The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 795 The opportunity Xu Xin is waiting for

Chapter 795 The opportunity Xu Xin is waiting for

"Judgment God, do you think you can stop fighting this battle if you want!"

The viewer looked at Xu Xin and said this. He has not yet achieved his goal, so how can he let go of this opponent so easily.

"Master Guan, if I don't want to win, even my master can't defeat me, so your lack of distance is nothing!"

Xu Xin's voice slowly dissipated on the spot, and the blooming fairy flowers burst out at the same time. The bright and dazzling light completely covered the unknown island in the South China Sea. When the viewer walked out with one sleeve left, Xu Xin was no longer there. The figure of the letter.

The viewer looked at the ruins around him, and then at the wooden stick still standing proudly on the ground, his eyes a little solemn.

One thing he can be sure of is that the person he fought with before was not Xu Xin's true "real body". In other words, even if he was lucky enough to seize the opportunity to deal with this true form, Xu Xin would still have a backup plan and would still appear in front of him again.

"Prince Longqing of the Yan Kingdom, who is now the God of Judgment, why did he undergo such drastic changes?"

The viewer is interested in Xu Xin. The changes that have occurred in him are of interest to Master and Haotian, and the viewer is also interested. Especially after this fight, he became more interested in Xu Xin.

"Since he became the God of Judgment, his connection with the Yan Kingdom has been almost severed. Children of the royal family are inherently weak in emotions, and family ties are not his bond."

After the viewer left, Xu Xin's figure reappeared. He walked to the wooden stick stuck on the beach of the island, stretched out his hand to hold it, but found that he couldn't pull it out at all. After trying for a moment, Xu Xin gave up. He also looked up in the direction of Xiling Taoshan.

Whether it is the goddess or the master, it seems that they are stronger than Xu Xin, but as long as Xu Xin breaks through the five realms, he will be absolutely sure to deal with them, but he is not in a hurry, and is still waiting for a better opportunity.

"As long as I know that Shouguan can still control the power of the Haotian Divine Sect, then partial compromise is also possible. The top priority is to defeat the Tang Dynasty as a whole, but I should be in charge of this matter."

As for the mere headmaster Xiong Chumo, neither Xu Xin nor the viewer took his thoughts to heart. In front of them, Xiong Chumo was just a dog standing in front of the stage. If he disobeyed, he would be punished. If he disobeyed again, he would be punished. , just kill it.

The viewer's eyes are set on Taoshan, which is very far away. Xu Xin chooses to avoid the spotlight temporarily, so that he can go to Taoshan to take over power.

"However, he seems to be a bit lecherous? It doesn't seem right. The former Prince Longqing was not a lecherous person. Could it be that he deliberately made people think that this was a weakness?"

"No distance?"

The viewer thought for a while, but found that there seemed to be no means that could definitely be used against Xu Xin. In the end, he could only sigh and said in his heart: "That's it, that's all. Since he is still a member of the Taoist sect, he shouldn't openly oppose me." ”

Now the goddess is entering the human world for the first time, and the master is at the peak of the six realms, which is considered the moment when their power is relatively strongest. If Xu Xin deals with them now, it will definitely cost a lot of money.

But all we have to do is wait, wait until the goddess' attachment to the human world deepens, and it becomes harder and harder to exert her power. When the viewer encounters failure and falls to the lowest point in life, that will be his moment of harvest.

He looked at Xiling and then at the Tang Kingdom, looking forward to the next battle. The Master would ascend to heaven to block Haotian, and he would no longer have to worry about anything in this world.

"Master, let me see how far you can go in conquering the Tang Dynasty."

Of course, it is possible that these two things will not happen because of Xu Xin, but Xu Xin is confident enough to let them happen.

The whole world is fighting against the Tang Dynasty. If the viewer loses in the decisive battle in Chang'an City, then Xu Xin will naturally take action and take over the overall situation. And if the temple owner wins, Xu Xin will take action and take his place.

... In the 3,417th year of the Xiling Emperor's reign, the Master ascended to heaven and became the moon, and the world of Haotian opened a new chapter.

After the continuous heavy rain, Taoist temples all over the world in Xiling spent many teleportation arrays to spread a message throughout the world.

So the war began. On the vast front from east to west and from south to north, the cavalry of the Xiling Temple, the armies of all countries in the world, and the believers who believed in Haotian, under the leadership of the temple priests, approached the border of the Tang Dynasty step by step. .

Peach Mountain, the sacred land of Haotian, was peaceful and quiet at this time. The peach blossoms bloomed with fragrance, and the peach petals falling on the soil showed unprecedented beauty.

On this day, bursts of Taoist bells were heard ringing from Taoshan Mountain, which puzzled the priests of the temple. The priests who did not leave with the temple's cavalry walked out of the Taoist temple to see what was going on.

Cheng Lixue walked out of the Taoist temple and supported the great priest Tianyu to walk out of the Taoist temple. After seeing the great priest Tianyu, the priests gathered outside the Taoist temple finally had a backbone.

During this period, in order to fight for the whole world to conquer the Tang Dynasty, Xiong Chumo, the headmaster of Xiling, personally went out to contact all parties. This headmaster had not given up on the idea of ​​turning the tables and attacking Xu Xin, and wanted to use this war to regain power, and Xu Xin Xinya has not yet returned to Momoyama, so the Heavenly Mandate Seat has become the current No. 1 person in Momoyama.

"I am back."

Along with this voice, a man in green clothes appeared on the top of Peach Mountain. When he saw this man, Cheng Lixue, the chief minister of Tianyu Academy, trembled.

He had seen this living saint before. Just over ten years ago, the Apocalypse Saint Wei Guangming was knocked off the throne by the Taoist in Tsing Yi and imprisoned in You Pavilion.

He is the temple master, the temple master who knows how to guard the temple. He was once defeated by Ke Haoran and Master, but was not killed or maimed.

Now that Ke Haoran has died long ago, and the Master has ascended to heaven and transformed into the moon, this temple owner may be the new invincible in the world.

And now that he appears here, is it to seize power?
Cheng Lixue's eyes were a little solemn. The relationship between Zhishou Guan and Taoshan was very special. In the past, Taoshan, including the entire Xiling Divine Cult, was just a dog raised by Zhishou Guan.

Although this sounds ugly, it is also true.

In the past, all the masters of the Tao Sect who were above the five realms went to Zhi Shou Guan. Later, those hidden masters of the Tao Sect who were disabled but not dead also went to Zhi Shou Guan.

After the master of the temple was forced to escape from the South China Sea, Taoshan became more powerful, and his attitude towards Zhishouguan was... After all, no one wants to be a dog all the time.

"The whole world is conquering the Tang Dynasty, and I will be in charge!"

The viewer's words broke Cheng Lixue's illusion and brought him back to reality. The powerful aura belonging to the Sixth Realm Saint swept through Taoshan, and countless Haotian believers knelt on the ground and worshiped.

"Greetings, Master of the Temple!"

In the end, the great priest Tianyu also knelt down, and Cheng Lixue and other priests all bowed their heads. This also meant that Zhishou Guan once again took over the power of the Taoist sect.

Of course, unlike before, the master of the temple at this time only used his strength to suppress him. He must lead the battle to defeat the Tang Dynasty in order to re-establish his majesty and make Zhishou Guan the master of Taoshan, Taoism and even Haotian. The master of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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