The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 741 This is the shore of Daming Lake, but there is no Xia Yuhe

Chapter 741 This is the shore of Daming Lake, but there is no Xia Yuhe

"Women from the Demon Sect, stay away from him."

A gust of wind carried snow particles, and a girl appeared next to Xu Xin and Tang Xiaotang. The girl was wearing a robe of judgment fluttering in the wind, and a pair of red boots that looked like the tails of a koi carp.

"Are you from Xiling?"

Tang Xiaotang looked at Ye Hongyu, who was wearing the robe of the God of Judgment, with a strange color in his clear eyes, whether it was fear or excitement.

"Nangui Huangren?"

"The remnants of the Demon Sect!"

At this time, two other clear and beautiful female voices sounded. Mo Shanshan and Lu Chenjia appeared at the same time. Their eyes also fell on Tang Xiaotang. It was definitely an extremely rare scene for the three idiots in the world to gather together.

"Tang Xiaotang, come back."

Suddenly a voice came from the distance, and a man appeared on a cliff peak. He had a calm face and a strong figure. He was wrapped in a winter coat made of animal skins and cotton skins, and his hands were empty and without weapons.

Two straight and dangerous cliff peaks have been relatively silent for tens of millions of years. In the middle is a bottomless and terrifying canyon. Two people sit silently on the two cliff peaks, as relatively silent as the cliff itself. Word.

Tang Xiaotang and Ye Hongyu turned around and looked up at the same time. Tang Xiaotang naturally looked at the man in animal skin clothing, while Ye Hongyu looked at another man who appeared on another cliff peak.

His name is Ye Su, and he is Ye Hongyu's brother. He was the man she relied on most, the top disciple of Zhi Shou Guan, and a leader in the Taoist sect.

Tang Xiaotang turned around and said hello, and was about to leave, but she didn't expect a hand to fall on her shoulder at this time. It was Xu Xin, who she described as as beautiful as a woman from the River Country in a storybook.

Tang Xiaotang turned his head, blinked his big eyes, looked at Xu Xin sympathetically, and said, "What we Da Ming Sect disciples are best at is running. You can't catch me. Don't your temples teach these things now?"

"Ye Su!"

Xu Xin's calm voice came out, and Tang and Ye Su frowned at the same time on the snowy peak of the mountain cliff in the distance. Tang Xiaotang, who was grabbed by his shoulders, also realized that something was wrong. She was really caught and couldn't run away.

On the cliff peak to the west, sat the tall and powerful man in animal skin clothing.

"My brother asked me to leave, bye!"

On the cliff peak to the east, there is a Taoist priest sitting.

Beimin Mountain in the extreme northern wilderness is Tianqi Mountain, where the Demon Sect's mountain gate is located. It is thousands of miles in radius, and it is as vast as the starry sky at night, with many strange snow-capped peaks and chaotic cliffs.

The slightly bulging muscles under his clothes seemed to contain infinite strength. His bare legs were casually covered with boots picked from nowhere, as if he could break the sky with one kick.

"What are you doing, do you want to catch me?"

She turned around and asked Xu Xin curiously. Because her mind was clear, she could sense that Xu Xin's emotions towards her were the purest and had no negative emotions at all, not even the negative emotions of being wary. On the contrary, the three idiots in the world were somewhat wary and hostile towards her.

"What kind of magic is this?"

"There is no one in the world who can be my teacher, and naturally no one can teach me these things."

He has a peaceful face and a thin figure. He is wearing a moon-white collarless thin shirt, carrying a thin wooden sword without a scabbard. His black hair is still combed into a bun with an ordinary ebony fork stuck in it. Not as unshakable as a green pine, but more like a cloud attached to the beautiful sky background.

And the man in animal skin clothing who could confront Ye Su was naturally not an ordinary person, but a demon sect walking in the world, Tang.

"How about calling it "Capturing Tang Xiaotang's Hands" without giving it a name!"

With a smile on his face, Xu Xin asked Tang Xiaotang seriously what he thought.

Tang Xiaotang frowned and said distressedly: "No, Tang Xiaotang will become the laughing stock of others in the future." Xu Xin smiled and let go of Tang Xiaotang's shoulders and said: "Okay, you are my prisoner now. Then be obedient and take us to Daming Lake."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll run away?"

Tang Xiaotang's strength gathered in her legs, and she stared at Xu Xin and said this. She was a little eager to try. She felt that Xu Xin was able to catch her just now because he was unprepared. She would definitely not be caught if she was prepared. After all, Mingzong was the best at escaping. .


There was another sound on Tang Xiaotang's shoulder. She quickly turned her head to look and saw Xu Xin appearing on the other side of her at some point, still smiling and shaking her head.

"Little prisoner, lead the way!"

Xu Xin chuckled, and Tang Xiaotang was crestfallen. He could only obey and lead the way to the Daming Lake where the Demon Sect's mountain gate was located, as Xu Xin said.

"I advise you not to go down. That is the youngest ruling priest in Xiling, Prince Longqing of the Yan Kingdom. He is a figure who can make even the headmaster give in."

On the high cliff snow peak, Demon Sect World Walking Tang looked at his sister being forced to lead the way, his eyes narrowed slightly as if he was about to rush down, but at this time, Ye Su on another snow peak spoke up and stopped him.

"Proud Ye Su doesn't seem so proud anymore."

Tang turned to look at Ye Su, was silent for a while, and then said solemnly: "This is our place."

Ye Su shook his head and said, "But the Heavenly Book is the Heavenly Book of our Taoist sect."

Tang shook his head and said indifferently: "This heavenly book is our heavenly book."

Ye Su looked at him quietly and suddenly said: "I have no intention of continuing to argue with you. If Long Qing goes, there is a high chance of getting the Heavenly Book. I just need to stop you here, but I don't want to fight with you."

Tang looked at him coldly and said, "You have your reasons for not taking action."

After Ye Su was silent for a moment, he said: "I have been waiting for fourteen years for an opportunity to ask him for advice. If I fight you before that, it would be too disrespectful to this opportunity, myself and him. "

Tang Yao looked at the direction in which Xu Xin and the others disappeared, and said coldly: "The difference is beyond reason. You are not qualified to take action against him."

Ye Su smiled slightly and said, "I have to give it a try. Are you interested?"

Tang shook his head and said directly: "You are not his opponent, and I am not his opponent. Perhaps, this Long Qing can be his opponent."

"Long Qing!"

Ye Su also looked in the direction Xu Xin and the others disappeared and fell into silence.

The icy and snowy scenery gradually dissipated. Xu Xin and others walked through a muddy and rugged mountain road in the wet fog and came to a green valley and saw a lake.

This lake is not large in area, with a radius of less than a hundred feet. The lake shore is winding and the water is gentle. I don’t know how many years it has existed in this strange valley. There are no traces of artificial carvings.

The green valley is warmer than the snowy peaks of Tianqi Mountain outside, but it is actually still a bit cold. There are very thin ice on the water on the shore of the lake, which disperses on its own after being shaken by the water waves, and is a little quieter in the distance. The water surface gradually condenses.

This is the mountain gate of the Demon Sect. The Demon Sect calls itself Ming Sect, and this lake is also called Daming Lake.

This is the shore of Daming Lake, but there is no Xia Yuhe.

When Xu Xin thought of this, he suddenly wanted to laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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