The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 700: Following the rules of the Judgment Temple, it’s time for a new person to be on the Bla

Chapter 700: Following the rules of the Judgment Temple, it’s time for a new person to be on the Black Jade God’s throne (please vote for support)
The surrounding world is extremely bright, and the temple is filled with holy light.

Ye Hongyu was wearing a bright red puffy coat and a red gauze and red skirt today, which was very bright and cute. The fluffy red skirt, puffed red sleeves, and bright red flowers on the temples are very bright and beautiful.

She was bathed in the holy light outside the temple, cold, holy and beautiful.

The appearance of Cheng Lixue already represented a certain attitude, but the proud Ye Hongyu was unwilling to accept it and was even planning to meet the head coach Xiong Chumo in person.

"About this matter, I want to see the headmaster in person."


Ye Hongyu turned around to greet Xu Xin, and then prepared to cross Cheng Lixue.

"Why, I am the vice-president of Tianyu Academy."

"Isn't it worthy of your trust?"

Cheng Lixue stood on the spot. In his calm words, with a hint of emotion, he mentioned Tianyu Academy, so this was not what the headmaster meant. Even Ye Hongyu could only stop and continue to listen to him at this moment. say.

Cheng Lixue said in a clear voice: "Luo Kedi, the chief minister of the Adjudication Department, harbored evil intentions and plotted against the Guangming Palace. Fortunately, you two stopped him and saved the crisis of the Guangming Palace. The headmaster has already sent Luo Kedi into the You Pavilion. Accept it. punish."

At the same time, a conversation was also taking place in the Judgment Temple.

"For so many years, Luo Ke's enemy has been Momoyama An's front and back, and his merits have outweighed his demerits. Therefore, let him live."

"Also, the master has ordered you two to serve as judges in the future."

Cheng Lixue was silent for a while, and then spoke calmly after a long time. At this moment, he received a new response, which was answered on behalf of the headmaster and all the gods.

"Long Qing, let me serve as the second secretary."

Xu Xin stared at Cheng Lixue, and Ye Hongyu also turned to look at him. Under their gazes, Cheng Lixue walked down the steps and continued: "Luo Kedi is the leader's favorite divine guard commander."

"As for the others, you have no proof."

"Ye Hongyu, let me be the chief minister."

"Is this the final decision and appointment of the Headmaster and the Three Gods!"

"Exercise the duty of killing."

Xu Xin glanced at Ye Hongyu, said hello and turned around to leave. Ye Hongyu followed him without saying a word.


Ye Hongyu didn't look back, and still said proudly and calmly: "Since the headmaster didn't come, I hope that within my limited patience, I can hear some useful words."

Xu Xin did not argue with Cheng Lixue, but confirmed with him whether this appointment was recognized by the headmaster and the Three Gods.

"However, the Headmaster has ordered the High Priest of Judgment to think about his mistakes behind closed doors."


"You go into You Pavilion and reflect on yourself. When the storm is over, I and the Headmaster will let you come back. You have to feel aggrieved first."

"Thank you, the high priest and the headmaster."

The leader of the divine guards who was most favored by the Master bowed his head and accepted his fate, then turned around and left the Temple of Judgment, going to the shady pavilion to "reflect" for a few days. When Xu Xin and Ye Hongyu walked to the peach forest outside the temple, they stopped and stood facing each other.

"Luo Kedi's matter must have the tacit approval of the ruling priest and the headmaster, or even...the instruction."

Ye Hongyu did not respond to Xu Xin's words, but looked at him quietly with her beautiful gem-like eyes, with only him silhouetted in her eyes.

"how do you want to do it?"

The Taoist girl said after a long silence.

"Following the rules of the Judgment Department, it's time for a new person to serve as the Black Jade God."

There was no trace of murderous intent in Xu Xin's calm tone. He raised his right hand fully, stretched it out in front of Ye Hongyu, and said, "You will support me, right?"

"The dark shadow must be judged!"

Ye Hongyu said decisively, with a firm tone. Looking at the white palm in front of her, she slowly closed her catkin on it. Xu Xin gently grabbed the small snow-white jade hand, just with his spiritual thoughts. As soon as they moved, the two people disappeared among the leaves of the peach forest.

On the upper cliff of Taoshan, which is closest to the sky, there are four most spectacular Taoist temples. Among them, the Taoist temple near the cliff is made of huge black stones and has a square shape, unlike ordinary Taoist buildings. This is the Judgment Temple.

The main hall of the black Taoist temple is extremely empty and grand. Hundreds of meters deep, there is a curtain made of pearls and jade. Behind the curtain is a sacred throne carved from a whole square of South China Sea ink jade. , on weekdays, he would sit under this divine throne to listen to reports from subordinate priests and handle Taoist affairs.

The High Priest of Judgment was wearing a red robe. Today, he did not order his subordinates to lift the bead curtain. Instead, he looked at the curtain with an expressionless face, as if he wanted to powder all the pearls and jade on it.

The Judgment Priest, one of the three great priests of the Xiling Temple, is in charge of Judgment. He is in charge of the most terrifying violent organization of the Haotian Taoist Sect. He has the most powerful practitioners in the Taoist sect under his command. He is the most powerful on the surface and has a great reputation in the world. The most terrifying.

For countless years, countless heretics have been secretly arrested because of his words, and countless remnants of the Demon Sect have been turned into ghosts in the fire because of his slight raising of his tail finger.

In the eyes of hundreds of millions of people in the world, Headmaster Haotian, the master of the Xiling Temple, may not be as scary as this great adjudicator wearing a red divine robe.

There have even been rumors that the reason why the robe of the High Priest of Judgment is bright red instead of pure black, the main color of the Judgment Department, is because it is stained with the blood of all enemies.

Such a great priest who is at the pinnacle of the human world and possesses supreme terrifying authority. When his face has no expression at all and his eyes are cold, not to mention that the bead curtain in front of him will turn into powder in fear, even those who insist on it. Swords travel in the world, and there is no great swordsman who is not afraid of the royal power. I am afraid that his heart will break with fear.

However, the square bead curtain in front of the high priest who ruled today was not broken.

The Taoist madman Ye Hongyu finally returned after leaving the Xiling Temple for a full year. Under the gaze of countless horrified eyes, she killed Chen Bachi and then walked into the black Judgment Temple.

"Long Qing!"

"Ye Hongyu!"

In the black Judgment Temple, under the gaze of countless eyes, Xu Xin and Ye Hongyu stepped into the temple, passed everyone along the way, without etiquette, and broke into the deepest part of the Judgment Temple, in front of the ink jade throne.

An extremely majestic voice sounded from the depths of the hall. The huge sound wave hit the wall made of black boulders and shattered into countless tiny and harsh things, like sharp steel needles. They came to her in an instant and enveloped her. her body.

"Your behavior is too rude and you should be punished!"

A majestic voice like ten thousand steel needles came from the ink jade throne, piercing the eardrums of the two of them. Xu Xin's face was calm, and Ye Hongyu frowned slightly, neither of them responded, but looked into the depths of the temple with an indifferent expression.

There is an extremely dazzling bead curtain deep in the temple. Behind the bead curtain, you can vaguely see the huge blood-colored ink jade throne, and you can see the majestic figure on the throne like the sea.

Just like in the past years, the voice that sounded from the Black Jade God's Throne stirred up cold divine power, overlooking the contempt of everything in the world, and today it even contained some mockery.

(End of this chapter)

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