The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 755: It’s just a little wind and frost. Please call me the Judgment God!

Chapter 755 is just a bit of wind and frost... Please call me the Judgment God's Throne!

For hundreds of years, the most outstanding Great Priest of Light in the Xiling Temple left this world peacefully. In his life, he was extremely talented and almost omnipotent. He was called the strongest man in Taoshan in contemporary times, but he was imprisoned because of so-called chance. Fourteen years.

He left Taoshan and came to Chang'an City. At the moment before his death, he was inspired by Haotian and finally clearly saw what the shadow of the night looked like, but at the same time he also saw Sangsang shining brightly, so he left.

For hundreds of years, the most outstanding Talisman Master of Haotian Dao Sect also left this world peacefully. He laughed and cursed all his life, playing in the world without any false reputation, but he was the first to cross the five realms with Talisman Dao. Strong.

At the moment before his death, he saw through the cycle of light and darkness, saw the great talisman, and knew that his successor Ning Que would definitely be able to write a great talisman in the world that he had never written in his life.

The wind rises and turns, the snow rises and falls, and everything is quiet on the cliff.

"Sangsang, bring the things and say goodbye to them!"

The lonely poplar tree looked at the sky alone. Xu Xin's voice came. The lonely Sangsang wiped his eyes, struggled to hold two heavy urns, walked to the cliff with difficulty, and then put his hands on Kneel down in front of the two piles of ashes that were solidified into the appearance of two old men.

The mountain wind on the cliff has been blowing, but with the blessing of Xu Yixin's power, the last traces of the two old people remaining in the world will not run around.

Sangsang knelt on the ground and murmured:

"The teacher lives in a new urn. He likes it to be clean."

"The young master's teacher lives in an old urn. He is not afraid of oil."

Xu Xin used his mind power to control the two ashes to fall into the two large urns without missing any of them. He looked at the girl in white robe in front of him and suddenly asked: "Sang Sang, your teacher and Master Yan Se, who are you?" Have you ever mentioned me?"

Sang Sang knelt on the ground and looked up at Xu Xin. After a long silence, he said softly: "Master Yan Se didn't say anything. The teacher said, let me be careful with you."

Xu Xin gently stretched out his palm, which was trembling a little. He carefully touched Sang Sang's cheek, observing that she showed no resistance or displeasure, and then said: "Sang Sang, do you know! I Very jealous of Ning Que."

"I'm jealous of him because he has you."

"I really wanted to keep you by my side at the beginning. If you really agreed, you would definitely not be a little maid."

When Xu Xin spoke, he looked at Sang Sang seriously.

To be honest, if Ning Que really agreed to let Sangsang be his maid, even though there would be risks in the Shura field, Xu Xin still wanted to try to get this goddess.

This is the incarnation of Haotian. If he can become a partner, it will definitely be the greatest opportunity in the history of Haotian's world. Ning Que is definitely one of the luckier ones among the time travellers.

Although he seems to have experienced a lot of hardships and hardships, not to mention other even worse time-travelers, in the Haotian World alone, there are civilians who are far worse than him. Those who died without revenge or resistance. Those who are capable are truly miserable.

As for Ning Que, he has embraced the incarnation of Haotian for more than ten years and has long been valued by his master. Yan Se, the first talisman master to cross the fifth realm, is even more eager to steal his apprentice.

His real suffering was only for a little while after General Xuanwei's family was wiped out and before he met Sang Sang. The struggles in the rest of the time were actually just tempering.

Or, his suffering could have been avoided. After all, the Master had been watching. It should have been since he was born that the Master had paid attention to this child who was born to know him.

Wei Guangming's actions, General Xuanwei's family extermination, and everything that followed, Master could have stopped such things that were against the laws of the Tang Dynasty, but he did not choose to stop them, but chose to watch.

Therefore, all Ning Que's sufferings were only due to Master's choice.

In Master's eyes, maybe those are just some tempering.

Just a little bit of wind and frost.

In such a situation, at best, you are a disciple, but at worst, you are just a chess piece. The whole world is a chessboard, and Master and Haotian are the chess players. Because they have to face the omnipresent calculation of heaven, Master takes every step carefully.

This is also a key point why Xu Xin is not interested in becoming his master. If he doesn’t become his master, he can stay away from him. If he wants to be his master, he will have too much contact with him no matter what. He may be involved in the chess game layout of these two big guys. have no idea.

Of course, as Xu Xin continues to cause trouble, he will gradually get involved in the chess game.

However, he has foresight and knows the inevitable results of some situations, so he promotes some things. As long as the two big guys in charge of chess fight face to face, the development of the chess game below will no longer be completely in accordance with their ideas.

Therefore, we still need to find a way to wake up Sangsang and send this old master to heaven as soon as possible.

"I am the young master's maid."

On the top of the cliff, Sangsang lowered his head and averted Xu Xin's gaze.

Although Xu Xin has always given her a good feeling, she has become accustomed to Ning Que and continues to choose Ning Que.

"Hey, what are you doing, teasing someone else's maid?"

A stern voice sounded from behind, and Xu Xin knew without turning his head that it was Chen Pipi. He was a little afraid of Xu Xin, and almost shrank behind Jun Mo after saying this.

The twelfth gentleman of the academy, the son of the master of Zhishou Temple, the youngest person in the world to reach the pinnacle of knowledge, is actually a very cowardly little fat man.

As Xu Xin once said, Chen Pipi was too well protected. In Xu Xin's eyes, this kind of person was no different from trash.

"I lost to Ning Que again, I'm really unwilling to do so!"

Xu Xin ignored Chen Pipi and Jun Mo, stretched out his hand holding the scroll with clear characters, helped Sang Sang up with both hands, and helped her pack the two large urns containing the ashes, and then prepared to leave.

"Prince Longqing!"

Jun Mo's high crown appeared in Xu Xin's sight again. He stopped Xu Xin and stared at the heavenly book. He recognized it as an old book in the hands of senior brother Li Manman.

"Please call me the Judgment Throne!"

"After the journey to the wasteland, Liansheng Thirty-Two also died in my hands. From now on, I will be the unique ruling priest."

Xu Xin lightly glanced at Jun Mo and Chen Pipi, who could not be hidden behind him. A round fat man tried to hide behind the skinny bamboo pole-like guy. This Chen Pipi was really...

"Master Liansheng..."

Chen Pipi was shocked when she heard Liansheng's name.

Jun Mo only stared at the old book in Xu Xin's hand and said, "Judgment God, the book in your hand should be that of my senior brother..."

"I snatched it back from Li Manman's hand, the Book of Heaven's Mingzi Scroll."

"My master was here when I left."

After Xu Xin said these two sentences, he missed Jun Mo and Chen Pipi, took the people he brought with him, and left without looking back.

Jun Mo and Chen Pipi did not stop him. The master asked Xu Xin to leave, which means that the teacher has his own choice. As a disciple, there is no need to cause too many twists and turns.

(End of this chapter)

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