The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 735 The 4-year-old Dahe girl really wants a personal maid

Chapter 735 The Dahe woman is fourteen years old... I really want a personal maid...

By the hot spring lake, a group of female disciples from Mochiyuan gathered together, looking at Xu Xin who was talking to their senior sister Zui Zhihua from a distance, and curiously talking about it.

"Sir, I wonder if you came to this hot spring to take a bath, or..."

Opposite Xu Xin, the third disciple of Mochiyuan, Zhuan Zhihua, asked in a low voice.

If Xu Xin were an ordinary person and had the token of Yan State, and was suspected to be from Yan State, this third disciple of Mochiyuan would never attach so much importance to gentleness.

However, Xu Xin's gorgeous clothes are of the best quality in the world, both in terms of material and embroidery skills. Women from the River Kingdom are very knowledgeable about clothing. They could guess at just one glance that Xu Xin must have an extraordinary origin. Xu Xin also took the initiative to show kindness. , their attitude is naturally gentle and courteous.

"Speaking of which, I came to this lake first. I caught a few fresh fish there and wanted to go out to find some firewood, but I happened to encounter..."

Xu Xin pointed to the place where he had been fishing before. Zhui Zhihua glanced there and blushed slightly. They did not seem to have checked that place before, and if it was according to what the young master said, wouldn't it be possible? Just saw it...

Although they had set up a cloth before taking a bath, and the young master was handsome, it seemed that he was not at a disadvantage.

But just thinking about this kind of thing makes the girls blush. Fortunately, this young man is very good-looking.

"The women from the River Kingdom salute, it's really... wonderful!"

He also took steps, ready to walk back to the place where he was fishing.

Xu Xin looked at the cute little girl who was as cute as a cub, and couldn't help but reach out and rub her head, and said with a smile: "There are good people and bad people in all countries in the world, including the barren people."

After resting his palm on the little girl's head for a moment, he looked at her reddish white face and said seriously: "Little girl, since you have come to the wilderness, it means you are going to the battlefield. On the battlefield, there are no good guys and bad guys. , only the living and the dead.”

"Young master, take it easy."

The girl's lacquer-like eyes revealed a curious emotion, and she said: "But the young master doesn't look like a bad person, and he doesn't look like the Yan people we met in the military camp before..."

This girl, who was wearing a long pink dress, probably because she was afraid of the cold, had a furry scarf around her face and neck. With her childish face and big black eyes, she looked particularly cute.

Xu Xin looked at Zhui Zhihua's leaving figure, and the smile on his face became brighter. This etiquette of a woman from the River Country was really comforting.

Xu Xin smiled and said, "I want to stay here for two more days. You won't chase me away, right?"

Zhui Zhihua saw that Xu Xin had no intention of signing up, so he took the liberty of asking. He said with a smile, knelt down and bowed respectfully, then turned back and walked towards his fellow disciples.

A young girl from the River Country jumped up to Xu Xin and asked in a low voice. She blinked her big eyes, staring at Xu Xin looking up and down as if she had seen something interesting.

"My lord, are you from Yan country?"

Xu Xin smiled and replied: "That's right!"

"Either you kill the enemy or the enemy kills you. If you don't want to die here, you must remember this."

"My name is Tmall Girl."

The girl nodded vigorously, smiled as if she were in love, and blushed slightly with embarrassment. After she said this, she turned around and ran towards the group of laughing girls from the River Country. "Tmall Girl, what an interesting name!"

Xu Xin couldn't help but reveal a smile. He had also heard that the names of the people from the River Country were always very interesting. The name Tmall Girl was not a pleasant one at all, but it sounded a bit like the little girl's curious lacquered eyes and furry cuteness. Contrast.

Xu Xin returned to the rocks beside the lake where he was fishing, and continued fishing as before. Not long after, another fish took the bait.

"Sir, are you ready to cook for yourself?"

Tmall Girl appeared by the lake again, looking at Xu Xin curiously with her big eyes open. After Xu Xin waved to her, the little girl jumped to his side again, squatted down and leaned her little head.

Xu Xin had discovered her a long time ago. Since Mochiyuan knew that there was an outsider by the lake, they would of course send someone to guard her to prevent Xu from peeping at the scene.

But Xu Xin felt that their move was too bold. They actually sent such a cute little girl here. Aren't they afraid that he would show off his bottomless bestiality and eat up this cute little girl?
"I'm not very good at it, are you?"

Xu Xin's palm naturally fell on Tmall Girl's little head, enjoying the feeling of rubbing her head.


Tmall Girl's throat made a whimpering sound like a kitten. The little girl rolled her eyes, clapped her hands, and said happily: "Of course I can do it, just let me do it!"

Xu Xin saw the hopeful look on her face. Although he had so much distrust in his heart, he still left the cooking to this little girl.

However, what was slightly unexpected was that at such a young age, Tmall Girl was extremely skilled in cooking. It only took a while to complete all the procedures, and then she washed her hands and waited for the final removal of the pot.

Listening to the sound of the fish soup boiling in the pot and smelling the aroma that had begun to overflow, he became more and more satisfied with the little girl and was already considering whether he could coax her to become his personal maid.

He is a person who loves a good life, but the beauties in this life don't seem to be very good at taking care of others. The nymphomaniac is a princess, the Taoist idiot can only be said to be barely able to take care of others, the bookworm, and the bookworm are also Not sure yet, not sure yet.

If the girls in the River Country are all so gentle and capable, then the bookworm girl is very competitive, which makes Xu look forward to it even more.

Tmall Girl skillfully opened the lid to serve the soup and handed Xu Xin a bowl. Then she smiled and served another bowl for herself. The two of them sat in the cold wind by the lake, drinking the slightly hot soup. The body and soul become warmer.

"Speaking of which, you are so young, why do you follow the senior sisters to the front line?"

Xu Xin drank fish soup and talked to Tmall Girl. He felt extremely peaceful at this moment.

Tmall Girl opened her big eyes, looked at him and asked doubtfully: "I am fourteen years old this year, am I still young?"

"Isn't fourteen too young?"

Tmall Girl frowned slightly, pouted and said: "You can get married at fourteen, how can you be young?"

The corner of Xu Xin's mouth twitched. He remembered that in his impression, it was possible to be punished by death with a girl under the age of fourteen, and it was also possible to go in with a girl over the age of fourteen. I didn’t expect that in the River Country, you can do it at the age of fourteen... Then why can’t the men of the River Country rise to prominence?
After Tmall Girl finished the fish soup, without waiting for Xu Xin to say anything, she quickly took off the fur collar around her neck, rolled up her sleeves, and cleaned the dishes, chopsticks, and pots.

Xu Xin looked at the busy little figure by the lakeside, and his desire for a personal maid increased. When leaving, he gave the little girl some gifts and some pastries and snacks that he brought with him.

(End of this chapter)

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