The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 744: There are words on the monument without words, people in the mountain of bones and corp

Chapter 744: There are words on the monument without words, people in the mountain of bones and corpses

As the years pass, the nights in the far north of Haotian World become longer and the climate becomes colder.

In this mountain range abandoned by Haotian, the green valley that had disappeared for decades reappeared in response to the weather, the Daming Lake was drained, and the legendary block formation was restarted, causing the breath of heaven and earth to cling to the snow peaks. Pointing straight up to the sky, the momentum was astonishing.

Although the fluctuations in the vitality of heaven and earth caused by the reopening of the Demon Sect Mountain Gate were extinguished in a very short period of time, these fluctuations still spread across the vast snow-capped mountains and spread to more distant places.

On the two high cliff snow peaks where the green valley can be easily seen in the Tianqi Mountains, the two unknown places of Zhi Shou Guan and Mo Sect were walking around overlooking the snow field. They saw a figure rushing towards Daming Lake quickly.

"Is this his junior brother?"

Ye Su stared at the figure running towards Daming Lake, with a trace of exploration and...expectation in his eyes.

His coming to the wilderness has nothing to do with the Book of Heaven, the wilderness people going south, or the reopening of the Demon Sect's mountain gate.

He has lived in Guanli since he was a child, and his first enlightenment reading from the beginning of literacy was the six-volume heavenly book.

He has looked at the world with cold eyes since he was a child. The desolate man going south may be a big deal to the world, but it cannot attract his attention at all.

In this world, there are too few people or facts that are of interest to him who is qualified to "explore life and death."

But fourteen years ago, the man standing on the other side of the line definitely qualified. The man's name was Li Manman, the most advanced person of his generation and the senior brother of the academy. He entered the cave in the morning and knew his fate in the dark. After three days, he could cross the five realms without any distance.

With reverence in her eyes, Tang Xiaotang walked slowly to the front of Mo Zongbi Mountain Gate. When her palm gently touched the rough and solemn surface of the stone gate, there was a soft pop, and countless years of dust fell from the cracks of the stone gate. Splashed out, and then the stone door slowly opened.


Yes, that’s what Xu Xin thinks.

"Tang Xiaotang, go and push."

He was not sure of Li Manman's current location, but he knew that Li Manman was a person who loved and cared for his junior brother, now that this little guy named Ning Que appeared here. Then when Ning Que is in real danger, Li Manchuan will definitely appear next to him.

After Ye Su met that person fourteen years ago, he wanted to meet that person again. He thought about it for many, many years. The first thing he did when he came out of seclusion was to look for Li Manman, and he followed the trail to the wasteland.

Majestic, solemn, solemn, grand, sacred... This kind of characteristic feeling is often based on a huge spatial scale, just like a goshawk cannot fly lightly over the Great Wall, just like the temple buildings on Taoshan overlooking the people. When these This feeling occurs when there is a strong contrast between architecture and the small human body.

Restarting the Demon Sect's mountain gate is relatively interesting, but the Demon Sect has long since withered and is no longer a problem.

Demon Sect Mountain Gate, after the block formation, Xu Xin, who was surrounded by four people, finally saw the real Demon Sect Mountain Gate. It was a very large stone door, very huge. When standing below it, it looked like a small mountain.

After the huge stone gate, there were long stone steps that climbed up to tens of thousands of levels. After passing these small difficulties, when they arrived at the main hall of the Demon Sect Mountain Gate, everyone saw a building that was more majestic and huge than any other building they had seen before. .

Chang'an, the most majestic city in the world in the Haotian world, does not have such a majestic and huge stone gate.

Xu Xin urged Tang Xiaotang to come forward. She was the only one of the people present who was from the Demon Sect. It should be safer to bring her with him.

Therefore, he only had to wait until Ning Que encountered real danger.

The Demon Sect is in a huge space formed by completely hollowing out the belly of a towering snow peak.

This space is so large that it is completely unimaginable, how deep it is, and how high it is. It is so big that it gives people the illusion that it is a place that can only appear in dreams, a world that only Haotian has the power to open up.

Clear light shines from nowhere, and countless thick and huge stone beams lie across the space. The marks of knife and ax cuts on these stone beams are regular and clear. The stone beams that hang straight in the air are spacious enough to accommodate four carriages traveling in parallel. At a glance, you can't see the end of the stone beams. However, such thick stone beams, spanning a huge space, can only be regarded as poles. Thin spider silk.

The thick stone beams gathered in the middle like a spider web, and finally merged into a stone flat in the hollow of the distant rock peak, where a palace could be seen from a distance.

The palace in the distance should be huge, but when you look at it from the cliff, it looks like a hollow miniature sculpture carved by a skilled craftsman on a grain of rice.

As for Xu Xin and others who are facing the palace from a distance, to this huge space, it is more like non-existence, like a grain of sand between the rock walls.

Except for Xu Xin, everyone else's eyes showed shock.

The stone beam leading to the center of the huge space was very long. Xu Xin and the others walked for a long time. The lines around them were combined to form scenes of rock murals, depicting the establishment of the Demon Sect and the struggle between mankind and heaven and earth.

Floods, wildfires, heavy snows, earthquakes, and countless natural disasters cannot defeat human beings. Even if there are many casualties due to natural disasters and the remaining people are extremely sad and angry, no matter what, human beings have survived and have been living to this day.

Countless stone beams gathered in front of the ancient and huge palace, naturally forming a stone flat. The stone flat was suspended in the air countless feet high. The mountain wind howled from outside the flat, causing dust to fly up and down on the temple.

There were countless white bones piled outside the hall, and the floating ashes fell from the gaps between the bones, and then stopped flying.

Over the decades, this process has been repeated countless times, and a layer of ash about the thickness of a palm has accumulated beneath the stark white bones, making it seem like these bones are lying in the river mud.

The group of them walked through the stone beams, walked up the stone steps, and opened the palace door. Straight to the point, there is a stone monument as huge as a mountain.

This was left by the great priest of Guangming who betrayed Haotian and founded the Demon Sect. It meant that when he died, he asked not to leave a word on the monument and let the world comment.

However, there are words on this wordless tablet.

A line of incomparable words.

"Academy Ke Haoran Demon Slayer Sect is here!"

"Ke Haoran, it's a pity that he is dead."

Xu Xin glanced at this line of text, just sighed in his heart, and then continued to move forward. As they went deeper into the main hall of the Demon Sect, they saw more corpses.

At the end of the passage in the Demon Sect's main hall is a very ordinary room. This room should have been extremely spacious, but now it is occupied by a hill made of bones and mummies, making it appear extremely crowded and small.

"How many people died that year?"

Mo Shanshan and Lu Chenjia both stared blankly at the mountain of bones and corpses in front of them. They had experienced too little, and the scene in front of them shocked them.

"Cough cough..."

The huge room, the silent mountain of bones and mummified corpses, the silent sword marks on the stone wall, were so quiet that it seemed as if they were not in the world. However, as Xu Xin glanced around, a voice sounded, although it was weak, it was very clear.

Among the hills of bones and mummies, there was actually a person.

Xu Xin looked at him as soon as he came in, looking at this old monk, Liansheng Thirty-Two, a peerless talent whose glory had been covered up.

(End of this chapter)

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