The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 778 If the sky does not give birth to a wife, eternity will be like a long night

Chapter 778 If the sky does not give birth to a wife, eternity will be like a long night

In the mountains behind the academy, everything is still calm, but in Chang'an City, in the Tang Kingdom, and in the entire Haotian world, the undercurrent is already raging, and a storm is coming.

The deserted people went south, and the hot sea froze.

The top leaders of all the countries in the Haotian world know that eternal night is coming.

During the battle at Yanming Lake in the Tang Dynasty, the Ullana Pure Bell, a magical tool left by the Buddha, revealed the incarnation of Hades in the human world. It turned out to be the descendant of the former Great Priest of Light, who was rumored to be the daughter of light at first.

The daughter of light becomes the daughter of Pluto, Pluto is coming, and eternal night is coming!

This prophecy has been circulated for thousands of years, and it came true the moment the Bon bell rang. The world is afraid of Pluto, so no one will calm down and think. Most people will only use the simplest and most effective method. Then kill the daughter of Hades and be done with it.

According to the records of the temple, Haotian has 70,000 realms, and Pluto has 70,000 children. So if one child is missing, will Pluto notice?

Even if he notices it, it will be a long time later. Ming Nu is alive. As far as the world is concerned, eternal night can come at any time, and no one will be willing to face eternal night.

In the villa beside Yanming Lake, Xu Xin watched the Yulin Army of the Tang Dynasty salvage Xiahou's body in the distance, but his eyes turned to the mountain behind the academy.


Xu Xin did it as soon as he thought of it, and the petals flew all over the sky, quietly disappearing into the void, and scattered to unknown corners of the world.

The master took out another pot of unopened old wine from the side, and said with a smile: "This wine is ordinary, so it is home-brewed."

The unique taste of beef gradually moistens your mouth and tongue, leaving you with endless aftertaste.

Xu Xin walked up to the master and bowed slightly. The old man pointed to the seat opposite Xu Xin, then took the initiative to raise the wine bottle and poured Xu Xin a glass of wine.

The old master has not yet made a choice. As a tall man, it is unbecoming to be dragging his feet like this. It seems that he, Xu, needs help to push the master to the sky.

Xu Xin's figure disappeared into the lakeside garden, and the next moment he appeared in front of the second floor at the back of the academy. Standing downstairs, he called Master, indicating that he came to have a meal.

After he said this, he picked up the small wine bottle and took a sip happily.

The master picked up a piece of beef with bright tendons, put it into his lips and chewed it slowly for a long time. With an intoxicated expression on his face as he sipped all the meat's aroma, he praised: "With wine and meat, you will have a worry-free life."

After Xu Xin finished the beef and drank a glass of wine, he couldn't help but praise it: "Okay, it is indeed good wine and good meat."

Inside this yellow clay wine pot is clear old wine. At this time, the sun is setting in the west. The old man is looking at Chang'an City in the distance at night and the lights of thousands of houses there. The food is sweet and delicious, but no one knows what he is thinking. What.

When Xu Xin saw his wife again, the old man had already gotten up from the bed and was sitting outside the thatched house. There were exquisite food boxes on the table. There was a plate of beef in one of the food boxes, and there was a steaming peony fish hot pot next to it. , and there is also a yellow mud wine pot.

Xu Xin picked up a piece of beef with chopsticks, put it into his mouth and chewed it slowly. When he first tasted the beef, it tasted very bland, but this seemingly tasteless piece of beef actually became more fragrant the more he chewed it in his mouth, and the muscles were melted by his teeth. After cutting off, it releases an extremely wonderful and refreshing bomb.

"Beef is extremely unpalatable. Pippi makes the white buffalo beef himself. The best thing is that Lao Huang can't climb up here to challenge me."

Xu Xin couldn't help laughing when he heard his master talking like this.

The old yellow in Master's mouth is the old scalper who pulls the cart for him. It is really not good to eat the same kind of cattle in front of the scalper, and after eating the beef, the smell will not go away for a while. I think Master usually I rarely eat beef. "I don't eat beef."

Xu Xin suddenly said something like this, which was inexplicably too late for the master to understand. The master was really a little confused after hearing what he said. Taking advantage of the moment when the old man was in a daze, Xu Xin wiped out most of the plate of beef in an instant with his chopsticks.

"Oh, my beef! You don't eat beef, don't you?"

"You brat, how could you bully an old man like this?"

The master felt heartbroken when he saw that most of the beef was emptied in front of him. He finally had a meal of beef, but he didn't expect that most of it would be taken away by this disrespectful boy in front of him. Does this brat like to force his old man to make choices so much? !
After Xu Xin finished eating the meat, he drank half a bottle of wine, then put down the bowl, chopsticks and wine pot, and said, "Master, the dark night... comes from the north."

The master smiled and said: "So it is consistent with what I have learned from my travels and inspections over the years, but I still have some questions."

The Master looked at the dark night above, looked at the stars, and said: "It is said that night and day alternate between this world. Sometimes it is light for tens of thousands of years, and sometimes it is dark for tens of thousands of years. The war between light and darkness runs throughout history."

"When Haotian wins, it will be the world of light today. When Pluto wins, it will be the arrival of the underworld. That is... eternal night."

"There is no need for me to tell you the story of Buddha."

The Master then said: "Of the seven volumes of the Heavenly Book, the most important one is the Tianzi Volume. The really interesting ones are the Mingzi Volume. As for the other volumes, just don't read them."

Xu Xin interrupted at this time: "Master, you broke into Zhishou Temple and read the seven volumes of the Heavenly Book by force? Such behavior is not good. What is the difference between it and a robber?"

The master was a little embarrassed and said: "Books are the inheritance of knowledge. They should not be hidden in the mountains and hidden from others. How can reading be strong or not?"

"I also heard the conversation between Jun Mo and Xu Shi last night. The Academy's shameless and strong words seem to be the same as the previous one, and they are just as shameless."

Xu Xin sighed and the master glanced at him. This young man was very brave. He actually dared to tell the truth to his face. However, the old man did nothing in the end.

The gentle breeze came, and the master's white eyebrows fluttered slightly. The master looked at Xu Xin again.

"At the end of the Dharma, night falls and the moon appears."

He looked up at the stars in the dark night and said, "The Book of Heaven and the Sun are in your hands now. You should have read the last part of the Buddha's prophecy."

"The previous sentence naturally refers to the era of Dharma Ending mentioned by Buddhism, and the coming of night is the invasion of the underworld."

"But what is the moon? The Moon Wheel Country got its name from this, so the moon must be a rotating thing. This is what I haven't been able to figure out. You should know it!"

"Master, do you really want to know?"

"I remember that that day, I made it very clear."

Xu Xin looked at the master in front of him, who was also looking at him. Listening to his words, he silently added a glass of wine to himself, as if he was ready to accept a certain answer.

"If heaven does not give birth to a master, eternity will be like a long night."

(End of this chapter)

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