual combat and then use it in reverse to absorb the skill and practice it. In terms of transformation, it cannot compare to Xu Xin's method of absorbing energy.

The demonic sound moves people with its sound, confuses the mind, creates hallucinations, and manipulates people.

The techniques of Heavenly Demon Kung Fu are endless and can be varied in many ways. Bare-handed weapons, clothing and ribbons, everything can be used as a weapon. It can be hard or soft, ever-changing, and can be used as you like. It is a graceful and flawless killing move at your fingertips. It can hurt people under any circumstances and teach people. Hard to guard against.

The red lips move, and the beautiful sound of silk and bamboo comes from the lips. Her delicate body floats out with the mountain wind, dancing gracefully in the void, making her both moving and beautiful.

The sound of the devil combined with the wonderful dance of the devil is enough to make most men in the world sink into it and be unable to extricate themselves.

But Xu Xin, who was extremely anxious before, now has clear eyes and reaches out to grab Hanhan's shoulders, obviously wanting to take advantage again.

When Xu Xin's palm was about to touch again, Huan Huan was shaken all over. She looked up at Xu Xin with a sinister and charming expression. She opened her mouth slightly and exhaled a burst of energy.

At the same time, she gently raised her slender hand to poke Xu Xin's eyes, and her fingertips shot out two strange and magical energies, which pressed Xu Xin's eyes and affected his vision.

Her Heavenly Demon Kung Fu has reached the state where she can send and receive it from the heart. It can be hard or soft, and it is ever-changing.

However, facing Xu Xin with such magical skills, it did not take advantage at all. On the contrary, the slight touch of her palms and skin during the fight, and Xu Xin's true energy entered her body again, which aroused her body's reaction. The thoughts of lust took root and sprouted, and the beautiful eyes were filled with radiant water.

"You are such a thief and a pervert. If you use this kind of bullying tactics against Huanwen again, I will find a random man to destroy... Bang..."

Huanwen was so angry that she kept talking, and then her little butt was taught a lesson by Xu.

"Your body was reserved by me. If anyone dares to mess with me, I will destroy the whole Yingui sect and tie up your master and Aunt Mei. They will teach you that life is worse than death..."

Xu Xin warned Hanhan that someone Xu was eyeing her body. If she dared to disobey in the future, the consequences would be the end of the Yin Gui faction, and the Yin Queen Zhu Yuyan and the silver-haired beauty Aunt Mei in front of her would suffer.

"You are the bad guy, you must be the devil. I will ignore you and leave..."

Huanwan pouted her little lips and stamped her little feet coquettishly, and then she quickly flew back, and the silver-haired Aunt Mei quickly disappeared into the night.

Xu Xin really wanted to catch up and try the plot of the witch, eating my old Xu's stick, but in the end he thought about it. We just met each other and were not familiar with each other, so we should wait until the future.

(End of this chapter)

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