Chapter 786 The deal with the Master
On the second floor of the academy, opposite Xu Xin, the master suddenly shook his sleeves and held a ball of golden light in his hand.

In an instant, the eyes of all the direct disciples in the academy, as well as Xu Xin who was opposite the Master, fell on the golden light. Especially Master and Ning Que, their eyes were particularly fierce.

"Boy, do you want this thing in my hand?"

The Master looked at Xu Xin with a smile. The golden light in his hand not only had the aura of Haotian Kingdom, but also the aura of human power.

Xu Xin knew that there might be some trick left behind by Master You, but he still nodded.

Such a ball of energy is a great blessing, who wouldn't want to get it!

"If you want it, I'll give it to you, but you must agree to my conditions... and the academy and the Tang Dynasty... must be there."

The master looked at Xu Xin and casually handed over the ball of golden light. This was regarded as a deal. Xu Xin's sudden breakthrough brought the time when he and Haotian finally faced each other infinitely closer.

After today's battle, it was only a matter of time before he was found by Haotian, so many arrangements had to be made in advance.

He still has ties in the human world, to the Tang State, and to these disciples in the back mountain of the academy.

There are not many people in the world who can threaten these two. The only one who makes him unsure is Xu Xin in front of him.

Haotian's "Heavenly Calculation" and Master's "No Rules" used Haotian's world as a chessboard, and set a chess game to compete silently. Even Ning Que, an external variable time traveler, fell into the chessboard and became a chess piece. However, Xu Xinneng was able to play in his chessboard. Unexpectedly, the chess game was overturned.

The master was naturally interested in Xu Xin who broke the situation like this, and was even a little bit afraid.

When Xu Xin faced him, he always seemed to have a kind of confidence. He should have a trump card that he didn't know.

Master is not sure what this kind of trump card is. Now that he is almost going to have a decisive battle with Haotian, he doesn't want to turn against Xu Xin and weaken himself, so he can only use gentle methods.

"The elders gave it to me, but I dare not return it."

"Since Master is willing to give it to me, I would like to thank you very much."

Xu Xin suddenly stood up and bowed respectfully to the Master.

"Alas! Back then, my old man should have been more shameless and just accept disciples..."

The master accepted this gift and handed the golden light to Xu Xin.

"Teacher, Sangsang, she..."

Ning Que walked closer with Sangsang in his arms, his face still full of anxiety.

Sangsang seemed to have fallen asleep and was fine, but his body was still cold and the situation was very bad.

The previous vision of Sang Sang made him understand why the master was reluctant to take action before, but he and Sang Sang grew up dependent on each other. It can be said that this little black girl is everything to him. Concern leads to chaos. Faced with Sangsang's problem, he could not remain calm.

"Take Sang Sang to Lanke Temple in Yuelun Kingdom!"

The master looked at Ning Que, sighed and said: "Tongtian Pill is gone. In this world, only the green pears on the pear tree in front of the cliff cave on Xiaoqi Mountain in Lanke Temple can be useful to Sangsang."

He needs time. After Ning Que and Sang Sang have experienced many lives and deaths, Ning Que takes Sang Sang out of Chang'an to Lanke. The journey will definitely be full of dangers. But as long as there is no problem with their life and death, and they have experienced hardships and hardships, Ning Que and Sangsang will be able to understand the love and love in the world. Maybe before he left, he could still see the two of them worshiping heaven and earth.

"Teacher, is this really necessary?"

Ning Que looked at the master. He couldn't guess the master's intention of making such an arrangement, but he could think of the difficulty and danger of such a journey. It was not because he was afraid of the danger, but because he didn't understand why the teacher would do this.

The master said: "As for Sangsang, let her sleep first and have a good night's rest. After the sun comes out tomorrow morning, you can go on your way again. By the way, remember, you must make sure that the last leaf falls on the pear tree before it falls." Before, let Sangsang eat the green pears."

Ning Que bowed respectfully and said, "I also ask the teacher to write a letter. With your status, no one will refuse to write a letter."

The master took out a letter, put it on the table, and said, "It has been prepared for you a long time ago!"

After Ning Que took the letter, he read it carefully. Then a long-lost smile appeared on Ning Que's face, and he took Sangsang away.

Xu Xin looked at Ning Que and Sangsang's retreating figures and said, "I really feel that this choice is not a good thing."

"You've already collected your things, are you ready to retort?"

The master glanced sideways at Xu Xin and was about to pick up another chopstick of beef when he found that the plate in front of him was almost empty. He hit the plate with his chopstick angrily and said angrily: "You brat, didn't you say you don't eat beef?" !”

"Master, it's more delicious to eat when you eat."

Xu Xin had a smile on his face, and then attacked the peony fish in front of his wife. He didn't know how to care for the elderly at all.


The next morning, Ning Que and Sang Sang said goodbye to their teachers, senior brothers and senior sisters at the academy in the back mountain. They got into the carriage that Ning Que had taken to the wilderness and headed towards Lanke Temple in the Moon Wheel Kingdom.

The big black horse pulled the carriage and slowly walked on the official road to Lanke Temple under the watchful eyes of many interested people. The news about the Thirteenth Master of the Academy and the daughter of Hades was also spread throughout the world. .

Ning Que and Sang Sang left Chang'an and the Tang Kingdom, which would inevitably cause shock to all the countries in the world. The legend of the coming of eternal night has been circulating in the world. Now the daughter of Hades has appeared, and the great war that took place in the Tang Kingdom has also spread throughout the world. Haotian world.

Then all the countries in the Haotian World, except the Tang Kingdom, will definitely try their best to get rid of the daughter of Pluto. Even within the Tang Kingdom, there are some forces that want to take risks, such as... those aristocratic families in Qinghe County .

Ning Que chose to set off to Lanke Temple in Yuelun Kingdom. Xu Xin naturally couldn't do too much trouble because he agreed to his master, but he had no interest in staying in Tang Kingdom anymore, so he also chose to leave.

This time I left, not to return to Xiling, nor to the Yan Kingdom, nor to Yuelun to join in the fun, but to the Dahe Kingdom, which was close to the Yuelun Kingdom.

The bookworm girl has been following him for such a long time, and they understand each other's intentions. Moreover, Xu Xin also wants to settle down with Tmall Girl, a well-behaved little maid, so there is no way to get around Wang Shusheng of Mochi Garden in Dahe Kingdom.

Unlike Ning Que and Sang Sang's journey to Lanke Temple in Yuelun Kingdom, which was difficult and dangerous, Xu Xin and his group's journey to River Kingdom was very smooth.

In the Haotian world, almost no one dares to stop the Judgment God's vehicle, and naturally no one dares not to give face to the High Judgment Priest of Xiling.

Although Xu Xin and Lu Chenjia had already made an engagement, no one dared to make irresponsible remarks about his fate with Ye Hongyu and Mo Shanshan.

Of course Mo Shanshan's master Wang Shusheng did not dare. Although he may have some thoughts in his heart, when facing Xu Xin, Wang Shusheng, the guest of Xiling, played the role of a father-in-law very well and served Xu Xin. Xin and Mo Shanshan send happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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