The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 582 Completely changes the witch into her own shape

Chapter 582 Completely changes the witch into her own shape

In the Zangqing Pavilion, Xu Xin and Bai Qing'er strolled in the backyard. I don't know if Bai Qing'er had planned it in advance. The monk's robe sent by the servant not only fit well, but was also very comfortable and close to the body, as if it was tailor-made.

Wearing a white brocade robe with satin embroidery, the white monk's robe is so light that it is almost coquettish, but it is also very visually impactful. It is simple and classical, and interspersed with streamlined texture embellishments. This monk's robe makes the originally masculine monk look a little more Feminine meaning, adding a bit of handsomeness.

This freshly minted monk subverts the image of an eminent monk. There is nothing like what a monk should look like. His temperament is noble, profound and evil. He is a monk who is full of mystery and allure, and is more "beautiful" than most women. .

"Master Fa Hai's image today is really an eye-opener for me. No wonder he can... attract bees and butterflies."

Bai Qing'er laughed and said: "Master, you also noticed the appearance of those maids just now. The girl Huaichun is full of charm. Master...can't you be tempted! Haha..."


Xu Xin, of course, maintained his character as unmoved, as if he could say whatever he wanted. Bai Qing'er was not annoyed when she saw him like this, she was still smiling.

"What do you think of Zheng Shiru?"

Bai Qing'er suddenly spoke, and Xu Xinxin was stunned. He wanted to maintain his original character and say that he didn't care about this, but then he thought about it and had other thoughts.

"You shouldn't ask me about this. He's not yours?"

"You are indeed no ordinary monk."

"Okay, okay, people know they were wrong."

"Senior sister has always had a master. After all, what happened back then left a knot in the master's heart. I don't dare to be too presumptuous even if I live up to my expectations."

Xu Xin responded in a deep voice, but there was nothing wrong with his words.

"As far as I'm concerned, Aunt Ting is now looking after me, and Elder Yun and Elder Xia are secretly supporting me. They want me to compete with senior sister."

Xu Xin proclaimed a Buddhist name, "There are scum among Buddhism. I don't deny this, but compared to the evil ways of demons..."

"Aunt Ting has always been kind to others, but she can't tell how much she is sincere and how much she is using her."

Bai Qing'er looked at Xu Xin pitifully and said in a pitiful tone: "Bian Fulai is like a tiger and a wolf. He defiled Senior Sister Zhu back then and was not reprimanded by his master. On the contrary, it encouraged his lust and viciousness. Now he is targeting her again." Senior sister and me."

"People outside the Buddhist sect should not be too involved in the affairs of the world, especially the affairs of the world."


Bai Qing'er curled her lips helplessly, "I know better than you, Sheng, what are the virtues of people in the Demon Sect? Master always wants to achieve success, but his subordinates are all bastards who fail to achieve success and are prone to failure, and have many misdeeds. No matter how good they are, All plans will be ruined."

"Your thoughts are strange. As far as I know, there are many Buddhists who are striving for power and ambition, such as Cihang Jingzhai..."

Bai Qing'er turned her head and gave Xu Xin a meaningful look.

"Alas! I really envy Master for protecting Senior Sister."

"You are a monk who is always good at deceiving others. You have a straightforward personality and decisive actions. It seems that you can be easily exploited by others, but in fact you can see clearly and transparently. You just hide it and don't show it."

Bai Qing'er just smiled at Xu Xin's words.

"Monk, you should understand my embarrassment now!"

Xu Xin absolutely agreed with what Bai Qing'er said, and then Bai Qing'er used Bian Fuhua as an example to tell Xu Xin some details of his violation of Shan Meixian in the past, as well as many secrets of the magic sect.

Bai Qing'er was talking vigorously when she suddenly saw Xu Xin's shining bald head and quickly changed her words: "I said something wrong. If you weren't such a person, the Nu family wouldn't be so ecstatic."

