The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 591 Congratulations, you can only be a living eunuch from now on.

Chapter 591 Congratulations, you can only be a living eunuch from now on.

There is a secluded manor in Xiangyang City, with countless guards guarding the main roads.

Qian Duguan, the nominal owner of Xiangyang City, could not stand still in the yard and kept pacing. Doctors came and went one after another, and basins of blood were poured into the ditch.

Screams and wails continued to sound, and dozens of injured patients groaned on the beds. Their skin was red, dry and cracked, and bright red blood continued to seep out. The exposed skin was already bloody.

The maids and maids were busy taking care of the wounded. Among them, the elder of the Yingui sect, Bian Fufa, had the most people around him, and his moans were particularly powerful.

There was a faint sound of wind, and a figure in a white dress that was indistinguishable from reality floated here like a ghost.


Wen Caiting was directing the maids and doctors to treat the wounded. Her own injuries were not serious, and she was fine after applying medicine. As for the internal injuries, they were basically healed after adjusting her breathing. Seeing Bai Qing'er coming, she immediately went to greet her.

The second elder Yunxia glanced at them, still sitting upright and regulating their breath. Their skills were not as good as Wen Caiting's, and without Bai Qing'er's help, their internal injuries were slightly more severe.

Wen Caiting looked at Bai Qing'er, who looked even more beautiful after changing her clothes and seemed to have a different temperament, and asked softly: "Qing'er, are you okay?"

"Have you found out about that monk? When did such a powerful character appear in Xiangyang City?"

Bai Qing'er sneered and walked to Bianbu Negative, looking down at this guy who was worse than a dog.


Next to them, Wen Caiting, Yun and Xia, Zhang Lao, all changed their expressions. At the door, Hua Lingzi was even more frightened. Has the internal fighting in this demon sect reached this level?

"You... you... you dare..."

Bian lived up to his inner fear and screamed without any confidence: "I am your senior uncle, if you dare to attack me, the head senior sister will not let you go, this traitor..."

"The strength of the Holy Sect is respected, but it's just because you died there, I can't explain it to Master. These are all my people. If I kill you, I will fake the scene and tell Master that you died of something else." The reason is that things can still be resolved easily.”

Bai Qing'er shook her head. Wen Caiting cared about her first, which warmed her heart. Regarding Wen Caiting's problem, she had thought of countermeasures before arriving.

Wen Caiting nodded, and the second elder Yunxia also softened her expression.

When Bian Fulai heard this, he immediately became angry and shouted: "Bai Qing'er, what kind of trick are you doing? Your people don't even think highly of him. He dares to hurt me. Go and kill him."

"Ha ha……"

"Bian lives up to his expectations. When I call you Master Bian, I'm giving you face. Don't be shameless."

Bai Qing'er walked over and sneered: "Bian Buhua, who do you think you are, how dare you point fingers at me. If I hadn't come to my rescue today, you would have been dead."

"His name is Fa Hai. He came to Ganquan Temple in Xiangyang a few days ago... Qing'er discovered that his martial arts was extremely high at that time. With Qing'er's deliberate efforts to win over him, he is now considered a worshiper of the Xiangyang City Guardian..."

Bai Qing'er struck out with a palm, the wind howled, and Bian Fuhua rolled directly from the bed to the ground. The wound that had just been bandaged burst open again, and the cloth that bound the wound was soaked with blood.

"Is this so!"

"What, that little bald donkey is yours?"

Wen Caiting's words were filled with concern. Xiangyang was the territory controlled by Bai Qing'er. With such a powerful character, Bai Qing'er was still very worried.

"Aunt Ting, it's okay."

Bian Fulai was immediately furious and said angrily: "Bai Qing'er, you little bitch, how dare you talk to me like this."

"I know this monk Qing'er. I hid my face before to prevent him from recognizing him."

"Why don't I dare."

Bai Qing'er was just a little girl. She waved her hand, and the female disciples and doctors who were waiting around her all moved away. Just as she said, they are all her people here.

