The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 714 Is there anyone else in this world who is qualified to be my teacher? A student who is n

Chapter 714 Is there anyone else in this world who is qualified to be my teacher? A student who is not interested in becoming a wife

In the south of Chang'an City, there is a restaurant converted from a noble mansion by the lake. There is a plaque hanging on the restaurant with the name of the restaurant written by Jijiu himself: Deshengju.

Deshengju is the first-class noble restaurant in Chang'an City. It covers a huge area and is decorated with extremely exquisite and extravagant furnishings. The guests who come and go are either ministers of the court or tycoons from the four cities.

Nowadays, the autumn breeze is blowing, and the old pear wood curtains outside the mansion are gently dancing in the autumn wind. The picture is extremely beautiful.

When Xu Xin and Ye Hongyu came to the lakeside terrace here, they saw more than a hundred young male and female students smiling and leaning on the railings, laughing lightly around the lake, or walking with their veils lifted, turning this place into a wonderful place for youth to sing.

"These are all students from the academy!"

Ye Hongyu, who was behind Xu Xin, spoke softly, looking at him for a moment before looking back.

"should be."

Xu Xin's eyes also moved away, and soon he saw a distinctive figure, sitting alone and drinking. The corner of his mouth was crooked, and he couldn't press it down. He was the protagonist at first glance.

"Next spring, maybe some of them will be able to climb the second floor of the academy."

"Do you think there is anyone in this world who is qualified to be my teacher?"

Ye Hongyu was a little surprised by what Xu Xin said next. She looked up in confusion and looked around again. She didn't find any extraordinary geniuses among the students in the academy. Their qualifications were all compared to that damn fat guy Chen Pipi. Very ordinary!


When Xu Xin said this, Ye Hongyu was naturally surprised. Although she was the one who scolded Chen Pipi away from Zhishou Temple, she still recognized the talent of that damn fat man, who was the youngest practitioner of Zhishou Realm in the contemporary era.

"Besides, the old man has already appointed a student. No matter how good the others are, they will only become that person's foil. If Chen Pipi comes next year, he may not even be able to keep his position as senior brother."

"Everyone knows that you also came here to climb to the second floor?"

Xu Xin's plain words and the pride revealed in his words instantly killed nearly 10% of the people in Haotian World. He had no interest in becoming his master's student.

"Chang'an should be very lively next spring, and people from all over the world will come to the building."

Ye Hongyu's eyes turned to the group of academy students again. At this time, she and Xu Xin had arrived outside the backyard of Desheng Residence. They could see many guards patrolling here, and they were heavily guarded.



Ye Hongyu was not entangled in the affairs of the academy students, and just continued to talk to Xu Xin softly. While the two were talking, they had already walked towards the backyard of Deshengju.

When the second floor of the academy opens next year, a notice has been sent out in advance. It is stated that only one person will be admitted. There are already rumors that this is an exchange of interests hidden behind the scenes. The position that only admits one person is for the Prince Longqing of Yan State. prepared.

The extreme northern wilderness, beside the hot sea.

A dissatisfied voice sounded, and the tall old man muttered nonsense. It was not clear whether he was talking about Xu Xin's nonsense about being an appointed disciple, or about Xu Xin's saying that Chen Pipi could not even keep his position as a senior brother. It's nonsense.

An oxcart was parked in this far north wilderness. The cart was an ordinary wooden cart. The wheels that had traveled thousands of miles were slightly deformed. The cow was an ordinary big ox. Its legs and hooves were still strong after traveling thousands of miles, and they made noises from time to time on the slightly hard grassland. Mooing low, rising and falling to eat grass. Ordinary wooden carts on official roads in the Central Plains, and ordinary big oxen in the fields of the Central Plains, appear in the wilderness, and they look extremely extraordinary. If someone can see this scene, they will definitely find it very magical.

The tall old man was sitting on a short bench. The bench was completely covered by the hem of his cotton coat. He looked like he was squatting on the grassland, which looked a little funny. At this time, he muttered dissatisfiedly, feeling that his favorite peony fish was tasteless, and he was not in a good mood.

"Master, the peony fish fillets I cut are not good enough!"

Not far away from the old man, a scholar with broad eyebrows who was filling fish looked up. The old cotton robe on his body looked even older due to the dust all the way. He had a book on his waist and a water ladle hanging on the other side. Swaying slightly with the cold wind.

There is a sea in the cold area of ​​the extreme north, and there are volcanoes on the bottom of the sea. It does not freeze all year round, so it is called the Atami. There is a fish in the depths of the Atami, which is named peony. It is described as plump, tender and delicate. If you cut it vertically with a knife, each piece of fish will look like a peony. It is a delicacy in the world.

The tall old man, the Master, replied dissatisfied: "Slowly, you were not slow in cooking today, and you didn't make the teacher hungry while waiting. But there was a boy who made the teacher even less in the mood to eat. You said it was time to cook." what to do."

"Teacher, aren't you right? You have already decided who your junior brother is."

Li slowly thought of the young boy who escaped from General Xuanwei's mansion. After so many years, he had grown into a hardened young man, and the academy would also have a younger junior brother.

He suddenly thought of something more interesting, and turned around to ask his master, "But teacher, if Long Qing really goes to climb the back mountain to go up to the second floor, will you accept him as a disciple?"

The master raised his head and blew his beard and glared, "That arrogant boy has said that no one in the world can be his teacher, how could he go to climb the back mountain again?"

"What if, if he really runs away."

"Don't ask this question..."

The Master finally changed the subject. Although he is an invincible existence in the world, even Haotian cannot grasp things that have not happened. He can only judge a person's character and behavior based on what he has done before, but this Analogy is not very effective for some people, such as...Xu Xin.

Naturally, the conversation on the bank of Hot Sea could not be transmitted back to Chang'an. At this time, in the backyard of Deshengju in Chang'an, Xu Xin and Ye Hongyu missed a famous guard and came to the most tranquil and expensive backyard of Deshengju.

The predecessor of Deshengju was the residence of a former censor of Chang'an. To be able to buy such a residence and open a restaurant, the boss of Deshengju naturally had a very deep background.

But today, he was waiting outside the second door respectfully like a servant.

The guests and hosts at the banquet in the backyard today are naturally distinguished. The host is Her Royal Highness Li Yu, the fourth princess of the Tang Dynasty. The guest she is hosting is naturally also an honored guest, Prince Chongming of the Yan Kingdom.

If nothing unexpected happens, after this guest leaves Chang'an City, he will never have the chance to return to Chang'an for the rest of his life.

At the end of the shiny ebony floor, two low tables are facing each other. Sitting behind the table in the left hand is a young man with a face somewhat similar to Xu Xin's. He is Chongming, the crown prince of the Yan Kingdom.

He was dressed in plain blue clothes, with a jade hairpin in his bun. His brows were straight and his eyes were bright, and he looked extremely calm and gentle. Only a few strands of silver hair were faintly visible in his hair, which inadvertently revealed the depression he had suffered over the years.

Sitting on the main seat next to her was Li Yu, the fourth princess of the Tang Dynasty, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl with fair skin and a pretty face. With this quiet expression, she looked extremely majestic and graceful.

Prince Chongming of the Yan Kingdom and Princess Li Yu of the Tang Dynasty drank several drinks and talked about past events. They were about to talk about future exchanges of interests when they suddenly looked towards the entrance of the courtyard at the same time.

There was no sound in the quiet house, under the rain corridor, and beside the bamboo wall. It became so quiet that it was heart-stopping. Two figures, a man and a woman, appeared in their sight. Even if they had never met before, they immediately recognized each other. Recognized.

(End of this chapter)

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