The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 749: The cage is locked without any distance, and the cage is broken without distance

Chapter 749: The cage is locked without any distance, and the cage is broken without distance

A scholar appeared beside Ning Que on the shore of Daming Lake. He calmly and politely stretched out his hand, asking Xiahou, who was at the pinnacle of martial arts, to hold back his fist.

In the south of Chang'an City, there is an academy. On the mountain behind the academy, there is a senior brother. In the words of the second senior brother who is famous for his pride and arrogance, the reason why the senior senior brother is the senior senior brother is naturally because he ranks second in the academy. one.

Regardless of the realm of spiritual practice, playing chess and playing the piano, painting, embroidery, or cooking, he ranks first.

By the Daming Lake, Ning Que fell into the lake and came back to the shore. The clothes on his body were still wet, but when Xiahou stopped his fist, the vitality of the world was in chaos, and all the water vapor and mist were blown away, and his clothes were clean. It also dries out instantly.

Naturally, Ning Que didn't like Xia Hou's energy-saving way of drying. He glared at the general at the pinnacle of martial arts with hatred.

The hurricane passed by the scholar and Ning Que and shouted wildly. After a while, the surface of the smooth and steep stone wall in the valley in the distance began to peel like a pastry that had been left for a long time. Pieces as thin as paper fell down from the shocked stone wall. A rain of stone debris.

Xiahou's fist stopped steadily in front of Ning Que's nose without any trembling. The hard finger joints showed a light white color, looking like strong bamboo in the wind or the round handle of a steel knife.

He suddenly stopped when his momentum reached its peak, and it was still so stable, which proved that the middle-aged man who punched this fist was very powerful.

But the more powerful Xiahou and his fists appear, the more it proves that the senior brother of the academy is more powerful.


This general at the pinnacle of martial arts killed the entire family of General Xuanwei and turned Ning Que's happy life into a practice in the underworld. He also pursued him to the border of Yan State again and chose to massacre several villages in order to kill Ning Que. , leading to an all-out war between the Yan and Tang Dynasties, resulting in heavy casualties.

Xia Hou did not choose to avoid it, because he knew he could not avoid it. He could clearly feel the murderous intention carried by the foot above his head, as well as the familiar and even close smell of severe killing.

The mist on the mountain road spread out into a circular hole with a bang, and the figure fell from it, surrounded by a semi-spherical mist, and there were blood-colored flames burning vigorously on its legs.

A figure fell from the sky. Tang jumped from a high snow peak, but it looked more like he jumped from the sky. He broke through the air and fog one after another, making a heart-stopping low vibration. You can imagine his speed. To what extent.


Amidst the loud noise, the overbearing and powerful aura directly tore the heaven and earth vitality in the valley into countless extremely fine turbulences.

Xu Xin and others appeared. They didn't do anything. They just watched quietly while Xiahou and the college master took action.

Xiahou's eyebrows as thick as black silkworms suddenly raised, a trace of fierce emotion exuded from his stern face, his feet sank into the hard stone ground with a snap, he lowered his waist and bent his knees, and handed all his cultivation to his right side. fist.

He punched the sky, and the old boots with bloody flames and the fist with metallic luster met in the valley.

Ning Que's eyes were blood red and he was staring at Xia Hou. The aura on his body was wavering. He had cultivated Haoran Qi and was already on the verge of becoming a demon. Now that he saw his enemy, his emotions could not be suppressed and he naturally got closer to madness.


Although he has not smelled that smell for many years, no matter how long it takes, he will be wary and silent as soon as he smells it, because it is also his smell, the smell of the Ming Dynasty.

A powerful and domineering aura enveloped the ground from Tang's body, locking the entire area dozens of feet away. The demon sect descended from the sky and walked around the world, stepping on the head of the Tang Dynasty general Xia Hou.

The diffuse turbulence was wrapped up in the conflicting but equally domineering and powerful auras of these two temperaments, turning into two semicircular airflow covers.

The blood-colored and golden semicircular air shield collided, and a pit half a man deep appeared on the hard stone ground, with two clear footprints printed on the bottom of the pit.

With Xiahou's footprints as the center, countless fine cracks spread to all sides, eventually extending for a distance of more than ten feet, looking like a huge spider web. "boom!"

In the end, Tang was knocked out and he failed to take the opportunity to kill Xia Hou.

Tang is the last generation of the Demon Sect to walk the world, while Xiahou is the previous generation to walk the world. The two great masters of the Demon Sect, who are a generation apart, have both tempered their bodies to the extreme. They have both reached the peak of knowing their fate, and neither of them can surpass it. In the case of the five realms, the gap in strength between them is not large.

Tang spun in mid-air and landed, and Xia Hou jumped out of the pit. The two faced each other across the semicircular pit that was several feet in diameter.

Almost at the moment when Tang and Xia Hou were fighting, Ye Su, a Taoist world leader, appeared. He was staring at the academy senior brother, who had always wanted to challenge Li Manman.

He is the successor of Zhishou Temple, and Haotian Dao Sect is walking around the world today.

Fourteen years ago, when Ye Su was still a young man, he was also proud and arrogant.

Fourteen years ago, the most mysterious Tianzi scroll among the seven volumes of the Heavenly Book showed a very important sign.

The great priest of the Heavenly Oracle of the Xiling Temple came in to read the Heavenly Book, but he didn't say much.

However, no one expected that Guangming Great Priest Wei Guangming would take another half-step into the sacred realm of Tianqi at this moment. Those deep and pure eyes saw the shadow of the night descending on the world.

As a result, the three sects of Taoism, Buddhism and Demon, walking around the world in this generation, gathered in the wilderness.

The three people who walked the world back then were still three teenagers. They gathered under a small tree and looked at the ants in silence for a long time. Then they looked at the black line for a long time, and finally they left.

At that time, Ye Su, the successor of Zhishou Guan, was very proud and confident. He denounced Tang as an evil spirit and disdained Yan Qinian as a heretic. He cut a small tree into fifty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three pieces with one sword, and then recited a Taoist verse that he was most satisfied with so far.

Only later did he learn that there had been a person sitting on the other side of the black line that day. He was Li Manman, the eldest brother of the academy and the most accomplished among the younger generation.

As a result, Ye Su could no longer be as proud and confident as before.

He had always wanted to find an opportunity to challenge Li Manman. After he investigated life and death, this idea became stronger, so he came to the wasteland.

Today should have been his best opportunity to challenge, but one person took the lead before him, Xu Xin who was dragging four.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Countless water splashes surged instantly, and water marks, water vapor, and mist all over the sky condensed and slowly covered Ning Que and Li.

"Senior brother, be careful, it's Fan Long..."

Ning Que saw the shadow of Ke Haoran using his sword energy to clothe the cage from the water marks in the sky, and quickly reminded Li Manman, but in fact the latter's reaction was faster than him.


The scholar seemed not to have moved, and stood quietly next to Ning Que, maintaining the same posture. However, when the breeze ruffled his clothes and brought up afterimages, it became clear that he had been moving. It's just that he moved so fast that almost no one could see him.

Swirling flowers swayed on the water-stained mist all over the sky. Each swirling flower was a collision of the cages arranged by the scholar and Xu Xin. With countless collisions in the blink of an eye, the cage that almost covered the green valley was The Fan Cong formation was wiped out bit by bit.

(End of this chapter)

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