The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 804 Xiong Chumo’s Peak of Life

Chapter 804 Xiong Chumo’s Peak of Life
Between the green mountains and fields, countless sword lights disintegrated, revealing three figures on the scene.

Jun Mo's iron sword was held by Xu Xin's hand with his right arm, and together with his burly body, he fell at Xu Xin's feet. His breath was rapidly weakening and declining.

Liu Bai next to him was not much better. The sword intention of the river that stretched across the world disappeared, and was all swallowed up by Xu Xin, and his sword was also broken in half.

That's right, Liu Bai's sword was broken by Jun Mo. His broken sword was still some distance away from Jun Mo's throat.

Neither near nor far, just one foot in front of you.

"Cough cough..."

Liu Bai did not continue to take action, and allowed Xu Xin to swallow up the Dahe Sword Qi outside his body. He stared at Jun Mo, and then began to cough.

While he coughed, he frowned slightly and looked down at his chest from time to time.

Liu Bai can be sure that without Xu Xin's interference, he would indeed lose this battle.

The result would be that Jun Mo would lose his arm, and he would be stabbed with a sword, losing the duel.

He never imagined that Jun Mo would use this method to win, break his right arm, and lose his future. Jun Mo paid such a price but couldn't kill him Liu Bai, so what's the point?
"Second senior brother!"

Liu Bai looked at his chest, smiled again, and allowed Xu Xin to take away most of his sword energy. His smile was not lonely, only a touch of self-deprecation and emotion.

The direct disciples of several masters all used their strongest methods. Although they were all alternative cultivation methods, each one had a special and magical effect. If used well, it could be worth thousands of troops.

Xu Xin fulfilled his vow and let him fall.

From the very beginning of the battle, Jun Mo controlled multiple flying swords and calculated the final victory.

In today's battle, the seemingly proud Jun Mo has been scheming, but the seemingly calm man, Sword Master Liu Bai, failed because of his pride.

However, they faced Xu Xin, who was stronger than Liu Bai and Jun Mo.

Jun Mo used multiple flying swords to make him unable to count. Sword Saint Liu Bai is a mortal after all, and he does not have the divine fortune like Sangsang. No matter how powerful he is, he can't account for all the changes.

Liu Bai needed to calculate, but Jun Mo didn't, because he knew in his heart that all the swords were fake, and only his own iron sword was real.

"Jun Mo, you have done enough, you can stop."

The sound of the piano is urgent, the sound of the flute is keen, and there is a hidden fragrance of flowers, and the formations are densely covered.

But they haven't lost their minds yet. Knowing the current situation, they can't change anything if they rush forward. They can only watch from a distance.

Xu Xin said calmly and let go of Jun Mo's hand. Most of the latter's breath was taken away by Xu Xin, leaving only a little original energy to save his life.

"Jun Mo, you win."

Jun Mo said before that as long as he is still standing, no one can cross Qingxia.

So his final preparation was to force himself one foot in front of Liu Bai at the cost of breaking his arm.

But even so, Jun Mo's iron sword still couldn't get a foot in front of Liu Bai.

After the ruins of Qingxia, many disciples in the academy looked at Jun Mo who collapsed in front of Xu Xin, and each and every one of them was very anxious.


If Xu Xin hadn't intervened, both sides would have been injured. Liu Bai was defeated, but Jun Mo's future was worrying. The price of losing an arm is too high, and this kind of victory can only happen once.

Xu Xin swallowed Jun Mo's Haoran Qi and Liu Bai's Dahe Sword Qi one after another. The aura on his body fluctuated erratically. Then he walked towards Qingxia. Several direct disciples of the academy wanted to block the way. As soon as he waved his sleeves, everyone Flying upside down.

"Give me all your strength and stay here obediently!"

Xu Xin stretched out his hand to grasp the air, and the faint aura of heaven and earth circulated. All eight people from four to eleven in the academy flew up. Xu Xin used the suction method to take away their cultivation aura, although they were not completely destroyed. , but including Jun Mo, if you want to return to the top, you need to spend hard work and practice again, and it will take a long time. "The Oracle Seat, here, and them, I leave it to you."

"The Chief Administrative Officer and I will go to Chang'an first. You will open the Qingxia Road as soon as possible and provide support as soon as possible."

Xu Xin reaped a wave of harvest, feeling that he was full of strength now, extremely good, and then turned around and ordered the great priest Tianyu to do things.

The Great Priest of Heavenly Mandate naturally bowed to Xu Xin at this time, nodded obediently, took over Xu Xin's position, served as the temporary commander, presided over the Xiling Allied Forces, and arranged manpower to speed up the clearing of the Qingxia Passage.

Xu Xin and Ye Hongyu here had already reached the south of Chang'an City through void teleportation, just in time to witness a great battle.


In the south of Chang'an City, outside the academy, a giant chariot came slowly.

Many layers of the ten thousand layers of curtains have been torn, and there are many gaps on the railings carved from gold and jade, as well as a lot of black blood stains, but they still look solemn and solemn.

There were originally dozens of people guarding this sacred chariot, but now there are only a dozen left.

The rest of the people had died in that shocking battle under the rain at night in Xiaoshan Mountain.

Behind the thousands of layers of gauze on the divine chariot, there is a seemingly tall figure. The tall figure's left hand was broken, but it was still shining brightly.

Xiong Chumo, the headmaster of Xiling, came to the academy.

In a rainy night on Mount Xiao, he killed Xu Shi, the great general of the Tang Dynasty. He sacrificed dozens of Xiling divine guards for this, and he also paid a heavy price with his left hand.

But at this time, he was extremely excited and felt that he was stronger than before.

Xu Shi died in his hands, this was the reason.

"The Academy will surely perish, and the Tang Kingdom will also perish. For thousands of years, what countless Taoist sages and great masters have failed to do will become a reality in my hands."

"I will become the most dazzling god in the Haotian Kingdom!"


Xiong Chumo's laughter was extremely heroic and full of contentment. The thousands of gauze curtains on the sacred chariot trembled uneasily. A sudden wind rose from the mountains, stirring up a swath of pine waves and making a roaring sound. The flowing clouds crashed into the waterfall in the distance and broke into silk wadding.

When the whole world conquered the Tang Dynasty, he Xiong Chumo returned to the top and established his majesty.

First kill Xu Shi, then destroy the academy, and then destroy Chang'an. The Tang Dynasty will no longer exist.

There is no doubt that if all of these can be realized, this will be the pinnacle of his life.

At that time, he would take back the power from the throne of Judgment, and even knock the high priest of Judgment off the throne in another act of revenge.

Just when Xiong Chumo was thinking about a bright future, a person walked up the mountainside in the clouds and mist.

It was Yu Lian, the third senior sister of the academy.

She walked slowly on the mountain path.

Yu Lian is petite, has a delicate appearance, but has a gentle and mature temperament.

If you just looked at her in person, you would think she was a girl.

If you look carefully into her eyes, you will think that this is a woman who has seen everything in the world.

Looking at her on the mountain road, Xiong Chumo's laughter gradually subsided.

(End of this chapter)

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