Bai Qing'er's words gave a thorough introduction to the situation within the Yingui Sect, which was equivalent to breaking it down. This was more than just trust. It could be said to be handing over the handle to Xu Xin. As long as he saved some With evil intentions, Bai Qing'er's end will be extremely miserable.


As soon as Xu Xin's words came out, Bai Qing'er had already walked in front of him and raised her jade hand to cover his mouth. She leaned in his arms, her head close to her heart, "I have been holding back so many words in my heart, and now I can say them all. It's much better..."

"Monk, don't make any promises to others, and don't advise them not to fight. People have been fighting all their lives. If they don't fight, they may collapse and break up."

"I know the relationship between the Demonic Sect and the Buddhist Sect better than you do. Even if I abandon the dark side and turn to the light, the Buddhist Sect may not be willing to keep me. Not everyone can be like Senior Sister Zhu and make the Master feel guilty without pursuing the matter of defection. I It can’t be another Mrs. Dongming’s.”


Xu Xin let out a long sigh. Bai Qing'er was so assertive and had many thoughtful considerations for him. He had a headache. When the Dongchuang incident happened, he panicked a little when he thought about it.

Only at this moment did he realize that he had completely transformed Bai Qing'er before, almost like a transformation. This was the first time for him to transform Bai Qing'er. The effect... was unexpectedly good. A good witch was facing him. It’s so heart-breaking to feel like this...

Xu Xinxin lost his thoughts and used his true energy to sense it. He found that he could control everything about Bai Qing'er at any time. He had a clear understanding in his heart that she would never betray him or feel sorry for him in this life. Since this is the case, some things can be confessed.

"Qing'er, there's something I want to make clear to you."

As Xu Xin spoke, black hair quickly grew on his bald head, and his face and temperament also underwent some changes.

The facial features of Xu Ziling and "Fa Hai" are very similar when viewed individually, but Xu Xin used the micro-manipulation of Qi, added some disguise methods and changed his temperament to deceive others' spiritual senses. Even Shang Xiuxun, who was familiar with him, Women will not be recognized either.

"You, you are..."

Bai Qing'er was very surprised.

"I am the person named Xu you mentioned earlier."

"How could you?"

Bai Qing'er couldn't believe it and reached out to touch Xu Xin's face.

"Witch, I want you to help me practice."

Xu Xin didn't say much. It was the best explanation to let this enchantress try it out. He just stretched out his hand and let her into his arms. With a little force, he tore her skirt open, and then...

"You evil and harmful person, hurry up and return that stupid monk. I want Fa Hai..."

The clouds and rain stopped, and Bai Qing'er leaned in Xu Xin's arms, drawing circles on his chest with her slender hands.

"Changed back."

Xu Xin's voice sounded, and then he saw that his black hair flew away and turned into a bald head again. His face and temperament were completely different from before, and he was still the Master Fahai that Bai Qing'er was familiar with.

"Do you need someone to arrange for Qian Duguan to return to Yangzhou?"

“It’s not necessary for now, we’ll talk about it later.”

"It's the same question I just asked you. What do you think of Zheng Shiru?"

Bai Qing'er hugged Xu Xin's neck and raised her head, her eyes full of solemnity, obviously wanting to hear Xu Xin's words.

"Zheng Shiru's ability is not bad, at least he is more than enough to govern the land of Xiangyang."

"Since you have decided to use it, you might as well make it big and leave the money alone and delegate the power to Zheng Shiru."

"Use him a lot... just for fear of backlash..."

Bai Qing'er muttered a little. She naturally knew that Zheng Shiru was talented, but this person seemed to have bad intentions. He was against the Yingui Sect...wait, the Yingui Sect...

Bai Qing'er has recovered. She is now a traitor to the Yin Gui sect, and Zheng Shiru has a grudge against the guy within the Yin Gui sect who is related to his father's death. What does it have to do with her, Bai Qing'er?

(End of this chapter)

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