The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 792: Reasonable suggestion, kill Ning Que

Chapter 792: Reasonable suggestion, kill Ning Que
"Master wants you to become a complete human being, a person who has joy, anger, sorrow, and emotions, and is even willing to marry his disciples and have children."

Xu Xin betrayed the Master without any scruples. He had originally disagreed with the Master's plan, and now he naturally told the truth without any scruples.

Even if he doesn't say these things now, the goddess herself will realize it.

Haotian's calculations can theoretically calculate everything in this world. There is nothing in this world that can always be hidden from her.

"What's your purpose!"

The goddess spoke again.

Her calculations can calculate everything in the Haotian world, including the Master's choice, which is actually included in her calculations. However, there are two people for whom her calculations will make mistakes, and that is Ning Que and Xu Xin. , two time travelers from outside the world.

When Ning Que, the first time traveler in the world, appeared, a loophole appeared in Haotian's originally perfect calculation, which gave Master the opportunity to plot against her.

As for Xu Xin in front of him, as a "variable", he is more hidden and a greater threat than Ning Que.

"Haotian once had a gambling game with the gambler, the ancestor of Dao Sect. And if you cannot do your part well, Dao Sect is qualified to restart the gambling game."

"You're not going to make it."

No matter how the world changes, these are so solemn and eternal.

Xu Xin smiled, very brightly, and his words made the goddess frown slightly.

The goddess's mood fluctuated a bit.

"There is an old saying that man can conquer nature."

Xu Xin bowed slightly and said: "You are still a qualified god now, and I am naturally your most loyal believer. The great priest on the throne of judgment under Haotian."

"You refuse my kindness?"

The goddess said so.

Xu Xin confessed his purpose to the goddess, and his eyes met the goddess's beautiful eyes. Their eyes met, and neither of them showed any sign of moving away.

When the goddess said these words, a certain divine kingdom in her beautiful eyes was changing, and the perfect lines composed of rules changed into countless lights and shadows.

Her beautiful eyes have changed. The transparent eyes without any impurities are shining with real starlight, and each starlight is an independent divine kingdom, composed of the intoxicating origin of the world. , has a kind of eternal beauty endowed by time.

Xu Xin can be sure that Haotian is serious. If he agrees, he will indeed be given the eternal Kingdom of God by Haotian, which is the opportunity of eternal life.

"Of course I choose to agree."

"There is an old saying in the world that everything depends on man-made efforts."

"True eternal life."

The goddess stared at Xu Xin and said, "I can give you eternal life."

"You are also my believer. Are you willing to change your rebellious thoughts and act for me?"

The goddess's eyebrows furrowed even deeper. She couldn't feel any sincerity from Xu Xin's words. Is this the hypocrisy of human beings?
But at this moment, Xu Xin could help her return to the Kingdom of God, so she chose to accept it.

"Where are you going now? Go and kill Ning Que, erase his traces, and make Master's plan completely fail."

Xu Xin gave the most reasonable suggestion, but the goddess frowned again. She knew that Xu Xin's suggestion was correct. As long as Ning Que was killed and this part of human history was wiped out, the master's plan was It was revealed, but she... seemed unwilling. The goddess was silent for a short moment, and then stopped thinking about that matter. She looked up at Xu Xin and said, "Let's go find two people first. If we want to eliminate the traces he left in the world, we need more people. "

The Goddess did not choose the least laborious method, but prepared to use a once and for all method, first difficult and then easy, first to erase all traces of the Master in the world, to erase this period of history, and then to deal with Ning Que, who was her "enemy" The time traveler.

"A drunkard and a butcher, right?"

"I know their location, let's go directly!"

Xu Xin seemed to be the most loyal servant. He did not refute the opinions of the goddess, but when executing the order, he was so bold that he directly took the soft and lubricated hand of the goddess. Countless petals flew, wrapping the two of them, and rippled the void. .

The goddess' eyebrows never seemed to relax. Xu Xin's behavior made her unhappy from the bottom of her heart. She had the laws of space herself, so why did she need this person to teleport? In addition, she felt a little hungry and wanted to eat something first.

But as the goddess who is the incarnation of heaven, she should not have these emotions and desires.

In addition, Xu Xin's natal petals were the external forces she was interested in, so she did not object to Xu Xin's behavior.

This is a small town, very small and ordinary, with only one narrow street. The houses on the street are old and simple. The market is filled with the smell of rotten vegetable leaves and chicken feces. If you smell it carefully, you can also smell salted fish. Unique odor.

The butcher's shop at the east end of the street is the only one in town. It is usually very lively during big fairs, but today it was so deserted that even the flies found it boring.

Although business is not good today, the butcher is in a good mood. He doesn't expect this butcher shop to survive anyway. At this time, he is carving the cured pork ribs smoked last winter and preparing to cook them for a while.

He heard the footsteps, looked up, and saw a man and a woman walking into the butcher shop. He was slightly startled at first, and then his eyes froze.

The butcher quickly lowered his head, raised his sharp and heavy meat knife, and prepared to continue cutting the meat.

Xu Xin walked over, patted the butcher on the shoulder, and said, "Stop pretending, you have committed a crime!"


The butcher's breathing became rapid, like that of an old man who was seriously ill. The sound of the bellows kept coming from his strong chest. The hand holding the handle of the knife trembled slightly. The sudden cut of the knife fell on his finger, but It makes the sound of gold and iron clashing.

With a click, a crack appeared on the chopping board that was nearly half a person's height, and it was chopped open. Countless grease and wood residue splattered under the chopping board. Xu Xin quickly avoided these things in disgust.

The butcher's meat chopping knife fell, and the force of the knife was endless. Not only was the meat case broken into two parts, but a very deep crack appeared on the ground. The crack was so dark that it was impossible to see how deep it was. Only faint sounds could be heard. The sound of gurgling underground water came.

On the butcher's finger, where the meat cleaver was stuck, there was only a faint white mark.

His cultivation level is actually very high, close to the seventh realm of immortality, but Yong Ye's failure last time made him lose his courage. No matter how high his cultivation level is, he is just a piece of rotten flesh. Not to mention fighting against Xu Xin, Sword Master Liu Bailai could kill this guy.

"Aren't the cured pork ribs too meaty..."

The drunkard walked in from outside the butcher's shop. When he saw the situation in the shop, the blade, and the butcher who looked like he had seen a ghost, his voice suddenly stopped.

He opened his mouth to say something, but found that a hand had fallen on his shoulder. It was another Xu Xin.

The drunkard's realm is no stronger than that of the butcher, but he has comprehended two realms of the six realms, both infinite and infinite. He has comprehended the most advanced rules of time and space in the Haotian world. It is more troublesome to deal with it, but now he can't escape. Lost.

"His wine is good."

Xu Xin took the wine flask from the drunkard and threw it to the goddess. The goddess took the flask with her jade-white palm and began to drink. Some of the wine spilled on the blue skirt, and then she finished the drink.

(End of this chapter)

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