The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 706: Heavenly Book and Shazi Scroll, all the laws in the world

Chapter 706: Heavenly Book and Shazi Scroll, all laws in the world
Among the cliffs of Xiling Taoshan that seemed to have been split by a divine axe, there was a Taoist temple made of countless huge black rocks. When two figures, one white and one black, walked out of the temple, many believers in the Judgment Temple lowered their heads.

They walked side by side throughout the Xiling Temple. Countless believers looked at the man with admiration and respect, while looking at the woman with fear and awe.

Although Xu Xin in white is the high priest in charge of punishment, he has always been called the Son of Light in Xiling, and now he is indeed worthy of this title. He treats the believers of the temple gently and has countless followers in the middle and lower classes. admirers and supporters.

As for Ye Hongyu, she is the chief minister who is above ten thousand people under the throne of the Judgment Division. She is a Taoist madman whose name is praised throughout the Haotian Taoist sect.

But she was proud and indifferent. Xu Xin left all the specific affairs in the Judgment Department to her. Because of her childhood experience, she dealt with the darkness and filth in the light and shadow very harshly. Once a subordinate deacon made a mistake, she would There will be no mercy in punishment.

The Xiling Temple is where Haotian's light is believed to be, but the Taoist Temple may not be completely bright, especially the Adjudicators who walk in the dark night. They are more in awe of power.

Dealing with the darkness of the Judgment Department during this period made everyone in the Judgment Department feel in awe because of her ruthlessness and strength.

"Is Chen Jia practicing? Then just the two of us can go!"

Xu Xin and Ye Hongyu came to Tianyuan, but were told that Lu Chenjia had some understanding and was practicing in seclusion. After a little experience of Lu Chenjia's specific situation, Xu Xin could only give up the idea of ​​a threesome and let Xiao Hongyu Lead the way and have some fun where she has lived all these years.

Zhishou Temple is an unknown place. Not many people know the existence of this dilapidated Taoist temple.

The middle-aged Taoist has been guarding the Heavenly Book for many years, but he has never seen anything like this happen on the Japanese scroll.

Even those who are well aware of the existence of Shouguan do not know that this Taoist temple is located in the clouds of Haotian Taoist Gate. It is located in a deep mountain not far from Taoshan, quietly looking at the magnificent and solemn Taoist temples.

"It's fast to be promoted from Dongxuan to Mingzhi overnight, but there are always some realms that you can beat faster."

"Huh? Are there guests?"

In the first thatched cottage on the lakeside behind the Taoist temple.

The lake breeze came in through the window, opened the cover of the Book of Heaven, and stopped on a certain page.

"Mo Yu was at the peak of knowing his destiny, but you killed him. The Book of Heaven shows that you are still above Liu Bai. What did you understand?"

This time, the person standing at the table in the thatched house was not Ye Hongyu, but a middle-aged Taoist. He looked at the name on the page and remained silent.

The name Long Qing was originally inconspicuous on the Japanese scrolls, just in the middle of the list. But just overnight, this name actually came to the first place after the blank page of the Heavenly Book, sitting upright as the Sword Master. Above Liu Bai.

"What happened to you?"

This name suddenly appeared on the top of the book from an inconspicuous corner, like a firework rising from the field, almost touching the sky in an instant.

The middle-aged Taoist looked at the name of Ling Yufeng with a solemn look in his eyes.

The middle-aged Taoist suddenly felt something in his heart and disappeared the next moment.

Outside the simple Taoist temple, two people, a man and a woman, stood admiring the three words "Zhi Shou Guan" on the plaque. The man was extremely handsome, and the woman was charming. The two stood together, as if they were a pair of jade-like figures, setting off each other and adding a bit of charm.

"Red fish!" On the stone steps, the middle-aged Taoist recognized Ye Hongyu. Then he turned his eyes to Xu Xin, and after carefully identifying him, he said, "Prince Longqing? I wonder if you came to Zhishouguan, what do you want?"

"I'm here to read the Book of Heaven."

Xu Xin said calmly. The middle-aged Taoist priest's face showed shock and surprise, but in the end he became calm.

Speaking of which, there are not many things in Zhishou Temple that interest Xu Xin, and the six volumes of the Heavenly Book are just a few of them.

"Guanzhu... agreed."

The middle-aged Taoist priest's eyes were blank for a moment, but the next moment he had already got the answer. The Taoist priest in Qingyi from Nanhai gave him a warning not to stop him.

Of course, this middle-aged Taoist couldn't stop Xu Xin.

Although he is very strong and could block Xiong Chumo back then, this person is not always on the lookout, and he will not be Xu Xin's opponent.

Xu Xin followed Ye Hongyu and entered Zhishou Temple, an unknown place of Taoism.

Deep in the Taoist temple, by the lakeside, there are seven resplendent thatched cottages. The thatched cottages are covered with grass. They are cheap and shabby. They should not have any solemn and luxurious atmosphere. However, the thatched cottages here are as colorful as Gold and jade, despite the dust and wind and rain over the years, look extremely gorgeous.

This kind of thatch naturally has a very strong vitality of heaven and earth, can protect against wind, rain and cold, and can help people calm down and calm down. It is said to be extinct, so it is naturally extremely precious.

There are only two places in the world that are so luxurious as to use this kind of thatched grass to build houses. One is the thatched house by the lake responsible for storing the seven volumes of heavenly books, and the other is the thatched cottage where the master lives in the mountain behind the academy with ventilation from all sides.

Long Qing walked into the first thatched cottage and looked at the classic book that was sealed like black blood on the agarwood table.

The Japanese scroll was opened, and the first page was a piece of snow-white paper. Then he opened the second page, and his name was above Liu Bai.

A smile broke out on Xu Xin's face, and then he walked past the volume of the Heavenly Book and reached out to pick up another one, the Heavenly Book, the Shazi Scroll.

The Book of Heaven written in sand contains countless cultivation methods, some of which are exquisite and unspeakable, including the entry-level methods of the Shanye Sect, the wonderful ideas of the Haotian Taoist Sect, the Huayan methods of the Buddhist Sect, and even the most popular methods of the Demon Sect. The mysterious evil techniques are as numerous as river sand and cannot be counted in detail.

This volume of heavenly books records almost all the cultivation techniques in the world. Whether it is in terms of the vast collection quantity or the quality of the cultivation techniques, only the back mountain of the academy can compete with it.

As for the world-famous Qinghe County Library, it is not qualified to compare with the two.

The skylight fell on the pages of the book, clearly illuminating the human figures drawn with thick ink. There were countless lines flowing back and forth between the human figures, and underneath the writing, there were dense records of the key points of the practice and the Precautions.

This spiritual practice that feels a bit weird is called Gray Eye, which is the "grey eye" that is related to Prince Longqing. This is the first practice Xu Xin saw when he opened it, and he will know it after reading it.

The brilliance was like water, shining brightly inside and outside the Taoist temple courtyard. Xu Xin came to the outside of the thatched house holding the sand scroll and said to the middle-aged Taoist priest: "Uncle Master, I want to make medicine, but I don't know if I can use the medicinal materials and medicine cauldron in the medicine storehouse. "

The middle-aged Taoist's eyes showed an expression of admiration and said: "Your mind is not confused by those exercises that are as complicated as river sand. You can actually notice the method of refining medicine recorded on it. This is your blessing. Use the medicinal cauldron and medicinal materials as you wish, just wash them afterward."

(End of this chapter)

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