The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 769: I rule the temple to do things, so there is no need to explain to others.

Chapter 769: I rule the temple to do things, so there is no need to explain to others.

Chang'an City at dusk looked like it had fallen into an eternal night. Thick snow clouds blocked the last afterglow and the starlight in the sky, and the shore of Yanming Lake was pitch black.

Only the torches in Chang'an City in the distance and the lights in the garden beside Yanming Lake illuminated the snowflakes falling from the sky, making the dense and whistling snow shine into the starlight falling on the world.

Tonight, a sudden heavy snowfall made the upcoming duel seem more uncertain.

Outside the General's Mansion in the wind and snow, Xia Hou looked at the closed courtyard door in front of him expressionlessly. He stretched out his hand to take the military flag from the hands of his soldiers. He walked to the courtyard door, held the military flag in his right hand and paused.

His movements were very casual. The ground in front of the courtyard gate was made of hard stone. When the flagpole fell, the stone ground shattered into pieces, splashing countless gravels, and the tail of the flagpole was deep in mud.

Xia Hou slowly released his hand. The flagpole was as firm as if it were born on the ground. The blood-red military flag made a sound in the snowflakes in the sky, swallowing up all the night.

This blood-red royal battle flag has accompanied Xiahou for many years.

Whether fighting the Yan State army or fighting with the cavalry of Zuozhang Royal Court, this battle flag of the generals always flew at the forefront of the Northeastern Frontier Army of the Tang Empire.

For decades, this bloody battle flag has never fallen.

The person on the Jade Bridge is naturally Jun Mo, the second senior fellow in the Academy.

Jun Mo raised his head, looked at the Tang military leader under the bridge, and said calmly: "In this case, if you want me to die, you must die first."

Tonight, this bloody battle flag of the king will still not fall down.


According to Tang law, today's Yulin Army only obeys the orders of two people, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and the number one person in the military, Xu Shi.


In Chang'an City, there is the Yulin Army.

Xu Shi looked at the man on the bridge and could no longer suppress the anger in his heart. He shouted like spring thunder at the bridge head, shaking the flying snow: "Jun Mo, whoever blocks the way will die!"

"Those who block the road will die? Tang law has never discussed this, and ancient rites have never heard of it."

Xiahou walked out of the mansion, without saying goodbye to his wife and children, but resolutely walked into the night and headed towards Yanming Lake.

Except for Ke Haoran and Ning Que, two generations of people who were worldly, the disciples at the back of the academy had never been worldly. The soldiers of the Yulin Army on the other side of the snow bridge naturally didn't know who the tall-crowned man sitting cross-legged in the snow was.

Just like the powerful man under the blood flag, he has never fallen down for so many years.

Outside Xiahou's mansion, there were dozens of soldiers from the General's Palace, many ministers who came to watch the battle, and the Chang'an Palace officials who maintained order on both sides of the street. They all had a strong feeling when they looked at the bloody flag in the night.


Snowflakes were flying in the biting cold wind, and the Yulin army began to form a group and then prepared to leave the camp. But in the end, they had to stop in front of the Jade Bridge outside the camp because there was a person on the bridge.

The man was wearing a high crown and robe, sitting cross-legged in the snow on the bridge, his head slightly lowered.

When they heard that this man dared to be so disrespectful and arrogant to Xu Shi, they suddenly became extremely angry.

This powerful army responsible for guarding the imperial city possesses power unimaginable by the world, possesses strong practitioners at Tianshu and Nanmen Temple, and most importantly, possesses strong will and determination.


Three shouts of killing resounded inside and outside the imperial city. The soldiers of the Yulin Army were furious, as if they wanted to pierce their armor. They drew their swords and guns and wanted to rush onto the snow bridge and kill the man on the spot.

They are the Yulin Army, the most elite force in the Tang Dynasty, which serves as the last barrier of the imperial city. Although there is only one battalion in front of them, it is enough to form a formation to fight against the great practitioners who know the fate. Xu Shi, the number one man in the Tang Dynasty's military, raised his right arm expressionlessly, and the commotion and murderous intent behind him immediately subsided. He looked at the man sitting cross-legged in the snow, his expression became serious, and he said, "Is the academy really going to go back on its word?"