"Bian Buyi, look at you now, you are worse than a dog. Master will not want a waste. If you are worthless, who will avenge you if you are slaughtered!" "Qing'er, Don’t be impulsive.”

Wen Caiting did not dare to let her continue, and quickly stepped forward to hold Bai Qing'er. The second elder Yunxia stood up and looked alert, worried that Bai Qing'er was going to kill him. After all, the Demon Sect has a tradition of internal fighting. .

Bai Qing'er looked at her with cold eyes. At this moment, she was completely different from what she was in front of Xu Xin. She no longer had the warmth and gentleness when she was with Xu Xin. Instead, she only had the cold, ruthless, cruel and decisive nature of a demon sect witch.

Seeing this guy look like a dog is really satisfying. If the other side lives up to this bastard, she has already wanted to take action.

Bian Fuhua and Pi Shouxuan are absolutely nightmare-like and disgusting existences to the young female disciples within the Yingui Sect. The two of them allowed the female disciples of the Yingui Sect to have a higher rate of infidelity than in modern society.

Although the atmosphere of the Great Sui Dynasty was open, even among the women in the world, few had such chaotic private lives that they would sleep with men at will. Even some who were promiscuous and flirtatious in appearance still retained their innocence and virginity.

Although the Yingui Sect operates a chain of brothels, most of those who can be admitted to the door and pass on the skills have some qualifications, and it is said that they will not be too forced in this regard.

However, Zhu Yuyan had some twists and turns when she succeeded the clan leader. In order to win over Bian Fulai and Pi Shouxuan to gain support, she acquiesced to some of their extraordinary actions.

These two lewd bastards were naturally... slightly more upright in appearance to their female disciples. As long as they were not noticed by the elders or the sect leader Zhu Yuyan, they would harm every one of them.

When Bai Qing'er first joined the Yingui Sect when she was less than ten years old, she was targeted by Bian Fuhuai and almost molested. If Wen Caiting hadn't stopped her, she might have had some bad memories.

Although many years have passed since this incident, she still remembers that if she is not dissatisfied with this side, she will naturally give him a painful and unforgettable experience.

"Qing, nephew Qing'er, my uncle was wrong. He knows how much he has offended me. I beg you to forgive me..."

After the female disciple standing beside him left, Bian Buhua regained consciousness. His ugly face covered in blood trembled, and his voice was as disgusting as the roar of a ghost from hell.


Wen Caiting called out to persuade, but Bai Qing'er's beautiful eyes turned and she was too lazy to look at this useless person.

At this time, a female disciple next to him who was slightly injured brought a handkerchief to Bian Buhua and prepared to clean the wound again. However, Bian Buhua yelled out of control and felt an unbearable itching in the wound.

He struck out with a furious palm, and a strong wind hit his face. The female disciple never expected that Bian Fulai would attack suddenly, and she was shocked to the spot, seeing that she was about to be killed by Bian Fulai.


Bai Qing'er protruded a white ribbon from her sleeve, grabbed the female disciple's waist, and pulled her out before Bian could bear the force of his hand, and then slapped the good-for-nothing dog out with one palm.

Bian Fuhua hit the wall and then fell to the ground. After he fell to the ground, his injuries became more serious. Now he couldn't even climb.

"Bian Buhua, what are you doing, you bastard!"

"You have such a temper, get out and find that monk!"

Wen Caiting was also angry. The female disciple before was her subordinate.

Bian Fulai showed no remorse at all, and shouted angrily: "Why, the wretched maid under your hands does not know the seriousness of the matter and hurts this elder. Shouldn't she die!"

"Uncle Bian, I have some good news for you."

"Congratulations, you can only be a living eunuch from now on."

"I just went to ask Fahai. He has done the most serious harm to you, and the consequences are also the most serious. The alien energy in your body has taken root, the yang energy is too strong, and the thing is useless, there is a high probability that the yin and yang will be imbalanced in the future."

"If you still want to touch a woman in the future, the yin energy in the woman's body will conflict with the foreign yang energy in your body, which will cause extreme itching, excruciating pain, and life would be worse than death..."

(End of this chapter)

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