The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 767: The surname of Yan State who died unjustly, who should they look for?

Chapter 767: The people of Yan State who died unjustly, who should they look for?

"Making love……"

Waves of loud applause came from outside the imperial city. The only one who could applaud at this time was Xu Xin, the melon-eater who had been looking forward to this scene.

At this time, none of the big shots in Chang'an City, the civil and military officials of the Tang Dynasty, and all the attires and beasts, scolded Xu Xin for being rude, because they were all shocked by what Ning Que said.

They had always thought that Ning Que was the son of General Xuanwei Lin Guangyuan.

But now, Ning Que told them that they were all idiots and that everyone was wrong.

"I know, that's what it says in the book."

Ning Que said calmly: "The prince who was deprived of the throne went away to a foreign country, and then returned to his country to take revenge. A young master escaped from the minister's family who was framed by the traitor. Many years later, he won the first prize in the exam, received His Majesty's favor, and then re-examined the case. "

He looked at the big shots in the court with a sneer and said, "But who stipulated that the protagonist of every revenge story must be a prince? Isn't the son of the concierge and the maidservant not qualified to take revenge?"

This calm but powerful question made the big shots in front of the imperial city silent. They wanted to say something, but they couldn't.

"That's what the books say, that's what people think, and I know it's no one's fault, but I still hate the thought."

"More than ten years ago, I felt that such an idea was really idiotic."

Li Peiyan, the former prince of the Tang Dynasty, finally asked: "What about the son of General Xuanwei Lin Guangyuan? Why didn't he come today?"

Many important people also looked at Ning Que again, their eyes filled with a certain kind of light, which seemed to be "hope". Since Ning Que, the son of a servant, is still alive, then the son of General Xuanwei Lin Guangyuan should naturally be alive as well.

"He is dead. If he does not die, how can General Xiahou and His Highness the Prince feel at ease, and how can I survive?"

Ning Que looked at Li Peiyan with a mocking look on his face. This former prince was the idiot among idiots. No wonder he would lose the throne he was about to get.

"As for the story in the book, I shouldn't need to tell you that the housekeeper at that time was also planning to do this."

The smile on Ning Que's face gradually faded away. He looked at Li Peiyan, Xu Shi, Li Qingshan, the emperor, and everyone. He said expressionlessly: "But why?"

"Why should I do what is written in the book?"

"Why should the general's son live and the concierge's son die?"

"Why should I die?"

Autumn leaves fall on the palace gate, and everyone is silent.

No one could answer this question, so there was silence. Only Ning Que's voice became louder and louder.

"I'm just a porter's son."

"But I want to live."

"I want to live."

"I killed the housekeeper and the young master."

"It was not manslaughter. I was conscious at the time and just wanted to kill him."

Ning Que looked at Xia Hou and smiled: "Because only if he is dead, people like you and His Highness the Prince will no longer pay attention to me, the son of the concierge."

Ning Que had a warm smile on his face, a smile that seemed gentle but was actually extremely cold.

Everyone looked at the smile on Ning Que's face. They were so shocked that they couldn't speak. They felt colder than ever before. They seemed to have seen that woodshed more than ten years ago. A little boy over four years old, holding a rusty hatchet, stood in front of the two corpses. His little face was full of determination, and his body kept shaking, but he still did it, killed the housekeeper and the young master, and survived. Come down.

Now, the little boy back then is standing in the fallen leaves in the autumn wind, standing in front of the majestic palace, and standing in front of the great figures of the Tang Dynasty, telling that story.

Stories in books are often written like that, with the protagonists at worst being the sons of generals.

But the story he is telling now is not in the book.

At this time, Xia Hou also smiled and said: "Ning Que, you really surprised me. The place and time of the duel are up to you. When you have made up your mind, tell me."

After Xiahou said this, he left with his own royal general Zhanqi. He was full of expectations for the next duel.

Since the servant's son can survive, what miracles can't happen in Haotian's world? He believed that his sister could survive safely.

"it is good!"

Ning Que looked at Xia Hou's back and shouted. The master and servant held big black umbrellas and disappeared in another direction in the fierce autumn wind and under the gaze of the "animals" in the hall.

Ning Que and Xia Hou left, and all the civil and military officials of the Tang Dynasty also dispersed one after another.

Outside the imperial city, Xu Xin and others, who had been eating melons and watching the theater, were discussing.

Xu Xin held Shuizhu'er in his left hand and Tmall Girl in his right hand, hugging her from left to right, feeling very happy.

The youngest Tmall girl looked at the direction Ning Que and the others were leaving, and whispered: "Mr. Thirteen is so pitiful. If he fails to become Master's personal disciple, nor is he the successor of Master Yan Se, the Talisman Master, then General Xuanwei Will the government’s treason case be overturned?”

Xu Xin touched Tmall Girl's head and sighed: "Probably, no!"

Shuizhu'er's delicate body on Xu Xin's left side trembled. As a Tang Dynasty person, she knew better than anyone how difficult it was to turn this case over.

In the Tang Dynasty for thousands of years, there were countless similar abominations. The people did not complain, and the officials did not investigate. If the people complained, they knelt down first. If Ning Queruo didn't have his current identity, why would he seek revenge on the Prince and General of the Tang Dynasty?

"Judgment God, you are wrong. Even if Ning Que is not there, I will still vindicate General Xuanwei."

At this time, Tang Emperor Li Zhongyi came over from not far away and said: "I have always felt that the case in the first year of Tianqi was a mistake and I have always wanted to overturn it. No matter how high the status of the person who did it is, sooner or later, I will I will give an explanation to the people of Tang Dynasty.”

"But Your Majesty, the only thing you care about is General Xuanwei, right?"

"In your imperial edict, there was no mention of the ordinary people who lost their lives in that tragedy. Don't those servants and people who died tragically have the right to be remembered?"

After Li Zhongyi was silent for a moment, he said: "Whether they are servants or generals, they are all common people of Tang State and my subjects. Naturally, I should remember them."


Xu Xin smiled and continued: "Your Majesty, in fact, we all know that there is no absolute fairness in this world. If Ning Que was not a practitioner and he did not have the achievements he has now, would revenge be possible?"

After hearing this, Li Zhongyi was silent for a long time, and then replied: "It will probably take a long time, and maybe I won't be able to take revenge in my lifetime. But practice is a gift from Haotian, and Haotian allows Ning Que to take revenge. God's Throne It’s just what if.”

"I don't care whether Ning Que can take revenge or whether the people of Tang Dynasty can be redressed. The vindication of the people of Tang State depends on you, Emperor Tang."

"But who should they look for for the people of Yan State who died unjustly?"

Xu Xin stared at Li Zhongyi coldly and said: "I want to hold a banquet in the mansion tomorrow, and invite Your Majesty, the Queen, and General Xiahou to attend the banquet together..."

(End of this chapter)

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