The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 733: The little red fish opens his mind and body, the hot spring in the wilderness and the p

Chapter 733: The little red fish opens his mind and body, the hot spring in the wilderness and the people of the Great River Country


The screams resounded through the supreme temple. Xiong Chumo was indeed not dead, but he suffered a punishment more painful than death. Ye Hongyu's sword light first destroyed his broken divine robe, and the inhumane Little by little, the stuff was faded away.

However, this was just the beginning. The sword light wiped away his flesh and blood inch by inch, from his lower body to his thighs, and then to all parts of his body.

His body was suffering all the time. The severe pain was really unbearable for him. The painful screams resounded through the temple, but nothing could be changed at all. He could only endure it forcefully and bear the pain that should have been free of charge. The endless pain he endured.

When Xiong Chumo was executed, Xu Xin and Ye Hongyu had already left the temple. They did not immediately leave the Judgment Temple to clean Taoshan and completely control the supreme sacred land in Xiling. Instead, they returned to the Judgment Temple, where They were kissing intimately on the ink jade throne.

On the ink jade throne, the Taoist girl's sacred robe was scattered, and the obscene clothes were opened at the skirt. She did not resist as usual, breathing passionate breath from her mouth and nose, her face was rosy, and she smiled.

With her smile, the Temple of Judgment changed. The dark temple suddenly became brighter, clearly reflecting the beautiful body exposed on the bloody throne.

A black and red robe and skirt danced in the wind, and countless vitality from heaven and earth gathered together, condensing into a bunch of bright red carp shadows swimming around her.

After figuring out that the man was Xiong Chumo, who was as embarrassed as a dog, and taking revenge, this Taoist girl finally untied her heart and knew her fate at this moment.

When the little red fish received a positive reply, the smile on his face became even sweeter. He took the initiative to kiss him and then opened his heart, obviously letting him take what he wanted.

Xu Xin hugged her delicate body and lowered his head to taste those sexy red lips.

She lay on the throne that was as red as blood, and her slender jade fingers slid from her lower abdomen to the snowy peak, and then slid along Xu Xin's chin that was pressed against the peak, onto his face.

On the bright red shrine, a pink gauze curtain and endless pink petals were hung down from unknown time, giving people a strange feeling.

Ye Hongyu's hair was disheveled and her peerless appearance was in a trance.

"am I pretty!"

In the endlessly bright Judgment Temple, Ye Hongyu is full of energy and elegance. Her hair is shiny, her skin is as good as snow, her eyes are smart, her eyelashes are long, her red lips are sexy and bright. She stands tall and graceful, her beauty is breathtaking, her naked curves Amazing and perfect.

Ye Hongyu, who is in the realm of knowing his fate, has not changed much. The only obvious change is that his face has become redder and more beautiful.

Xu Xin affirmed her beauty.

The beauty in the light slightly opens her red lips, possessing a different kind of temptation.

In the Temple of Judgment, on the ink jade throne, Ye Hongyu's starry eyes opened, her jade body was spread out, and her hair was scattered, looking delicate and weak.

This is a sleepless day, a day and night of confusion and infatuation.

Xu Xin lowered his head and looked down at the delicate body with crimson color in the snow-white, which was extremely tempting.

"Then what are you waiting for!"

The beauty has taken such initiative, how could Xu Xin let her go again. After some intimacy, Ye Hongyu was out of breath, her cheeks were flushed, her full red lips were slightly red and swollen, and they were becoming more and more colorful.

"Of course you are beautiful."

Everything is natural. Xu Xin's experience does not need to be described in detail. Ye Hongyu has long lost his restraint after getting close to Xu Xin many times. After the knot in his heart was untied, the thorns of the rose no longer pricked his hands.

"It's time for you to take control of Momoyama."

She stretched out a lotus-rooted arm, which was white and tender, and lazily woke Xu Xin up.

Xu Xin looked sideways at him and smiled, his white teeth shining brightly, looking brilliant. "Why are you rushing me away? Do you really want to have the Judgment Seat to yourself!"

Ye Hongyu rolled his eyes. She was as beautiful as a fairy who had been banished to the human world, with icy muscles and jade bones, white and smooth, and a little bit of brilliance.

"You still have something to do..."

Xu Xin's palm reached up again. Ye Hongyu's beautiful eyes were blurred and her sexy red lips were bright. She raised a jade finger to try to resist, but her resistance soon disappeared.

Her hair was full of black hair falling on Xu Xin's face, and her breathing began to become rapid again.

"The most important thing now is to eat fish."

Xu Xin pulled her into his arms again.

Ye Hongyu's small rejection actually made her more interesting.

In the Judgment Hall, on the ink jade throne, there was another scene of romance.

During this day and night in the Judgment Temple, Haotian's classic Zen singing sounded, and there was a sacred peace in the temple. Xu Xin and Ye Hongyu were wandering in the world of Yin and Yang, comprehending the mystery of creation.

On the day Xu Xin left the Temple of Judgment, Ye Hongyu sat on the throne and commanded the followers of Judgment to cleanse all the confidants of the leader. Since then, the Adjudication Department has been in power on Taoshan, and one family is the only one.


On the extreme northern wilderness, a figure descended into the biting cold wind. Xu Xin was wearing a snow-white robe embroidered with gold threads, looking at the black line going south in the distance.

"The desolate man goes south, eternal night is coming!"

Xu Xin looked at the group of ragged guys in the distance, the Huangren and the Demon Sect. They had returned. As soon as they came back, they defeated the royal court on the grassland and continued to move south, prompting the Xiling Temple to summon reinforcements from various countries to jointly go north to deal with it. Deserted man.

Xu Xin looked at the deserted man heading south in the distance, but in the end he did not take action, but walked on the wasteland.

In this season of the wilderness, even the grass is still green, but most of the grassland is covered with thick layers of white snow. Xu Xin walked for a long time and stopped, looking at the scattered lakes on the land in the distance. A satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Here, there are mountains, water, and a hot spring, which makes him very satisfied.

He was going to wait here to see if some interesting drama could happen.

"What a fresh fish, but unfortunately I don't seem to be good at cooking fish, only eating fish!"

Xu Xin sat on a large rock and fished on the warm lakeside. Soon he saw the fishing line tightening and a big fish was caught, rolling and jumping energetically on the ground. Xu Xin looked at the fish in front of him, feeling a little happy and a little worried. He was not good at making fish!

"What a coincidence! People from the River Country."

Not long after Xu Xin was worried, many figures appeared in the distance, and he recognized them as people from the River Country. This is a surprising discovery. People in the River Kingdom are good at eating fish, and those who are masters have discovered dozens of ways to eat fish.

Xu Xin looked at the team from the River Kingdom in the distance, thinking about how to let their beautiful cook cook fish for him. He wanted to eat fish.

As for why she is a beautiful cook, the main reason is that he, Xu, has always liked beautiful girls. This is true from all aspects.

"Are you pretending that I don't exist? Is this something you can watch for free?"

Xu Xin was sitting by the lake. Maybe it was because of the angle of his position, or maybe it was for other reasons. None of the men and women from the River Kingdom came over to say hello to him. After a cursory search, they put up a curtain and a group of women Going out seems to be... taking a bath.

(End of this chapter)

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