Jun Mo looked at him under the bridge and said: "The academy does not object to Xiahou returning to his old age, nor does it object to the younger junior brother challenging him, because there is no way to object."

Xu Shi frowned and said, "You know I am going to oppose this matter."

Jun Mo said: "I object to your objection."

Xu Shi looked at the man on the snow bridge. After being silent for a long time, he asked in a hoarse voice: "Is this what the dean meant?"

Jun Mo said, "No, this is my own intention."

Xu Shi narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "That's why you stopped on the snow bridge."


Jun Mo was sitting cross-legged in the snow, with a tall and straight posture, and his robes were not trembling in the wind, just like the cliff pine trees in the snow peaks. Xu Shi looked at him and thought of the guy who defeated him back then.

Jun Mo stood up again, looked at Xu Shi and the Yulin Army's cavalry under the snow bridge, and said expressionlessly: "I respect my junior brother, so I will not interfere in the duel, but I want him to get justice."

"Fair? Okay, then I'll go see your so-called fair duel."

Xu Shi dismounted and walked up to Jun Mo. The leader of the military finally gave up leading his troops to intervene in the duel, but he still wanted to go to Yanming Lake. If possible, he still wanted to help Xiahou and let him The victorious Xiahou survived the Academy's wrath.

That's right, Xu Shi didn't think Xiahou would lose, and most people in Chang'an City didn't think Xiahou would lose either.

Ning Que, who was in the upper realm of Dongxuan, was very strong and had even arranged the formation in advance.

But he was facing Xia Hou, who was at the pinnacle of martial arts. The previous generation of the Demon Sect was all over the world. No one could figure out why the academy would agree to such a "no suspense" duel.

On a snowy night in Chang'an, Xiahou was walking towards Yanming Lake. Ning Que had been waiting and taking action here for a long time. In addition to Jun Mo, other disciples from the academy were also taking action. They wanted to create a relatively "fair" environment for today's duel. "environment of.

The second gentleman, Jun Mo, blocked Xu Shi to prevent the military from intervening. Mr. Li Manman, the big man, approached Haotian Taoist World Traveler Ye Su and Tianyu High Priest. At the strong request of these people, he "escorted" them to the villa belonging to Xu Xin in Yanming Lake.

"Judgment God's Throne, why didn't you stop it?"

The first meeting between the Heavenly Oracle and Xu Xin in Chang'an City was a bit embarrassing. No one expected that the Heavenly Oracle came up to question the Judgment Seat.

The main reason was Xu Xin's avoidant attitude during this period, his constant troublemaking behavior, and the fact that he was "coerced" by Li slowly today, which made him particularly angry.

"Take peace of mind at the Oracle of Heaven, you will know after reading it."

Xu Xin just replied calmly, not paying much attention to the old man. Among the three major thrones of Haotian Dao Sect, Tianyu is the one closest to Haotian, but it is also the one with the least reputation.

Listening to Haotian's voice and having devout faith, how is that different from a puppet?
"Judgment God, please let that woman... think about how to explain to the headmaster and the temple master."

Zhi Shou Guan Xia Walking Ye Su spoke up. He also had strong opinions on Xu Xin. If the Heavenly Demon Dance at the Princess Mansion a few days ago was not handled properly, it would have a bad impact on the entire Taoist sect.

"Under the clear sky, above the throne of God."

Xu Xin just said calmly: "I rule the temple to do things, why do I need to explain to others."

"Xiahou is here, his mind is in chaos, his chance of survival is gone, he is dead."

Xu Xin suddenly spoke again, and everyone followed the sound and saw a majestic but somewhat decadent figure coming to the bank of Yanming Lake. It was none other than Xiahou, the former Great General of Zhenbei in the Tang Dynasty, who was famous for his bravery and tyranny.

(End of this chapter)

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