The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 698: Heavenly Book and Sun Scroll, ranked first

Chapter 698: The Heavenly Book and the Daily Scroll, the first person

Within the territory of Xiling, somewhere in the deep mountains and old forests in the south, at the back of the Zhishou Temple, which looks extremely simple and shabby on the outside, there is a quiet lakeside with seven thatched cottages, which is different from the simple and even shabby appearance of the Taoist temple here.

Although the eaves of these seven rooms are covered with thatch, they give people an extremely luxurious and solemn feeling. The roots of those thatch are as yellow and white as gold and jade, and they are still as fresh as ever after many years of wind and rain.

In the first thatched cottage, a large and thick classic was quietly placed on the agarwood table by the window. The cover was as black as coagulated blood, and it looked like a black blood stone that took hundreds of millions of years to form. There was a sentence written on it. Japanese characters.

This is the most important treasure in the Haotian world, the Japanese scroll, one of the seven volumes of heavenly books.

The seven volumes of the Heavenly Book are, in a sense, the embodiment of rules, related to the birth of Haotian, and are also a means for Taoism to restrict Haotian.

The Japanese scroll can be regarded as the embodiment of the rules for heaven and earth to monitor the powerful people in the world, recording some of the most potential powerful people in the world.

At this time, a beautiful figure stood in front of the Japanese scroll.

The girl's red clothes were as red as blood, swaying lightly in the wind. There was an ordinary black tie around her waist, and she was covered with a cloak. Only half of her profile could be seen. She was as clear as water and as calm as a distant mountain. Judging from his demeanor, he seemed to have experienced countless vicissitudes of life.

But the slightly raised corners of her lips revealed her true age, revealing a hint of sarcasm and a bit of melancholy.


I don’t know how many pages I turned, but finally the page with Long Qing’s name on the cover of this classic book with Japanese characters on the cover was turned to the front.

The voice of the girl in the red dress suddenly became sharp, like an indestructible sword that could cut through the snowy mountains and the sea.

It is so different, far away from all names, making it appear extremely lonely, yet extremely powerful, as if he is unwilling to stand with these world-famous top powerhouses no matter what.

"Son of Light? Long Qing?"

As the word "Long Qing" disappeared from the page, the girl sighed and took half a step back. At this time, the breeze in the room rippled, rolling the Japanese scroll of heaven.

"This is impossible!"

Qingfeng is illiterate, but he can help condense the ink and keep the words on the paper. The pages of the book made a rustling sound as the Japanese scroll kept turning forward.

For Ye Hongyu, this name is also very familiar. It is...

The Japanese scroll was opened by the girl in the red dress. She looked at a name flickering on the page she turned to. With a little hesitation and expectation in her eyes, she said in a voice colder than the wind and snow: "Long Qing, will you?" is it you?"

There were several names on the second page. The name at the top was originally Liu Bai, and Jun Mo could be vaguely followed not far away.

I saw a name gradually revealed above the name Liu Bai.

The first page of the classics is completely blank, like snow.

This sound spread outside the thatched house, like a sword blade rubbing against the air, making a painful sound. Some small beasts hidden around were frightened and jumped out, bumping around like blind people, and then fell to the ground one by one. Passed out and couldn't stand up.

At this time, ink stains appeared again on the second page of the heavenly book. After the girl was keenly aware of it, she walked up to look down curiously.

The aura of the girl in the red dress was fluctuating. She was naturally familiar with the name Long Qing. She had deliberately come into contact with it many times in the past two days.

Tonight, Long Qing was able to live to see the nymphomaniac Lu Chenjia for the last time because she helped send him to the dry forest of Taoshan.

She left the mountain from Zhishou Temple and entered Taoshan. She originally thought that the "Son of Light" was the person she was looking for, but after several contacts, she found that Long Qing was not worthy of the title Son of Light. Today, Long Qing was seriously injured and on the verge of death. She sent people to Lu Chenjia and then returned to Zhishou Temple. She read the Book of Heaven as usual and found that the name was uncertain and might be about to die.

But he didn't expect that it would actually reach the very beginning of the Heavenly Book where the name was revealed, leaping to the top of the list above Sword Master Liu Bai.

This is really incredible.

"Even if he succeeds in surviving and standing up, or even leaps into the realm of knowing his destiny, he can't suddenly become a stronger peak of the Five Realms than Liu Bai, right?"

"Who was the last person like this? Ke Haoran? Or Master?"

"Ke Haoran, Liu Bai and others were extremely extraordinary when they were in Dongxuan. They were almost invincible in the same realm. There were even rumors of knowing their fate against the enemy. However, Long Qing was so ordinary before. How could he become aware of his fate as soon as he entered the realm..."

The expression of the girl in the red dress was changing. The next moment she closed the book and turned around. Her figure blurred for an instant, and a red mist slowly dissipated.

Vaguely visible, a blood-red carp that seemed to be composed of a breath was flicking its tail and diving into the water, then dissipated into the void of the lake with a pop.

The crescent moon is in the sky and there are stars.

On the top of Peach Mountain, the green of life is resurrecting, with green grass on the ground and countless pink petals flying in the air and on the branches.

The young man and woman wrapped in petals are admiring the moon and flowers, feeling deeply in love.

Just when the atmosphere was heightened to the point where a man and woman in love were about to kiss, an uninvited guest broke into the pink and emerald sea. He was a peerless beauty who was not inferior to Xu Xin's fiancée in this life.

The red dress is like blood, which reminds people of passion, but she is famous for being as cold as ice.

There are countless beauties in the world, but three of them are the most famous.

According to the good people in the world, she is the princess of Yuelun Kingdom, the nymphomaniac Lu Chenjia, the closed-door female disciple of Shujing, the sage of Dahe King, the bookworm Mo Shanshan, the magistrate of Xiling, and the Taoist fool Ye Hongyu. Three idiots in the world.

Beauty is different in everyone's eyes. Naturally, there is no such thing as the most beautiful person. The reason why there are three idiots in the world is more because these three girls are obsessed with a certain realm. They have advanced cultivation realms and have profound backgrounds.

The nymphomaniac Lu Chenjia, the princess of the Moon Wheel Kingdom, has loved flowers and plants since she was a child. Before she met the perfect man, flowers and plants were all part of her life, even more important than her own life.

Because of her affair with Prince Longqing and her love for flowers, everyone in the world knew her reputation, but when people talked about her, they couldn't help but talk about her appearance first.

Lu Chenjia in Xu Xin's arms is very beautiful, her eyelashes and eyebrows are all beautiful. No matter from which angle she looks, she is beautiful, and she actually has many kinds of beauty in one person, as if she was carefully cultivated in a pot. Famous flowers, the petals tremble slightly in the spring breeze, sometimes in bud, sometimes in full bloom, and sometimes exposed shyly, they are so beautiful.

The girl in front of her was completely different from her. She had a face that was as cold as ice and not inferior to Lu Chenjia's delicate face. She was wearing a short and slightly fluffy red skirt.

The breeze blew, and the red skirt swayed gently. Although it was not turned up, it could not cover her slender legs. Those legs were smooth and naked, with a dizzying sense of temptation.

Next to her calves was a pair of red boots, like the tail of a red koi.

Her naked straight legs, her red short skirt dancing in the wind, and her soft waist vaguely visible, gave her a natural sense of purity and charm, but they blended so naturally.

Taoist idiot Ye Hongyu and nymphomaniac Lu Chenjia, two equally famous beauties, did not focus on each other, but on the only man in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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